VERY interesting case…thanksThe World Wide Web The web is supported by processing speeds that double about every eighteen months. Based on history, this is a linear progression, and by all educated accounts, its speed is expected to continue to grow at that same rate. Every ten years, its speed and resulting power increase by about 120 times. In about 45 years it will reach a point of ability to do what is being called Divine calculations. It was made available on the internet in the summer of 1991. It was proposed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee as a global hypertext project to allow people to combine their knowledge. The mark of a man. A great research tool. Christians like it, but do not worship it. It can be turned off at several points, but it is now basically impossible to turn it all off…ever, ever. The World Wide Web’s compounding growth has not and cannot be matched by any religion. It is the latest addiction and certainly takes many people out of and away from the church. A jealous God does not like losing even one soul. This Beast is here, NOW. People in the know suggest it will attain a “machine like consciousness” within a matter of years. This is noted to make the reader aware of the awesome growing power of this man-made, from the earth, World Wide Web. The technical definition of the World Wide Web is: all the resources and users on the internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http). The broader definition is: the universe of network-accessable information, an embodiment of human knowledge. Google has over six billion pages of information. They expect to grow and eventually will be able to accomadate every page ever written, all available to 2024 Weblings. On almost every Web Page that “comes up” to be seen on a monitor, the only consistent “mark” of this beast is www. To men in Jesus’ time, this enclosed “sea” of light, fire and visions were quite remarkable. At the top of every page, the light in the monitor is projecting an image of every page viewed onto and through the screen in front of you, into your eyes and onto your face. Top of the page, is the location of the Beast’s mark, right into your forehead. Look at anyone’s face from the side while they are online. You will see the image on their face, it is even clearer to see in a dark room or when they have the reflection off of eyeglasses. Put your thumb up to any light bulb and see the light penetrating into your skin, into. Obvious mark. Look at any computer, laptop or desktop, with the World Wide Web on…now picture yourself almost 2000 years ago trying to describe it. Daniel and John had never seen plastic, glass, a keyboard, or light projected electronically (all man-made from the earth). Based on John’s understanding, he best describes the feet of a bear for the keypad; leopard spots for the keys and a sea for the artifical light (fire) and all while he (John) viewed this standing on the seashore’s sand. The electronically generated, second hand, dead pan voice from computer speakers and rectangularly enclosed monitor screen would certainly seem arrogant and look like the mouth of a roaring lion to John. He saw a mouse set up for the right hand. Palm Pilots, cell phones, and credit cards are now intricately tied into Web access and are used with the right hand. The development of a new protocol system was announced in 2002. Every computer, mobile phone, digital camera or other device must be assigned a unique identification number or web address. Isaac Asimov wrote a short story, “The Last Question”, about a supercomputer named “Multivac” which ends with the computer saying, “Let there be light”. This is about one sixth of the document that is at the Vatican. For a full copy, including Bible references and quotes of confirmation from learned people, call Daryl 661.703.4444 IHS