Who is the anti-Christ?

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well, the passage you picked, seems to exonerate
the church… if you don’t stop reading at
1 john 2:19… cause in the next verses it says,

20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.
21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

so, if you know of instances where the church has denied
Jesus being Christ, then you might be right…

plus verse 20, seems to be pointing to something similar to
that infallibility you were talking about…
I have always fancied that the anti-christ will turn out to be somehting of our own creation - i.e. a genetically engineered / cloned human being

Perhaps I’ve been reading too much sci-fi
There have been many antichrist’s since Christ’s time, but my Dogma book says that near the “Day of the Lord,” near the Parousia, or the Second (and final) Coming, there will be a Man of Sin, a person who is the MOST influenced by the Devil in all of humanity’s history, and it is the most sinful man in history of humanity that is the literal Antichrist.

Is he living now? This is the question.

I can’t answer this. If he’s living now, then we’re nearing the Second Coming and the purification of the world by fire!

I actually have a list in my mind of possilble candidates. It is fun to play the “Antichrist Guessing Game:”
  1. Javier Solana
  2. The King of Syria (can’t remember his name)
  3. Bishop William Swing
  4. Matthew Fox
  5. Billionaire Theosophists supporting the United Religions initiative such as George Lucas and George Souros (spelling?).
  6. Possibly George Bush … but … I’m doubting it. Also, I voted for him twice, so I really hope not.
  7. Mahmoud Abbas
  8. That cleric in Iraq who was causing trouble … the one wearing a bluish turban … uh??? … Mohammed Omar. He’s young.
  9. Some people point to some obscure guy named Maitreya, but I’m not even sure he exists.
  10. Bill Clinton. LOL! (doubt it)
  11. Ambassador Dennis Ross
  12. Bin Laden
  13. Pretty much anyone who has a lot of money and influence and who (before his 3.5 year reign secretly) opposes the Church could be our guy, and then again, he may not even be born for another thousand years.
It is fun to guess though.
It is too early to say , may I suggest Ariel Sharon . He is not very kind to his own and disrupting God’s plan for Israel which will affect everybody.
lol… well, i’ve been guilty of that myself… in fact…
i’m re-reading ‘battlefield earth’ right now… filling
the coffers of the Scientologists… lol

but, i have to admit, i don’t spend a lot of time
worrying about the anti-christ and end of the
world stuff… i just try to take it day by day…

When we study the Book of Revelation, we need to bear in mind that it uses apocalyptic symbolism and is both prophetical and historical. For example, the number of the Beast, 666, most probably refers to the Emperor Nero, the first, significant, Roman persecutor of Christians. In the last 1,900-plus years, there have been many other anti-Christs, such as Mohammed, the Albigensians, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Napoleon, Karl Marx, Darwin, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Saddam, and on and on. However, there is also The Anti-Christ, who will appear in conjunction with the Second Coming and the Last Days.
Yes, exactly.

There is a book of prophecies written by Rev. Culleton from tanbooks called Reign of Antichrist. Now, not all of these prophets are approved by the Church. I think the author, basically, wanted a big mishmash of prophecies. He even includes Nostradamus.

If you read this book, you’ll see that the prophecies all have a general theme (but also contradict one another!):
  1. the Reign of Antichrist (when he is a person) lasts for 3.5 years as an antithesis to Christ’s 3.5 year visible ministry.
  2. The Antichrist will rule at a time of severe geological changes.
  3. He will appear to perform great wonders and miracles.
  4. He will be seen as a savior.
  5. For a short time, the Jews will declare him Messiah, but then, the Jews will leave him and there will be a universal conversion of the Jews to Catholicism. Some sources say that the “Two Witnesses,” Enoch and Elias, will bring this about, and others say some other event will prompt universal conversion to Christ.
  6. The antichrist will basically have control over the whole world.
  7. He will force people to take a mark to buy or sell (sounds a lot like the new implantable ATM cards called Verichips). This is forbidden, and a guarantee of Hell.
  8. He will at first appear non-aggressive towards Christians, but he will never admit to the Incarnation.
  9. There will be some sort of One World Church that the antichrist controls. The United Religions, sister organization to the UN based at the Presidio in San Francisco, sounds exactly like the One World Church of the Antichrist, accepting many faiths as one. By the way, the only churches that won’t have anything to do with the UR at present are the Catholics, Anglicans, Orthodox Church and Muslims! Cardinal Ratzinger, (before he was Pope) actually insinuated that the UR is the Anti-Church.
  10. Near the end of the 3.5 year reign, the Antichrist will go into a rage and kill any Catholic in sight. We will be killed and rise to join the Lord in the Air. (Not raptured). The AC will also try to kill the Pope. Some prophecies say he succeeds, some say not. At that last moment, the Last trumpet sounds.
  11. A human instrument prompted by The Word will kill the Antichrist.
  12. Somewhere in all this fits a person called “The Great Monarch,” who supposedly leads the armies of the righteous against the Antichrist???
  13. The prophecies of Malachy point to the figure, Petrus Romanus,as being the Pope living during the Second Coming and the one to lead the Church during the persecution of the Antichrist. Where are we now? Benedict XVI is Gloria Olivae. The Pope to follow Benedict is called, by Malachy, Petrus Romanus, or Peter II. One more pope to go, supposedly. Then again, the Papacy of Petrus Romanus may simply mark the end of the Fifth age of the Church.
Some prophecies also point towards a big Chastisement. What is unclear is whether this Great Chastisement is the same event as the purification of the world by fire and the Parousia of the Day of the Lord. I don’t know for sure. After the purification by fire comes the Resurrection and the transformation of the Earth into Paradise, not the end of the Earth.

I think the Antichrist will be like a serpent, sort of hard to spot, hiding under a rock until the last moment. He’ll be camoflagued, hiding in the grass for awhile, and then will strike at the heel of the woman (the Church) and when he does, we THE CHURCH will stomp him out!!!

Hell shall not prevail against her, and it will be the Catholic Church who defeats the Antichrist.
This is a question that has troubled fundamentalists for centuries. They have come up with as many answers as there are fundamentalists. So let’s solve this once and for all. Who do you think the anti-Christ is and why?
How about Rev. Sun Yung Moon?

He claims Christ was a failure (sexually) and that he has come to replace Him.

He wields great (insider) political power. Jerry Falwell ($3.5 million) (apologeticsindex.org/u01.html) and other “conservatiove” Christians have taken money from him, as have Democrats and others. He has crews of young women and men who offer their sexual services for favors to congress people. He owns (at least partial interest in) the Washington Times. He was coronated in the Dirksen Senate office building in 2004 by Danny K. Davis, D-IL. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rev_Moon_crowned.jpg,

Barbara Bush joined Moon’s wife on a trip to Japan, where Barabra called her a “sister”. Guess the Bushes needed funding for little Georges campaign.

"In September 1995 George and Barbara Bush gave six speeches for the Women’s Federation for World Peace, a front group led by Moon’s wife Hak Ja Han Moon. In one speech to 50,000 Moon supporters, the elder George Bush insisted that what really counts is “faith, family and friends.” Hak Ja Han Moon followed the former President to the podium and said it has to be "Reverend Moon to save the U.S., which is in decline because of the family and moral decay."12

On November 22nd 1996, the elder Bush spoke at a reception in Buenos Aires, inaugurating Tiempos del Mundo, a Moonie-backed daily newspaper. With Moon sitting just a few chairs away, Bush praised the cult leader. "I want to salute Rev. Moon, who is the founder of the Washington Times and also Tiempo del Mundo. A lot of my friends in South America don’t know about the Washington Times, but it is an independent voice. Editors of the Washington Times tell me that never once has the man with the vision interfered with the running of the paper. A paper that, in my view, brings sanity to Washington."13

The South American press hammered away at Moon’s history and showed his connections to some of the continent’s worst right-wing military dictatorships. They also examined Moon’s connections to the drug cartels that, in cooperation with former Nazi Klaus Barbie, helped stage a coup d’etat in Bolivia in 1980.14 Moon and his friends had been the money men, and worked closely with the Nazi/drug cartel coup leaders. But thanks to Bush, “Once again heaven turned a disappointment into a victory.” declared the Unification Times, which was very pleased with Bush’s comments about Moon’s latest endeavors.15 One year later, Rev. Moon donated one million dollars to the George Bush Presidential Library in Texas. "


He is part of the CIA / spy apparatus starting during the Korean war, and now owns hundreds of front companies (freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/m/moonies/front_groups.htm). He is basically a billioinare mad man that thinks he is god, and has very significant influence in Washington DC.



Delusion, something like giving you a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning that he’s with Christ, boastfully saying that Christ is more than everything or his own life! That’s the anti-Christ, but actually their main intention is destroy the church of Christ, they’re been false-guided, with false-hope. They’re all blind and they don’t know what they’re doing. Now who’s trying to throw stones to Christ’s church? Who’s condemning the church? I know you know. We’re just defending it!
My greatest concern would be what Scripture tells us…‘even the elect will be deceived…’. I pray to God that He have mercy on my soul if I am still around that is…
Thankfully, the scriptures never say that the elect will be deceived. Rather, Jesus says:

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24, emphasis mine)

The false prophets and Christs will try to deceive even the elect if possible. But nowhere does Christ say that they will succeed. He says in Matthew 24:22 that the days of trial have been shortened for the sake of the elect.

Thankfully, the scriptures never say that the elect will be deceived. Rather, Jesus says:

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24, emphasis mine)

The false prophets and Christs will try to deceive even the elect if possible. But nowhere does Christ say that they will succeed. He says in Matthew 24:22 that the days of trial have been shortened for the sake of the elect.

The “elect” will be known only after the time of trial, won’t they?

In other words, those who claim (in a certain manner) to be the elect are by that very fact not the elect? That is, the deception will be stronger than reason. Perhaps this means that it will come through ‘the image’?..or something like that…
I’ve never thought of it this way, but maybe Adam is the anti-Christ.

It’s like, Adam brought us the human part of us, and Christ brought the divine part of us.

Everyday we struggle with worldly (Adam) against divine (Christ) thoughts, feeling, and motivations.

These forces, passed along to us by original sin and baptism, are mixed in us both.

Therefore, I never claim to say anything good, or that even if I quote God that I have spoken it in a “good” context. Same way with saying anything bad.

Yes, I say things I’m glad I said or sorry I said, but those are emotions not judgments of sinfulness.

Once during my more severe psychotic episodes, I believed for a while that I was the anti-Christ. Eventually I came to determine that I was not, because I am a human being and that I was baptized.

Why does that keep me from being the anti-Christ? Well, I reasoned that being baptized and confirmed means that somewhere, even if carefull hidden, there is a light inside of me that I can neither deny or extinguish. I can only hide it. The problem is, whenever I open my mouth I reveal what’s in my heart so no matter how tricky or evil I am, even if that’s my goal such as if I were a satan worshipper, I cannot help but say words that comprise a mixture of good and bad fruit.

After all, if I was good, my tongue could not bear bad fruit and I’m pretty sure it has from time to time. So I can’t be good.

If I was bad, my tongue could not bear good fruit, and I’m pretty sure it has from time to time.

Therefore I can neither be good nor bad, so I am either indifferent and thereby neither good nor bad (which God doesn’t like) or I am a mixture of good and bad, meaning I’m neither completely divine or completely human. Trying to decide what is good or bad is partly what drove me into severe bipolar illness.

Another way to look at anti-Christ as far as his effects on this planet, is to consider him as satan. I don’t know enough doctrine to know if this idea conflicts with Church teachings, but here’s my idea anyway. Satan if the prince of this world, therefore anything physical is subject to his influence, including our bodies and minds. Christ is the way, the truth, and the light, and anybody who has seen any of it is drawn toward it despite their evil twin lurking inside.

Therefore, an engineering model of the anti-Christ might be those carnal forces within our own minds and bodies that draw us away from what is good. Wasn’t Hitler baptized? Then I figure he’s off the hook for being anti-Christ under my theory. It’s just that his anti-Christ component had more control over the Christ component of himself in determining his actions.

Herry, you are pretty good at taking things out of context…no, Mary wasn’t crucified for us (however, she was more united to Christ’s sufferings than any of us ever will be…), nor do Catholics teach that we worship Mary - we honor her as the Mother of God. Christ would’ve honored her more than any of us could, and we imitate Him.

And by saying that the Catholic Church is the anti-Christ, then you would indirectly be saying that we got the Bible from the anti-Christ…interesting.
My Firend,

Alot has happened to the church in the past 2000 years. I urge you to trace the history of the true apostolic church by testing its doctrines, rather than beleiveing Rome becasue they tell you to upon pains of excommunication. Rome says “tradition is equal with scripture”. But are you willing to elevate tradition above scripture? There are dozens of churches that were never part of the Catholic Church, which make it clear to us that Rome’s aposolicity may be a fabrication. In the 1st-4th century, many churches went into hiding because of what they saw going on in Rome. Jesus told his followers to go into hiding at a certain point (Matthew 24:15-20, Revelation ch.12). If the Church of Rome is not apostolic, it sure is something…

“There is nothing [pg. 172] between these extremes. Most true is this alternative. The Catholic Church is either the masterpiece of Satan or the kingdom of the Son of God”

–Henry Edward Manning, Archbishop of Westminster, The Fourfold Sovereignty of God, 2nd edition, London, Burns, Oates & Company, 17, 18 Portman Street, and 63 Paternoster Row, 1872, pgs. 171-172. (Archbishop Manning was elevated to Cardinal in 1875.)

“And another serious question is this, whether we ought not to be very sure before we assert that a branch of Christ’s Church, not merely has evil extensively prevailing within it, but is actually the kingdom of evil, the kingdom of God’s enemy; considering that, if it be not the [pg. 116] kingdom of darkness, it is the Church, the dwelling-place of the Most High. The question really lies, be it observed, between those two alternatives, either the Church of Rome is the house of God or the house of Satan; there is no middle ground between them”

–Cardinal John Henry Newman, Essays Critical & Historical, Volume II, 10th Edition, London, Longmans, Green & Co., and New York, 15 East 16th Street, 1890, pgs. 115, 116.
I agree that Benjemin Creme is basically the John the Baptist of the antichrist Meitraya. Be very careful to pray for protection before you read anything on him. They even offer his magazine in the library!
I agree with both Lisa4Catholics (#38) and FaithfulLvng (#63). This is a very scary group.

I just now listened to an interview from 7/19/05 ( endtime.com/radiohtm.asp#archive ), where Benjamin Creme did say (and repeated it) “Jesus is not the Christ. Jesus was a symbol of the Christ overshadowed by Maitreya.” (about 37 minuites into the program)

Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father. He who confesses the Son has the Father also. (1 John 2:22 - 23)

I’m going to quote from my second favorite religious book (number one being the Bible) and that is Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, written in 1955 by Dr. Ludwig Ott. Imprimatur. I like this book because it contains all the Infallible Dogmas in bold print, stating them clearly and consisely.

There are things written in the Teaching Deposit about the Signs of the Second Coming. I’m going to only focus on the appearance of antichrist. Omitted sections, will be paraphrased (…). If you wish to know the full explanations, I’ll be happy to post them later…

Signs of the Second coming pp. 486-487, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
a. Preaching of the whole gospel to the whole world …
b. Conversion of the Jews …
c. Falling away from the faith …
d. The appearance of Antichrist The falling-away from the Faith stands in a causal connection with the appearance of Antichrist. 2 Thess 2, 3:“unless there be a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.” He appears in the power of Satan, works apparent miracles, in order to lead men astray into the falling-away from the truth and into unrighteousness, and to cast them into the destruction (V. 9-11). [Golden Arrow’s note: I think the “V” reference is to the Vulgate??]. The Lord Jesus will, on His arrival, kill him “with the spirit of his mouth,” that is, destroy him with a power proceeding from him (V. 8). The name Antichrist is first used by St. John (1 John 2, 18. 22; 4,3; 2 John 2, 7); but he also designates the false teachers, who speak in the spirit of Antichrist, by this name. According to Saints Paul and John, Antichrist is to appear as a definite human personality who is the instrument of Satan. The Didiache speaks of a “seducer of the world” (16, 4).
e. Severe tribulations …

Basically, the Antichrist first comes as a spirit who works through the minds of the unrighteous, and the most unrighteous are termed, “antichrists.” There are many Antichrists: Hitler, Nero, Stalin, etc… However, near the Second Coming, the Spirit of Antichrist roams the world, searching for souls to devour, speaks through a multitude of false prophets, and also manifests itself in the culmination of all human sin and evil in a real definite person called THE Antichrist, Son of Perdition. The actual person of the Antichrist is the one human being MOST influenced by Satan in all history of Humanity, in a nutshell.

If we’re living in the time period that is near the Second Coming, we have three problems: 1) Spirit of Antichrist creating many unrighteous people and many Antichrists simultaneously 2) Spirit of Antichrist speaking through a huge host of false prophets (just look at all the self-proclaimed “visionaries” and “seers”!!!) 3) Spirit of Antichrist being the embodiment of a single human personality, i.e. a person completely possessed by Satan, so much so, that he no longer has a soul. This last person, the Son of Perdition has complete control of group number one and group number two, through the power of the Devil.
How could a “falling away” ever occur externally? It seems like it would have to be a falling away of the mind and heart - at least at first. I know that this was mentioned above as one of the possible scenarios…

The Passion of the Christ still seems like the best candidate.

To me it seems obvious that this movie came about because of a universal (among the orthodox) frustration with God’s inaction (read: his infinite mercy) on our part against those who persecute us in this insane world. Did we drag the Lord down from heaven with this movie? Are we saying to him, “Now, do the job you were supposed to do!”

And now, how would we react if He told us that he had nothing to do with the making of The Passion? Would we be angry with Him even more?
How could a “falling away” ever occur externally? It seems like it would have to be a falling away of the mind and heart - at least at first. I know that this was mentioned above as one of the possible scenarios…

The Passion of the Christ still seems like the best candidate.

To me it seems obvious that this movie came about because of a universal (among the orthodox) frustration with God’s inaction (read: his infinite mercy) on our part against those who persecute us in this insane world. Did we drag the Lord down from heaven with this movie? Are we saying to him, “Now, do the job you were supposed to do!”

And now, how would we react if He told us that he had nothing to do with the making of The Passion? Would we be angry with Him even more?
I do not remember who said this (Padre Pio?), but basically, this person said that the faithful are constantly praying to God to deliver us, protect us, etc. At some point when things get really bad and many innocents are suffering intolerably, the faithful will start praying for the destruction of this world to stop the suffering. I do not know if we have gotten to this point yet, but with rampant abortion and other issues, we are approaching it.

I do not remember who said this (Padre Pio?), but basically, this person said that the faithful are constantly praying to God to deliver us, protect us, etc. At some point when things get really bad and many innocents are suffering intolerably, the faithful will start praying for the destruction of this world to stop the suffering. I do not know if we have gotten to this point yet, but with rampant abortion and other issues, we are approaching it.

We must remember that everything (aside from sin) comes from the hand of God, and He directs all things for our best. “For gold and silver are tried in the fire, but acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation.” Eccl. 2:5
I think the anti-Christ is Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada, for introducing and passing same-sex marriage legislation recently:confused:

At the very least he shouldn’t be able to get away with calling himself a “good Catholic” and Archbishop Gervais of Ottawa, instead of thinking the PM a valued member of his flock should deny him Holy Communion.
Well we do not see it, but we created this anti-Christ. Actually the MONEY, the wealth that we’re thinking helpful to us. But this will surely grab the Lord away from our heart.

Think about it, if you have no more job or no money at all, you will turn to God to pray to give you money, something like we’re going to God because of this money but not actually seeking for His kingdom. Simply all of us seeking this first than God, we’re afraid to become poor, we always praying this. The root of all evil and it’s everywhere. Felt tortured without money, but comparing how do we really feel whithout God in our life? It’s far nothing if you have a lot of money! :confused:
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