Who were Adam's womb based parents?

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Here is another, God the Holy Spirit begot Jesus, the Son.

God is always called My Father , by Jesus.

God created Adam. …
Do you understand that Catholics read Genesis with an deep appreciation for symbolism?
It’s right in those references to the Catechism.
Do YOU understand that other Catholics read it differently and are in line with Church teachings?

Honestly, no need to be so snippy, it is an established fact that there are creationist within the Church and the Church has said there is NOTHING wrong with this…
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And I still assert that

Parent = mother or father.

Jesus , begotten by God the Holy Spirit, asserted God to be His Father.

And Jesus taught us this.
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Do you understand that Catholics read Genesis with an deep appreciation for symbolism?
It’s right in those references to the Catechism.
Do YOU understand that other Catholics read it differently and are in line with Church teachings?

Honestly, no need to be so snippy, it is an established fact that there are creationist within the Church and the Church has said there is NOTHING wrong with this…
At the same time, fideism is specifically rejected by the Church, as is fundamentalism. The interpretation you foisted of Genesis proposes fundamentalism.
Just some food for thought on the relationship between faith and reason.

It’s amazing that when confronted with Church teaching, I am accused of being snippy.

EDUCATE YOURSELF PLEASE. (there, that’s snippy)
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You took my point about God being Adams parent as a truly biological one , didn’t you, sperm, egg, conception.

Stop and think.
And don’t ask for quotes to prove elementary points.
Is it too hard for you? :cry:
You have a responsibility as an adult to educate yourself in the faith.
And this is a solemn responsibility.
Thanks Mom, I’ll remember that for sure :roll_eyes:
I will play this game one time, and you are an adult, and we should be past this already.
Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today 😛
An odd reply. What do paintings have to do with anything? Adam and Eve are special creations. Trying to add souls to science will not work. It does not add up. What evolutionary ancestors? Challenging scripture using science? Science has nothing to say about spiritual truths.
Adam was created by God. God was his parents. No womb
This is what I asserted.

I did not say Adam had no womb. I said No womb involved, unless you want to use the space on the ground God made when creating Adam as a symbolic womb.

God was both parents, Father and Mother, God created Adam. Then God parented Adam in a human way , in teaching Adam about the earth and giving Adam the responsibility of caring for the Garden and all creatures God created.

Here’s one, including woman! Adam was given the responsibility of caring for woman too.

Waits for the feminists…
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Your responses and tone are combative and “snippy” and in no way “loving” as Catholics are intended and taught to be…

I have engaged you kindly, you have not returned this kindness.

I would like to continue a conversation with you, but not at the sake of being insulted for my belief.
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You misread what I wrote, take notice of commas and think about what is being said goout.

But that’s ok, I do it lots on here too, misread what’s written, then go like a bull to a red rag on it.

It’s something we all need to overcome.
God fashioned man from the earth and breathed life into his Nostrils
no where does this imply evolution of species.
No where does this contradict evolution of species either.
… unless one presumes a strict literalistic interpretation of the beginning of Genesis. Which, as it were, the Church doesn’t impose on us. 😉
“no real disagreement can exist between the theologian and the scientist provided each keeps within his own limits. . . . If nevertheless there is a disagreement . . . it should be remembered that the sacred writers, or more truly ‘the Spirit of God who spoke through them, did not wish to teach men such truths (as the inner structure of visible objects) which do not help anyone to salvation’; and that, for this reason, rather than trying to provide a scientific exposition of nature, they sometimes describe and treat these matters either in a somewhat figurative language or as the common manner of speech those times required, and indeed still requires nowadays in everyday life, even amongst most learned people” (Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus 18).
I see that stuff as a big pile of 🐂:poop:
I doubt that there are a great number of scientists who will take your observations seriously. BTW, what is your expertise in the area of anthropology or human evolutionary biology? What is your expertise in this area? Have you written many books or articles or have you collaborated with any scientists in the area?
I doubt that there are a great number of scientists who will take your observations seriously
Do I seem like someone who really cares?
BTW, what is your expertise in the area of anthropology or human evolutionary biology? What is your expertise in this area? Have you written many books or articles or have you collaborated with any scientists in the area?
Would that make me worthy to discuss this secular dogma? Would I be allowed to approach the holy altar of evolution?

Seriously, who cares :man_shrugging:t2:
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