If a person is reincarnated or chooses to be reincarnated, how does he/she know in his/her reincarnated state, what lessons he/she needs to learn?
As I believe I may have stated previously, I believe that person will be reincarnated into a situation where they will need to learn certain lessons.
At what age will that person know he/she has been reincarnated
Maybe never until after death. But through meditation, dreams, prayers, etc. it can be possible.
When a person chooses to be reincarnated, can he/she choose the womb that will carry him/her? Or is it just a hit and miss situation?
They will be reincarnated into a situation appropriate for any lessons they may need to learn.
When is the decision to be reincarnated made?
After death, in the Summerland.
How will they know that they have reached the point that they have learned the necessary lessons?
Again, in the afterlife.
When does this reincarnation process end?
If they are choosing to be reincarnated, then when they choose. If it is to learn a lesson, when that lesson is learned.
Since you say that all people regardless of what type of life they have lived, eventually go to this place you call Summerland, then what is the point of trying to “learn certain lesson in life”?
Life is sacred, and is important to learn how to treat others and yourself. I believe that the Summerland is a paradise without hate, jealousy, prejudice, etc. As death is just part of the cycle of life, I feel it is important to learn how to treat others during life.
Where will that be? Here on earth or someplace else? But what if we do not want to be with this divinity? Will that divinity force us to be with him/her? Where do we go?
I already addressed these questions in previous posts.
You said “If you lie to someone, it can be very harmful and will come back to you in the end.” What type of consequence is that?
Ok, personal example: I lied to my boyfriend about something. When he found out, we argued over the phone, my mother picked up, formed a negative opinion about him. I still wanted to see him, they began making it harder, problems begin to grow, finally reaches it’s peak w/ argument w/ my parents, my dad slaps me, I stay with my bf & his mother, DSS eventually makes me go home, things don’t get any better, I get kicked out, go back w/ my bf & mom, then w/ a friend, and now I have an apartment w/ my bf and no longer talk to my parents. Awww. Wasn’t that a pleasant story?
What end is that, and what does it matter if we still end up in Summerland?
The end is death, and what does it matter how Christians act as long as they believe in Jesus and “repent”? They’ll all end up in heaven anyway.
As I have said before, I am still learning about reincarnation and forming my beliefs on it, so I am answering to the best of my ability. I do not know everything about it, and never claimed to. However, there are many good books out there that you can read if you would like more information.