BJ Colbert:
BJ Colbert:
We’ve been doing things His way for close to two millennia.
BJ Colbert:
Where does Scripture say that marriage and parenthood are the most important parts of life, or is that merely your opinion?
BJ Colbert:
BJ Colbert:
BJ Colbert:
BJ Colbert:
So many things in the Book of Mormon conflict with the Old and New Testament that it calls the entire LDS religion into question. Try working your way through the articles posted in the library of Catholic Answers; if you can offer a point-by-point refutation of the claims made in those articles without referring to the Book of Mormon as authoritative (because that is what is under examination here), we’ll listen to you. But I’ll say to you what I said to BYU-BOY: leave the “burning in the breast” garbage out of it. We are not dealing with strange feelings or irrationalisms here; we are proceeding from cold logic.
If you can’t do that, then stand back and let real Scripture scholars (Katholikos comes to mind) speak.
Yes; it’s called an annullment, which means that a valid marriage did not exist. (It’s also not quite as simple as you make it sound.) If the marriage was not valid, then annulling does not fall under the category of putting asunder what God has joined.When my husband was married to his first wife in a Mass. After they divorced he was not allowed communion. … Within a week they had absolved him of all sin and sent a priest to our home to tell him to say 30 hail marys and he was totally forgiven. Now, how did that happen after over 25 years of being told there was no hope? Can you explain?
BJ Colbert:
Christ was not a prophet; He is the Son of God. He established His Church with apostles who had all authority to ordain others; He also set one apostle, Peter, over the others as first among equals. We call them bishops and popes.Why is the Catholic church not set up as Jesus set up his church when he was on earth with a prophet and 12 apostles?
We’ve been doing things His way for close to two millennia.
BJ Colbert:
That is a custom of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, and is not universal across all the ritual traditions of Catholicism. (Read more about other rites here .) It is a Biblical way for priests and nuns to focus their attentions on their service to God.Why does the Catholic church have priests and nuns who are not allowed to marry and have children, when that is the most important part of life.
Where does Scripture say that marriage and parenthood are the most important parts of life, or is that merely your opinion?
BJ Colbert:
Romans baptize by pouring, just as John the Baptist did; Methodists sprinkle.What scripture tells you to give up baptizing by emersion as Jesus taught, and baptize by sprinkling?
BJ Colbert:
Because Jesus told us that:What makes you believe so fervently that the Catholic church is the one and only true church?
- Peter was the Rock upon which He would build His Church; and
- The gates of Hell would not prevail against it (i.e., it would not fail).
BJ Colbert:
Some people think L. Ron Hubbard was the real deal, too. Faith is a wonderful thing; so is using your brain. Joseph Smith was a convicted con man; Hubbard was a bad science-fiction writer.I believe The Book of Mormon is true, because I have faith that it is, the same faith I have that … Joseph Smith … restored the Church of Jesus Christ in its original form upon the earth.
BJ Colbert:
No, a few will not suffice. To follow the test explicitly, you must evaluate all of Smith’s prophecies; if any one does not prove true, then he is a false prophet.In the days of ancient Israel and effective method of testing the claims of a professed prophet was prescribed. … Of the many predictions uttered by Joseph Smith and already fulfilled or awaiting the set time of their realization, a few citations will suffice.
So many things in the Book of Mormon conflict with the Old and New Testament that it calls the entire LDS religion into question. Try working your way through the articles posted in the library of Catholic Answers; if you can offer a point-by-point refutation of the claims made in those articles without referring to the Book of Mormon as authoritative (because that is what is under examination here), we’ll listen to you. But I’ll say to you what I said to BYU-BOY: leave the “burning in the breast” garbage out of it. We are not dealing with strange feelings or irrationalisms here; we are proceeding from cold logic.
If you can’t do that, then stand back and let real Scripture scholars (Katholikos comes to mind) speak.