Rush talks too much about himself and golf.:tsktsk:
Sean Hanity seems very angry recently and everything is liberal this and conservative that!!! gets boring pretty quickly.:tsktsk:
I enjoyed Medved’s show–but the communists here in Eugene pulled his show and replaced it with some liberal garbage, so I haven’t heard him in a while.:crying:
Laura Ingram…riiiiiiiiiight…uh no
Snow…heard his show from Portland a few times…seemed like Hanity.
The best, after Catholic Answers Live, is The Savage Nation.
Mike Savage tells it like it is and doesn’t drone on ( a la Rush) about how wonderful he is all day. Of course the pinkos here in Eugene said that Savage was too distasteful, so they replaced him with the Phil Hendrie show!!! Wow!!! (if you’ve ever heard Phil Hendrie then you’ll know that substitution made no sense–Hendrie is actually a step down in the taste department).
Fortunately, I still get Savage from Portland, otherwise I would have moved.