Who's your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?

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Just curious about who the favorites are. Laura Ingraham is probably my favorite to listen to. Rush has excellent political analysis – provided you can cut through his “entertaining” radio persona.

I’m curious to hear Tony Snow, but we don’t get him in this area yet.
Dr. Bennett is the best! I can listen to his “Morning in America” show without having my blood pressure rise. He can disagree without being disagreeable. We can all learn much from the information presented on Dr. Bennett’s show.

By the way, he makes a point of informing his radio audience that he is a Roman Catholic and is faithful to the Magisterium. He often does this to point his opinions in context, kind of like “full disclosure” LOL
I wish I could hear Bill Bennett’s show, he’s awesome. As it stand tho, having never heard Bennett’s show I would have to vote for Neal Boortz (boortz.com)
Dr. Laura has made some anti-catholic comments in the past. That turned me off, so I voted for Sean Hannity
Jerry Usher 👍
Wish I had thought of Jerry before I cast my vote 😦 Sorry Jerry!
I do however like Medved, he makes a great effort to have guests with whom he disagrees. What I can’t figure out is why they keep coming back. :confused:
Dr. Laura has made some anti-catholic comments in the past. That turned me off, so I voted for Sean Hannity
Isn’t Dr. Laura the radio psychologist from a Jewish background? I don’t think Laura Ingraham is Dr. Laura. I enjoy Laura Ingraham; never have listened to Dr. Laura.

Rush talks too much about himself and golf.:tsktsk:

Sean Hanity seems very angry recently and everything is liberal this and conservative that!!! gets boring pretty quickly.:tsktsk:

I enjoyed Medved’s show–but the communists here in Eugene pulled his show and replaced it with some liberal garbage, so I haven’t heard him in a while.:crying:

Laura Ingram…riiiiiiiiiight…uh no:rolleyes:

Snow…heard his show from Portland a few times…seemed like Hanity.:sleep:

The best, after Catholic Answers Live, is The Savage Nation. :cool: Mike Savage tells it like it is and doesn’t drone on ( a la Rush) about how wonderful he is all day. Of course the pinkos here in Eugene said that Savage was too distasteful, so they replaced him with the Phil Hendrie show!!! Wow!!! (if you’ve ever heard Phil Hendrie then you’ll know that substitution made no sense–Hendrie is actually a step down in the taste department).

Fortunately, I still get Savage from Portland, otherwise I would have moved. 🙂
From your list I’d say Laura Ingraham…she keeps the show fun.

Otherwise, my all-time favorite is Dennis Prager. Sure, he’s not a Catholic, but he’s extremely wise and very level headed.
I love to listen to Dr.Dobson, I have read all of his books, I really enjoy the focus on the family show.
I love Dr. Laura- she really socks it to people when they deserve it. Unfortunately, they don’t play her in my area anymore, ever since the homosexuals started protesting.
I can’t stand Rush, though- he’s got a HUGE ego!
Catholic - Jerry Usher (Catholic Answers Live)
non-Catholic - Dennis Prager (Jewish)
I listen to Michael Savage, Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan. Each has a different emphisis and I listen to at different times.
I cannot seriously listen to so-called conservatives who lead personal lives contrary to those principles that I hold as conservative. Men preparing to divorce their third wife or who rack up mind-boggling gambling debts are not conservative.

And Sean Hannity rejects the Church’s teacing on contraception.

This was a toughie!

I love Sean Hannity and also Laura Ingram. She was recently featured in the National Catholic Register. A new convert!

Sean is growing in his faith day by day. You can hear it. I am hopeful that someday soon he will have a good understanding of revealed Truth and Catholic doctrine (he has a way to go yet ;-).

Rush, however, is just always “the man”.
This was a toughie!

Sean is growing in his faith day by day. You can hear it. I am hopeful that someday soon he will have a good understanding of revealed Truth and Catholic doctrine (he has a way to go yet ;-).

Rush, however, is just always “the man”.
Right now I would label Hannity as a “Cafeteria Catholic”. He state a few months ago he did see a place for contraception.
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