Who's your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?

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Good point, bquinnan. The constant promotion of her favorite new bands/cds gets annoying.
The other favorite is Larry Elder. He’s intelligent, witty and hilarious. He’s also a self-proclaimed libertarian but one who is against abortion. He prefers adoption.
Larry Elder may “prefer” adoption, but he opposes laws against abortion. He does argue that Roe v. Wade was a flawed decision and thinks the issue should be left up to the states, but it’s clear he’d oppose the law even then.

I had a running e-mail exchange with him on this one – I saved all the messages. I didn’t change his mind, but I think I shook him up.
That’s my original point about Boortz. He’s libertarian and therefore, says he doesn’t believe that government should play any role – one way or the other – in abortion.
Just FYI, many libertarians are opposed to legalized abortion, although not the majority. There is a Web site called “Libertarians for Life” at www.l4l.org.
Rush, and Hannity are just far-right versions of the far-left…
they sit there throwing bombs just like the liberals…
Boortz and O’Reilly seem to be a little more even-handed…
My favorite is Micheal Savage! He’s very entertaining and pretty much says what everyone else is afraid to say…
I can’t get over the fact that some folks don’t know the difference between Laura Ingraham and Dr. Laura Slesinger. :hmmm:
Thank you for telling me Dr. Laura’s last name. I don’t listen to her but ever since reading this thread I’ve been trying to think of it. Now I’ll have to find some other stupid piece of trivia to worry about!!
Larry Elder may “prefer” adoption, but he opposes laws against abortion. He does argue that Roe v. Wade was a flawed decision and thinks the issue should be left up to the states, but it’s clear he’d oppose the law even then.

I had a running e-mail exchange with him on this one – I saved all the messages. I didn’t change his mind, but I think I shook him up.
I stand corrected, thanks.
Bud Stewart:
Dr. Bennett is the best! I can listen to his “Morning in America” show without having my blood pressure rise. He can disagree without being disagreeable. We can all learn much from the information presented on Dr. Bennett’s show.

By the way, he makes a point of informing his radio audience that he is a Roman Catholic and is faithful to the Magisterium. He often does this to point his opinions in context, kind of like “full disclosure” LOL
I read recently that we are not supposed to state we are “Roman” Catholics, as that term was used by Protestants after the Reformation. I used to use that term but now I state I am a “Catholic”.
Dennis Prager out of LA is my favorite. He’s Jewish, a former Democrat, now a Republican and is the best all around talk show host. He is opposite Rush on another station. The purpose of his show is to save the culture by getting people to think a second time. He is one of the smartest guys in the media, has interesting guest, and is one of the best interviewers you’ll ever hear.
I like Rush, but do not get to listen to him much. My favorite is Pat Gray, a local show in Houston, he a conservative with christian views and a great sense of humor.
On Relevant Radio I listen to Dr. Ray he is great and very funny. If I miss a show sometimes I will go to Catholic answers and listen to the show on-line a day or so later. He has taught me how to me a lot better mother and not so worried that I was making mistakes.
Isn’t Dr. Laura the radio psychologist from a Jewish background? I don’t think Laura Ingraham is Dr. Laura. I enjoy Laura Ingraham; never have listened to Dr. Laura.
Laura Ingraham is Catholic, she was confirmed last May. Sean Hannity, Catholic. Bill O’Reilly, Nominally Catholic. Wow lots of Catholic talkshow hosts. 😉
I listen to Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham frequently and wish that I could hear Dr. Bennet, whom I 've had the great honor to meet. I think it’s interesting that Bill Bennet, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity are Catholics. In fact, Laura recently converted.
I have to vote for Michael Savage. He is not only entertaining, but he is very intelligent, knows his old testament, and says what every one wishes they had the guts to say. He gets upset with Bush and so do I. Sometimes I have to turn him off, but I always go back to listening and after a few days I understand what he is talking about. He is unique.

I love Jeff Cavins. He is my favorite Catholic talk show host. He is on Relavant Radio at 6:00 a.m., week-days. He knows the old and the new testament, inside out and backwards. He is a joy to listen to in the morning.

I like Michael Savage, but sometimes can’t listen as he gets to over the top. Unfortunately, i live in Vegas and radio here is sorrrrry! Can’t get any Catholic stations, but I love to listen to talk and get really worked up when driving, it takes my mind off the incredibly crazy drivers here.
Rush, Sean, and Michael Savage.

They all annoy me at times,(Savage more often than not) but I generally end up agreeing with them all, even Savage.
(geez, did I just say that out loud?!?!?!)

Oh yeah, I LOVE Dr. Laura, she kicks you-know-what when it needs kicking! 👍
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