Who's your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?

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Right now I would label Hannity as a “Cafeteria Catholic”. He state a few months ago he did see a place for contraception.
Yup, that’s the one. I’m a prayin’ for him!
I listen to Fr. John Corapi then Laura Ingrahms then Rush then back to the catholic sation. P.S. kwitz, Dr. Laura went from catholic to Jew, and Laura Ingrahm is recently converted to Catholic.
it’s really a toos up between Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity…I still like Rush
Although a libertarian, I listen to Neal Boortz. While he is pro-choice, I enjoy some of his rants on other topics. He covers lots of topics unlike some of the other talk show hosts that stick completely with politics. www.boortz.com
Rush once said that if you can’t afford health care then that’s too bad. Health care is a business and it can’t afford to give away it’s services. And the government has no business creating programs for the poor to insure they have at least basic health care coverage.

Rush once said that he didn’t want his tax dollars going to help the homeless because they were a bunch of “drunks.”

Rush once said that the only way to solve the Israel/Palestine conflict is for the US to allow the Isralis to take of the gloves and to compleatly wipe out the resistance with military force.

Yet Rush is the most popular talk show host on this form, this Catholic form? It baffels the mind.
P.S. kwitz, Dr. Laura went from catholic to Jew, and Laura Ingrahm is recently converted to Catholic.
I knew there was Jewishness in Dr. Laura’s background somewhere(but hey, don’t we all have some when you go back to the Original!🙂 )

Is anyone familiar with any links about Laura Ingraham’s conversion? I’m a sucker for conversion stories.

We need a “None of The Above.” Often I find coservative talk to be one-note, and they all have that way of twisting things out of context. Of course, I haven’t listened to some of the choices. I don’t get Bennett or Ingraham around these parts.

Dr. Laura rejected Judaism recently. I’m not sure her motivations, however.
Whatever your complaints about any of the above-mentioned hosts, you have to remember one thing: They are CONSERVATIVE and they make no bones about it. The reason they exist, in fact, is to counter the so-called mainstream media that promulgate a LIBERAL, relativist agenda under the guise of “objectivity”. As a journalist, I find that appalling. And, the arrival of conservative talk radio was long overdue.

Rush has consistently defended the Catholic Church, as the lone beacon of virtue in an increasingly relativist society. He has consistently defended Israel. He has set the standard. Yeah, I don’t care to hear him ramble on and on about his latest vacation or golf or football. If I want that, I’ll tune into somebody else.

Sean Hannity is too much about confrontation; too often he invites people on his show simply so that an argument can break out. And, yes, he seems too much a “cafeteria Catholic” for me. I do agree with his politics, however.

Boortz is a libertarian. He says that he won’t discuss abortion on his show. Probably, because he doesn’t want to offend the considerable number of Pro-Lifers in his audience.

Medved is more show-business oriented, which doesn’t interest me. He made his mark as a film critic. It is refreshing, however, to see somebody who covers Hollywood consistently expose the Hollywood Left’s hypocrisy.

Dr. Laura is great because she’s not afraid to tell somebody when they’re wrong and won’t listen to any mealy-mouthed rationalizations. She plows right through to the bottom line.

Tony Snow is too jelly-spined in arguments, although I enjoy his commentary.
Smack Daddy:
Rush and Sean are two of the biggest war mongers around.
So we know who you don’t like but the poll is asking who you do like. Well… :whistle:
Boortz is pro-choice. He won’t talk about abortion because early on in his career he would allow it to be discussed. He quickly learned that no one was changing anyone’s minds. While he won’t allow discussion on the topic, on the rare occassions that he brings it up he is definitely pro-choice. This comes from him being a hard core liberterian and placing the right of the woman about any right of the child (becuase he doesn’t think it’s a person I guess).
That’s my original point about Boortz. He’s libertarian and therefore, says he doesn’t believe that government should play any role – one way or the other – in abortion. It’s also why he proclaims support for the legalization of drugs. Both are two solid reasons that I could never be a libertarian.

But I still think that Boortz steers clear of the abortion issue in part because a large segment of his audience is Pro-Life. I’d venture to guess he wouldn’t last long were he catering to liberals, who are, almost by definition, abortion supporters.

In short, I think he’s a coward on the issue of abortion.
I sample most of the conservative talk shows and my favorite is Michael Medved because he encourages those who disagree with him to call. His knowledge of history is impressive and he’s a great arguer/debater.

The other favorite is Larry Elder. He’s intelligent, witty and hilarious. He’s also a self-proclaimed libertarian but one who is against abortion. He prefers adoption.

Laura Ingraham is fun to listen to also.

I don’t like the shows with “yes” people calling like Sean, Tony Snow…it gets tiring and boring to hear callers agreeing about everything the radio host says.
Dr. Laura went from catholic to Jew…
just a bit of a correction, here. Dr. Laura went from nothing to Judaism. She has stated that she was baptised but really had no Catholic formation, nor any other religious formation for that matter.

Have a great day,
My favorite… Dr. Ray Guarendi (“The Doctor is In”). I would call him “conservative” in a family values, Catholic sort of way. And he’s really funny in a good-natured way.

I occasionally tune in to Rush for entertainment value, but I find myself disagreeing with him more and more, and I have a harder time laughing at him. But I used to love him (and agreed with him a lot more) during the Clinton era.

Does anyone have a favorite liberal talk show host? I’ll go with Gretchen Helfrich… actually she doesn’t show such blantant liberal bias but I make that assumption because her program “Odyssey” is on Public Radio [the program is only available in certain markets].
Hi People. This is my very first time here ! Looks great !

**Sean Hannity is The Man !!! **
**i have been Hannitized ! **
My other favorites are Rush and Tony Snow

I knew there was Jewishness in Dr. Laura’s background somewhere(but hey, don’t we all have some when you go back to the Original!🙂 )

Is anyone familiar with any links about Laura Ingraham’s conversion? I’m a sucker for conversion stories.

There was a great profile about two months ago in the National Catholic Register. Maybe there is something in her book? I haven’t read it yet.
Dennis Prager – hands down. I do like Laura Ingraham, but sometimes I think she tries to hard to show her taste for “hip” music, which I usually don’t like anyway.
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