
That’s two votes for Dr. Ray… I think the great thing about him is that he is funny without being mean. He kids around a lot, but it’s all in a fun way. And I can tell he actually is really smart, and he knows his stuff inside and out, more so than any other radio host I have heard. He likes to kid about this too, but if I had to guess about the IQ of all of the radio hosts out there, I honestly think Dr. Ray would be high above the rest of them [Karl Keating and Jimmy Akin would be up there too, but they’re “guests”, not radio hosts!]On Relevant Radio I listen to Dr. Ray he is great and very funny. If I miss a show sometimes I will go to Catholic answers and listen to the show on-line a day or so later. He has taught me how to me a lot better mother and not so worried that I was making mistakes.