Who's your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?

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On Relevant Radio I listen to Dr. Ray he is great and very funny. If I miss a show sometimes I will go to Catholic answers and listen to the show on-line a day or so later. He has taught me how to me a lot better mother and not so worried that I was making mistakes.
That’s two votes for Dr. Ray… I think the great thing about him is that he is funny without being mean. He kids around a lot, but it’s all in a fun way. And I can tell he actually is really smart, and he knows his stuff inside and out, more so than any other radio host I have heard. He likes to kid about this too, but if I had to guess about the IQ of all of the radio hosts out there, I honestly think Dr. Ray would be high above the rest of them [Karl Keating and Jimmy Akin would be up there too, but they’re “guests”, not radio hosts!]
Sean Hannity Leads the PACK ! Dr.Ray could be a close third if he were in the poll
I voted for Michael Medved but I listen to Laura Ingraham as well. Dennis Prager is my new favorite. He makes me think more than any of the others. If you can’t listen to these guys on local radio try the internet. KRLA has Ingraham, Prager, Medved and Bennet with the latter 3 playing 24/7.
I love Sean and Rush also. Glenn Beck is pretty good too.

Savage is a little too harsh for me. I am becoming addicted to this stuff though.
Sean Hannity Leads the PACK ! Dr.Ray could be a close third if he were in the poll.
Sean should lead the pack over Rush, He seems more humble that Rush to me. 😉
Blood Rain:
I voted for Michael Medved but I listen to Laura Ingraham as well. Dennis Prager is my new favorite. He makes me think more than any of the others. If you can’t listen to these guys on local radio try the internet. KRLA has Ingraham, Prager, Medved and Bennet with the latter 3 playing 24/7.
Someone from my stomping ground …
*“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” John Stuart Mill *
I picked Sean Hannity
Also, I like to listen to Rush and Drudge (I love the Drudge Report online)
Isn’t Dr. Laura the radio psychologist from a Jewish background? I don’t think Laura Ingraham is Dr. Laura. I enjoy Laura Ingraham; never have listened to Dr. Laura.

You are right. They are 2 very different people.
Just curious about who the favorites are. Laura Ingraham is probably my favorite to listen to. Rush has excellent political analysis – provided you can cut through his “entertaining” radio persona.

I’m curious to hear Tony Snow, but we don’t get him in this area yet.
Rush Limbaugh is a joke.

He is a draft dodging hypocrite, promoting unjust war while he himself DODGED THE DRAFT (for, I kid you not, INGROWN HAIR IN HIS POSTERIOR REGION; sounds like a DEBILITATING ailment).

He also compared the Abu Ghirab torture episodes to a college frat party and termed them an “emotional release.”

He is blindly conservative, overlooking Republican follies while never failing to point out liberal faults.

“Excellent” analysis? I think not.
Just FYI, many libertarians are opposed to legalized abortion, although not the majority. There is a Web site called “Libertarians for Life” at www.l4l.org.
Just FYI, many democrats are opposed to legalized abortion, although not the majority. There is a Web site called “Democrats for Life” at democratsforlife.org/
Who is your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?
A couple of these I have never heard. The others, I have listened to regularly in the past, but don’t anymore.

Rush Limbaugh - can’t stand to listen to this show
Laura Ingraham - can’t stand to listen to this show
Sean Hannity - can’t stand to listen to this show
Michael Medved - never heard this show
Bill Bennett - never heard this show
Michael Savage - can’t stand to listen to this show

For the call-in talk shows, I prefer all the ones on EWTN (WEWN shortwave), such as Open Line, Catholic Answers Live of course, Johnnette Benkovic’s shows, Tim Staples (Reasons For Faith), etc., etc.
(see ewtn.com/radio/titles.htm )
I’m a 16 year old guy and I love listening to Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and O’Reilly. I could listen to them all day. Pretty strange for someone my age
Tom of Assisi:
Rush talks too much about himself and golf.:tsktsk:

Sean Hanity seems very angry recently and everything is liberal this and conservative that!!! gets boring pretty quickly.:tsktsk:

I enjoyed Medved’s show–but the communists here in Eugene pulled his show and replaced it with some liberal garbage, so I haven’t heard him in a while.:crying:

Laura Ingram…riiiiiiiiiight…uh no:rolleyes:

Snow…heard his show from Portland a few times…seemed like Hanity.:sleep:

The best, after Catholic Answers Live, is The Savage Nation. :cool: Mike Savage tells it like it is and doesn’t drone on ( a la Rush) about how wonderful he is all day. Of course the pinkos here in Eugene said that Savage was too distasteful, so they replaced him with the Phil Hendrie show!!! Wow!!! (if you’ve ever heard Phil Hendrie then you’ll know that substitution made no sense–Hendrie is actually a step down in the taste department).

Fortunately, I still get Savage from Portland, otherwise I would have moved. 🙂
Where I come from every one of them is worthless. They parrot the Bush/Cheney lies and do their utmost to polarize the populace. If we could get somebody on the air who is interested in real and honest dialogue about the issues of the day I’d listen. These clowns are just panderers chasing after the highest ratings,
If I had to pick one (and I mostly reject the premise…), Michael Medved holds the lead IMHO. Rush has always been full of Rush and, has proven himself a hypocrite. Michael Savage is over the top. I haven’t listened to the rest.

John Higgins:
f I had to pick one (and I mostly reject the premise…), Michael Medved holds the lead IMHO. Rush has always been full of Rush and, has proven himself a hypocrite. Michael Savage is over the top.
Mr. Higgins, :tiphat:

Medved impresses me with his quick, historical knowledge. His show format is interesting and differs from most in that he actually gears it for opposing views to call in or he has guest with opposite views; so he is teaching how to rebut challenges without ranting.

Savage gets over the top too much for me to be a regular.

Rush is the best for up to date political insight and humor (he became popular because he speaks what so many people think but never heard before because of the lock the liberals had on the media; and he expresses his thoughts in an articulate way.)

I recommend trying to find Dennis Prager (Dennis Prager.com). He is on air now in the Chicago area. I think you might enjoy him. I started listening to him when he had only a Sunday evening guest and call in program called Religion on the Line, with different clergy almost every Sunday from three different religions. He was popular and KABC over time brought him to the prime spot opposite Rush. He moved to KRLA which is the old Catholic radio network that folded and is broadcasting out of there now nationwide, still opposite Rush. Medved follows him on that station here.

Thanks. I have heard him occasionally. He’s on an obscure low power station here. He seems okay. I find it helpful to listen to many shows that I don’t agree with. Occasionally I actually learn something. 🙂

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