Who's your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?

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I love Laura Ingraham, I think that she is the best. I listen to her on my way into work, I actually look forward to it.

I like Rush, but, I don’t find my mind wandering when I listen to him sometimes…

Hannity is great…

I like Larry Elder too.

LisaN- I like Dr. Laura too…
Oh yes, I didn’t see Larry E on the list either. I really enjoy his show, lots of quick wit and many good points are made without belittling the other side.

I agree about Rush. I occasionally listen to him if I need “Kool Aid” but he sort of says the same thing everyday. Actually I like his books better than his persona on the radio. Maybe he’s a guy’s guy. I just don’t think women relate as well to his delivery.

I got pretty frustrated with O’Reilly near the election. He seemed to be trying to please both sides and ended up I think annoying everyone. On basic philosophy I agree with him but he is too self absorbed…maybe you need to be that way in talk radio?

Lisa N
Laura Ingraham is Catholic, she was confirmed last May. Sean Hannity, Catholic. Bill O’Reilly, Nominally Catholic. Wow lots of Catholic talkshow hosts. 😉
Chris Matthews went to Holy Cross, I’m pretty sure he’s catholic, nominal at best. ( I know TV hosts, sorry for the tangent)
Anyone but Rush Limbaugh. I only listened to him one time, a long time ago. He went on and on about how great the tobacco industry was, and how it was being victimized. He said that parents who let their children play soccer were worse people than tobacco. I declared that I would never listen again, and I haven’t.

Sorry smokers, but I’m not a fan of tobacco. It has killed to many friends and relatives, and caused too much pain. I also let my children play soccer, guess that makes me really terrible.
Blood Rain:
Medved has been a guest on Catholic Answers Live at least once and I hear him defend the church whenever someone attacks it. His knowledge of church history and the church’s teaching (I believe he has read the Catechism) is less than perfect so he can’t do it as well as, say Karl or Jimmy. But he does go to bat for us when neccesary. I consider him very Catholic-friendly.
I second that.
Yes, Dennis Prager! I have been listening to him since Religion On The Line back in the 80’s.

In fact, Dennis’ argument in favor of the need for religion in our lives was important in my coming back to the Catholic faith.
I thoroughly enjoy Hugh Hewitt out of Southern Calif. pro life and I love his humor. (he went to Catholic schools in Ohio)but is a Presbyterian now.
I thoroughly enjoy Hugh Hewitt out of Southern Calif. pro life and I love his humor. (he went to Catholic schools in Ohio)but is a Presbyterian now.
MJE, I heard that he left the Church because of his marriage to his wife (protestant). True?
Does anyone get Hugh Hewitt??
Yes I really enjoy his show! He’s upbeat, has GREAT connections, gets good guests and he’s easy to listen to. Hewitt is on our local Christian station, as is Michael Medved (although he’s Jewish).

BTW I love Dennis Prager’s editorials. Where can you find him on the radio?

Lisa N
jlw, I wondered about H.Hewitt’s story. I suspected he was raised a Catholic but I don’t know anything about his personal life. He’s very kind.
Considering that Rush Limbaugh Got a big break in Sacramento and then moved to New York, He really is just entertaining. You really should have heard him in Sacramento back in the early 1980’s. Boy did he ever raise the skirts on all the different environmental groups and political groups. His updates were very comical but to the point, and yes, he loved talking about himself. He always feels comfortable saying the things he says because he believes in himself. Instead of trying to analyze everyone be yourself and have fun like Rush.
Reggie Jones - few have heard of him but he is AWESOME. He has a program that is broadcast in New Jersey. I heard him speak last spring and was floored.
My favorite… Laura Ingraham! I also like Sean Hannity and Tony Snow. 👍
I am a premium subscriber to both Hannity and Limbaugh…and proudly I might add 🙂
In 3 years, Laura Ingraham wins this poll.
I agree, Laura Ingraham seems to be the most listener-friendly and accurate of the bunch. I definitely have a “healthy radio addiction!”
Lisa N:
Oh yes, I didn’t see Larry E on the list either. I really enjoy his show, lots of quick wit and many good points are made without belittling the other side.
I really get frustrated with Larry Elder’s stance on abortion, because he’s smart enough to know better. The basic libertarian philosophy is that the government exists primarily to defend the people from threats foreign and domestic. Therefore, protecting people before birth should be well within the realm of proper government activity.

I had a somewhat drawn-out debate with him via e-mail before he was nationally syndicated, but I go nowhere.
Does anyone get Hugh Hewitt??
I only recently learned about Hugh Hewitt, because National Review rated his blog as one of the best. Then I found out that his show is on locally. I enjoy it.
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