Oh yes, I didn’t see Larry E on the list either. I really enjoy his show, lots of quick wit and many good points are made without belittling the other side.I love Laura Ingraham, I think that she is the best. I listen to her on my way into work, I actually look forward to it.
I like Rush, but, I don’t find my mind wandering when I listen to him sometimes…
Hannity is great…
I like Larry Elder too.
LisaN- I like Dr. Laura too…
I agree about Rush. I occasionally listen to him if I need “Kool Aid” but he sort of says the same thing everyday. Actually I like his books better than his persona on the radio. Maybe he’s a guy’s guy. I just don’t think women relate as well to his delivery.
I got pretty frustrated with O’Reilly near the election. He seemed to be trying to please both sides and ended up I think annoying everyone. On basic philosophy I agree with him but he is too self absorbed…maybe you need to be that way in talk radio?
Lisa N