I enjoy listening to Michael Savage… however, It was close between him and Hannity.
I agree Al has a great show.I wish his transmitter in Detroit was just a bit stronger.What about Al Kresta? He has the best radio show out there. He got my vote under the Other category.
Unfortunately, it would seem that many of our clerics are unwilling to present a clear teaching on sexual morality. Hannity is probably could serve as a good guage of how well the message is getting through.Right now I would label Hannity as a “Cafeteria Catholic”. He state a few months ago he did see a place for contraception.
Limbaugh seems to have lots of personal problems that sometimes cloud his thinking. Seems like some combination of psychology and moral stumblings. We should pray for him.If I had to pick one (and I mostly reject the premise…), Michael Medved holds the lead IMHO. Rush has always been full of Rush and, has proven himself a hypocrite. Michael Savage is over the top. I haven’t listened to the rest.
Sounds like you have opinions that are even stronger than theirs!Where I come from every one of them is worthless. They parrot the Bush/Cheney lies and do their utmost to polarize the populace. If we could get somebody on the air who is interested in real and honest dialogue about the issues of the day I’d listen. These clowns are just panderers chasing after the highest ratings,
Laura Ingraham is not on in as many markets as some of the others. I think she is a little better than Hannity. She also has done a good job of maintaining her femininity in a field dominated by men.I can’t get over the fact that some folks don’t know the difference between Laura Ingraham and Dr. Laura Slesinger.
WHAT? When was this?Dr. Laura has made some anti-catholic comments in the past. That turned me off, so I voted for Sean Hannity
They are also shills for the neo-con Likudniks. Don’t some of these Catholic neo-cons realize that the agenda of their movement is formed by the very same crowd (i.e., intelligensia-- not the useful idiots Limbaugh, Hannity, or Rove, since none of these guys even has a college degree) that tried, tooth and nail, to destroy The Passion of the Christ. Read Pat Buchanan’s piece “The Passion and Its Critics” (from The American Conservative magazine). The same guy who called Catholicism and Christianity anti-Semitic is now saying we need to attack Iran (Krauthammer-- the same guy from the small cabal that lead us into war against Iraq).Rush and Sean are two of the biggest war mongers around.
Dennis Prager all the way.From your list I’d say Laura Ingraham…she keeps the show fun.
Otherwise, my all-time favorite is Dennis Prager. Sure, he’s not a Catholic, but he’s extremely wise and very level headed.