Who's your favorite conservative radio talkshow host?

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I like Hanity, but he’s Bush’s stooge. Savage tells it like it is.
I’m an conservative and Savage is the only guy I can listen to. I don’t know where the rest of these people live, but all I see every day is the rapid third-worldization of America, factories out-sourcing or shutting down, the loss of genteel European Christian culture, an evaporating middle-class and a burgeoning white under-class (something predicted by Daniel Patrick Monyhan), and on and on. Yet I turn on Limbaugh and Hannity and all I hear is platitudes and conservative economic mantras on why sending American jobs oversees is good for America (from two guys without college degrees and no formal economic education).
I also like Michael Medved because he is unafraid of opposition - But sometimes I sense a hint of anti-catholicism from him. Nothing plain, but the smell is there. Anyone think I am offbase?
I also like Michael Medved because he is unafraid of opposition - But sometimes I sense a hint of anti-catholicism from him. Nothing plain, but the smell is there. Anyone think I am offbase?
I have heard medved defend the CC many times when Liberals attack or say something false against her.
I like Sean Hannity, then Bill O’Reilly. Both of their radio shows I can get on my radio stations (WWPA 1340), and I like their views on politics. Sean Hannity also helped me understand the fallacies of Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11”
Smack Daddy:
Rush and Sean are two of the biggest war mongers around.
Well us other war wongers believe with them that we are at war. No use hunkering down and pretending.
I like Michael Savage and Bob Dornan. Sean Hannity, Bortz have turned into neocons since Bush was elected. Hannity used to attack Clinton for sending our troops into intrests that do not concern us. Now he is doing the opposite. He is too much of a spokesman for the G.O.P… Savage will criticize Bush.

This was a toughie!

I love Sean Hannity and also Laura Ingram. She was recently featured in the National Catholic Register. A new convert!

Sean is growing in his faith day by day. You can hear it. I am hopeful that someday soon he will have a good understanding of revealed Truth and Catholic doctrine (he has a way to go yet ;-).

Rush, however, is just always “the man”.
I understand he was in seminary for a time sooo let’s hope he can get it right!
Chris C.:
I cannot seriously listen to so-called conservatives who lead personal lives contrary to those principles that I hold as conservative. Men preparing to divorce their third wife or who rack up mind-boggling gambling debts are not conservative.

And Sean Hannity rejects the Church’s teacing on contraception.

I do not believe Dr. Bennett racked up mind-boggling gambling debts, and last I heard the Church allows gambling as long as your family is not doing without. If the teaching has changed please direct me to the published information.
I also like Michael Medved because he is unafraid of opposition - But sometimes I sense a hint of anti-catholicism from him. Nothing plain, but the smell is there. Anyone think I am offbase?
Medved has been a guest on Catholic Answers Live at least once and I hear him defend the church whenever someone attacks it. His knowledge of church history and the church’s teaching (I believe he has read the Catechism) is less than perfect so he can’t do it as well as, say Karl or Jimmy. But he does go to bat for us when neccesary. I consider him very Catholic-friendly.
No Glenn Beck?
I voted other for Glenn.

Rush is boring (although very accurate).

Sean is a party spokesman. If the Republican party says it, h’ell repeat it.

O’Reilly is uninteresting as his radio show is practically repeated on his tv broadcast.

Savage is a hatemonger. I do listen to him, but his “kill all the Muslims/Arabs” (I’m not sure which group) approach to the War on Terror isn’t acceptable to me.

The rest I haven’t listened to.
oh and Poor Sean- its really aggrivating to listen to hi at times because he isnt so well educated on Catholicism. My DH was listening to him last week maybe when he was saying how his priest told him it was ok to use contraception… oy vey! I seriously think its ignorance on his part- not that hes looked at church teaching and rejected it.

someone send him some books and tapes =)
Not Rush for sure. It is quite obvious that he is way to religious. The religion of conservative ideology that is. He firmly believes that the answer to everthing is the more market driven and government hands off as possible. The one thing that I really can’t understand is how we cannot trust the government with just about anything, but they are quite capable of being trusted with the death penalty!
As a conservative I find his strict no exceptions (or room for rationality) dogma disturbing. He must be entertaining I guess.
Interesting how this thread resurfaced. I was reading through the old posts catching up and realized they dated back from June.

I did see a couple of errors about Dr. Laura (who is not the same as Laura Ingraham). She rejected ORTHODOX Judaism not the faith. She used to talk a lot about dietary restrictions but I don’t think that was the reason for changing. I really respect Dr Laura and she was actually the one who changed my mind about abortion. I started listening to her about ten years ago when I was unchurched, uninterested and quite uh “liberated” I realized what a bunch of baloney I’d been fed.

Someone said Dr Laura made an anti Catholic comment. I listened to her daily for many years and never heard anything but total respect for Christians and the Christian faith. She may have commented on the priest scandal as she is totally focused on the welfare of children.

I also like another Jewish host, Michael Medved. He is very rational, articulate but I fault him for letting lunatics run free and talk WAY too long. Rush or Sean would have long since gonged them!

I noticed Bill O’Reilly wasn’t listened. Although he says he’s middle of the road I’d call him conservative.

Michael Savage wears me out. He does have substantiation for the rants but they get tiresome after a while.

Someone mentioned Tony Snow and I like his program along with Hugh Hewitt.

I love Laura Ingraham but she’s on during our dinner hour so I rarely get to listen to her entire program. I wish she were on earlier in the day.

Lisa N
Laura Ingraham is Catholic, she was confirmed last May. Sean Hannity, Catholic. Bill O’Reilly, Nominally Catholic. Wow lots of Catholic talkshow hosts. 😉
O’Reilly is a pompous punk who has fallen from my approval with his vehement anti-clericalism. Laura Ingraham is the best of the best. She’s the up and coming star of talk radio. Rush will fade away, Sean and Laura will run the scene in a matter of years, especially when FOXNews realizes that Hannity is so far Colmes league that it isn’t even funny anymore, and they give them their own shows. They could make the Hannity/Colmes format and make it Ingraham/some poor, unsupecting liberal she can lay waste to. 🙂

In 3 years, Laura Ingraham wins this poll.
I love Laura Ingraham, I think that she is the best. I listen to her on my way into work, I actually look forward to it.

I like Rush, but, I don’t find my mind wandering when I listen to him sometimes…

Hannity is great…

I like Larry Elder too.

LisaN- I like Dr. Laura too…
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