No way…seriously? America is the same civil authority that allowed slavery and women not to vote and now babies don’t have the right of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can’t just say well we have to respect that… or is that the reason why slavery was present for so long in this country and fought so hard against?We can all agree on the fifth commandment, yes. What does not have universal consensus is whether a human being is that from day one of conception. We as Catholics *do *believe that to be true and would never have or advocate for abortion. But civil authorities and the laws that govern are primarily beholden to the common good… and that is more often a work in progress that needs to be respected as such.
Obviously this was not the case before abortion. Meaning that was an incident that was most likely due to other extraneous factors such as serious depression that the country was already in because it never fully recovered from the great depression, WWII, communism. And killing babies is not the answer to unplanned pregnancies no matter how you run your country into or out of the dirt. Again we are pointing back to how to teach the right values because laws without moral values doesn’t really help…it just increase the number of people dead or in prison. It is what we TEACH that changes hearts to a greater society…so how do we improve the teaching? These stats show that Catholics are either not being taught at all moral values of the sanctity of life or they are accepting alternate teachings. Either way something needs to change…either we teach more about the sanctity of life or we need to teach better to combat erroneous teaching in our community.As an example of how fundamentalism brings negative results to civil society is Romania’s Ceausescu. As President, he banned abortion and contraception for the purpose of radically increasing the low population. The result was the unmitigated tragedy of the Romanian orphan crisis that followed. As a consequence of the illness and starvation experienced by these hoards of abandoned children who needed urgent blood transfusions… Romania had the highest rate of HIV related pediatric illness and death in Europe. His fundamentalist policies with noble intentions caused even greater evil in the society he was responsible for.