I have never heard a Catholic refer to NFP as birth control. And I have never considered it birth control either because I understood to it be an alternative to birth control. Again, I would argue that this furthers my point that their is a lack of educating and teaching in our Catholic community.So to answer my own question, I looked up the question asked by Gallup.
**“Next, I’m going to read you a list of issues. Regardless of whether or not you think it should be legal, for each one, please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally acceptable or morally wrong. How about…Birth Control, abortion etc.???”
Birth Control…89% said morally acceptable (Including the majority of Catholics)
Abortion…38% said morally acceptable and 51% said morally wrong.
Based on the responses Gallup implied:
Let’s look at the question…had Gallup asked about ARTIFICIAL birth control I think the Catholic answers would have been different. I would expect most of the Catholics questioned use or had used NFP as a form of birth control…and that **is morally acceptable **.
Maybe Gallup will re-phrase the question next time before they imply that Catholics are pro birth control.