Do universal laws exist?I did look over it.
You are using Naturalism as a justification that homosexuality is wrong are you not?
I propose a simple challenge to those who still need to be convinced of my central proposition: that a moral code exists within us that is independent of what men think, do, are genetically, learn from others, where they live, and just as important, when they lived. What I say will be as true for someone living today in Buenos Aries, or in Kentucky in 1947, as it will be for an Egyptian pharaoh centuries earlier, or a human being born 1,000 years in the future.
Here’s the challenge.
Walk into a crowded public place and yell at the top of your voice, “I love the XYZ football team/chocolate donuts/long walks in the moonlight!” See if anyone looks at you with revulsion. They may think you’ve had too much coffee or too much sugar that morning, or your choice of football team completely sucks, or make some other relatively benign personal observation. But they won’t run away in horror or call the police.
Now do the same exact thing, but instead yell, “I love to rape and kill little children!” You don’t even have to be any more graphic than that.
Now I ask those of you who think my belief in a universal moral code is wrong to guess how many people will have shouted “Me too!” or “Tell us how you would do it!” as opposed to, “I’m going to kill you myself right now you perverted son of a *****!” It will be interesting to hear what the person accepting this challenge reports back. That is, if he hasn’t been beaten into a coma by the people who attacked him after he shouted.
“What kind of car would Jesus drive to take his girlfriend to an abortion clinic?”
By Phillip Ellis Jackson
Fornication is also intrinsically disordered.Homosexuality is wrong because it (sex) is not ordered to its natural purpose.
Just like it’s wrong to store batteries in your stomach. Even if you can do this…it’s just…wrong. Disordered.
We could list all the evil man could possibly commit, but it wouldn’t justify homosexual acts.Fornication is also intrinsically disordered.
Not a great question, but one that does show that matters such as these (should we kill animals for food, if so, what sort of animals, should we hunt, own guns, what sort of guns etc) are moral questions for which we have no religious guidance. You may find Catholics who are vegetarian or who have no problem rearing and killing their own sheep or find nothing wrong with eating whale meat. You’ll have gun owners and those who aren’t. Different strokes, as they say. That is, we all make up our own minds about matters such as these. It’s what makes the world go around and keeps things interesting.So should we be more moral if we kill animals that are not tender meat? Why?
…it wasn’t true. There is no one specific, correct and church or God sanctioned moral rule for every contingency.The point is that one true moral stance must exist, and that the Church through Christ holds that true moral stance available to the whole world if they are willing to follow it. Obviously, the whole world will never follow it. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t one true moral stance.
Are you saying that people wouldn’t be worried about the fact that you like donuts but would be distressed if you liked abusing children? And that that proves there are Universal Laws?Do universal laws exist?
Walk into a crowded public place and yell at the top of your voice, “I love the XYZ football team/chocolate donuts/long walks in the moonlight!” See if anyone looks at you with revulsion. They may think you’ve had too much coffee or too much sugar that morning, or your choice of football team completely sucks, or make some other relatively benign personal observation. But they won’t run away in horror or call the police.
Now do the same exact thing, but instead yell, “I love to rape and kill little children!” You don’t even have to be any more graphic than that.
It’s actually a very logical application of the position that some are arguing here (not sure yet if you are one of these folks–you seem to understand that there are indeed moral facts) that morality is simply a matter of opinion.Are you saying that people wouldn’t be worried about the fact that you like donuts but would be distressed if you liked abusing children? And that that proves there are Universal Laws?
Congratulations. You win this week’s Most Fatuous Argument.
You mean physics?Do universal laws exist?
Yes. And also like: it’s always wrong to rape someone. It’s always wrong to abuse children for fun. It’s always wrong to have sex with someone you’re not married to. It’s always wrong kill an entire race of people.You mean physics?
One of these things is not like the others.Yes. And also like: it’s always wrong to rape someone. It’s always wrong to abuse children for fun. ** It’s always wrong to have sex with someone you’re not married to.** It’s always wrong kill an entire race of people.
Like that.
You mean that comparing masturbation and engaging in ethnic cleansing is invalid because while sins they are very different sins?One of these things is not like the others.
The concept of ‘sin’ is arbitrary and irrelevant to morality and ethics.You mean that comparing masturbation and engaging in ethnic cleansing is invalid because while sins they are very different sins?
What if we just substituted “wrong” for “sin”.The concept of ‘sin’ is arbitrary and irrelevant to morality and ethics.
So what? So AIDS. So the universal disgust with sodomites, not just mine. So the censure of sodomy by virtually every civilized people from the dawn of human history. That counts for nothing in your estimation, but it does count for something to others.The reasons against homosexuality, outside of a religious argument, do not hold up. And by your own admission, you simply see certain sexual acts as disgusting and that is simply opinion.
And it’s against natural law? Well, the only reasonable answer I can come up with for that argument (which is only applicable to this scenario in this case) is: So what…?
But lots of heterosexuals do think it’s OK to put a penis into a mouth. So those machine parts fit together whereas a penis in an anus doesn’t fit together?What do you have against machine parts fitting together?
Do you think it’s rational and pleasing to force machine parts that don’t fit into each other?
One thing is rather likely: the vast majority of heterosexual humankind do not think it rational, pleasing, or sane to to force a penis up an anus.![]()
No, there are no moral facts. Facts and morals are not the same thing. Facts are what we are supposed to be using to make moral decisions. Otherwise you can say (and a lot of people here are saying it) that something is immoral simply because it is immoral.It’s actually a very logical application of the position that some are arguing here (not sure yet if you are one of these folks–you seem to understand that there are indeed moral facts) that morality is simply a matter of opinion.
You can preface any comment with the words: ‘In my opinion…’ It might be better if everyone did it. As far as I’m concerned it is implicitly tagged on to every single thing I write. So when you are presented with what someone describes as a fact, you consider it and decide, in your opinion (unless we are perhaps talking scientifically or mathematically – e does equal mc squared or the square root of 9 is 3) if it can be described as such. It can then be used to make a decision on morality that might be pertinent.If it’s not a matter of opinion, then there are somethings that are moral facts–to wit: it is always wrong, in all places, in all times, to rape women.
Charles thinks that public health is a good reason. Well he doesn’t seem to care one whit about the health of the galactically large number of heterosexuals who indulge in exactly that about which he is complaining so I’m not even going to consider that. So what’s next?So what? So AIDS.
He really can’t get around this anal sex thing, can he…But someone’s opinion that something is disgusting is not even an argument. It is, literally, an opinion. I find pot noodles disgusting but that’s hardly a basis for me suggesting they should be banned. Anything else?So the universal disgust with sodomites, not just mine.
Ah yes. It’s always been frowned upon, so that will do for me! All these people can’t be wrong. So we’re going to go with the majority. Except that you are now in the minority.So the censure of sodomy by virtually every civilized people from the dawn of human history. That counts for nothing in your estimation, but it does count for something to others.
You don’t seem to understand, Charles. A secular argument, by definition, cannot include a religious one. You’d best stick with quoting scripture to back up your flaccid argument because you are failing badly with all other options.That the secular argument against sodomy cannot include the religious argument means nothing to me.
I think you’re winding us up, Jay Dee Vee. Nobody could possibly type that and keep a straight face.You mean that comparing masturbation and engaging in ethnic cleansing is invalid because while sins they are very different sins?
“Sodomy” could not have been censured by virtually every civilized people from the dawn of human history since the concept of “Sodomy” didn’t even exist before the eleventh century. It was an invention of medieval theologians. As former Harvard Divinity School professor and now Distinguished Professor of Religion and Politics at Washington University Mark D. Jordan says in his book The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology (University of Chicago Press, 1997), p. 1:So the censure of sodomy by virtually every civilized people from the dawn of human history. That counts for nothing in your estimation, but it does count for something to others.
Professor Jordan further says on page 29:Sodomy is a medieval artifact. I have found no trace of the term before the eleventh century. It is also a medieval artifact as a category for classifying - for uniting and explaining - desires, dispositions, and acts that had earlier been classified differently and separately. But “Sodomy” is also a judgment. The judgment made in “Sodomy” has been as durable as any medieval artifact. So I speak of the invention of Sodomy for Christian theology as a whole: the medieval invention was the invention of Sodomy simply speaking. It was the invention that would be decisive for all later Christian theology in the West -hence for European or American legislation, medicine, natural science, and manners. The fearful abstraction in our use of the term is medieval, as is our prurient confusion over what the word really means.
The credit - or rather the blame - for the inventing the word sodomia, “Sodomy,” must go, I think, to the eleventh century theologian Peter Damian. He coined it quite deliberately on analogy to blasphemia, “blasphemy,” which is to say, on analogy to the most explicit sin of denying God. Indeed, from its origin, Sodomy is as much a theological category as trinity, incarnation,sacrament, or papal infallibility. As a category, it is richly invested with specific notions of sin and retribution, responsibility and guilt. The category was never meant to be neutrally descriptive, and it is doubtful whether any operation can purify it of its theological origins. There is no way to make “Sodomy” objective.
Then it is only an opinion that rape is wrong?No, there are no moral facts.
No, Bradski. A fact is simply something that is incontrovertible.No, there are no moral facts. Facts and morals are not the same thing. Facts are what we are supposed to be using to make moral decisions.
“In my opinion, rape is wrong.”You can preface any comment with the words: ‘In my opinion…’ It might be better if everyone did it