You want to say: “Rape is wrong, but that is my opinion. You might have some arguments to offer that convince me that rape is not wrong.”
Let me try this…
You describe a scenario in which a man and woman go out together. They have a great time, go back to her place and end up in bed. You ask me if, in my opinion, I find anything wrong with it. You are asking my opinion on the matter, based on the facts which are indisputable, because you personally think it’s wrong but you want to know my opinion (I would be astonished if you said that you couldn’t perceive of anyone thinking it could be anything other than wrong, because you know that most people wouldn’t have a problem with it).
Now the next scenario, in which she initially rejects his advances, but then welcomes him to her bed with open arms. You still think it’s wrong but you still want to know my opinion.
The story changes each time, very gradually, but eventually I will say that in my opinion the guy has gone a little too far. He is perhaps taking advantage of the situation and acting in a way with which I would raise some objection. In my opinion he should have stopped what he was doing.
Then we get to a point where I say - whoa, that’s not taking advantage, he is actually forcing himself on her. I think that at this point, in my opinion, I would class this as rape. He must stop. And all this time, right up to the point where we both agree it’s rape, I am giving my opinion on the facts of the matter. I cannot do anything else.
Yet even though we both agree, I’m certain that we could find someone who had a different opinion. But eventually the story reaches a point where any reasonable person would, in their opinion, consider it most definitely a rape.
It is, in everyones opinion, rape. I’ll repeat that: It is, in everyone’s opinion…rape. Not a fact sans facts. but our collective opinion.