Actually, the two towns had a reputation for being sodomites. And anyone who can read would know that.
Moreover, when Jesus was looking for something terrible to compare rejecting his words with, the most terrible thing he could think of was the sin that brought destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Everybody except you seems to know what that sin was.
So what is your authority for determining that the sin of Sodom was inhospitality rather than sodomy? Actually, it was both. The men of Sodom wanted to have sex with Lot’s visitors. There is hardly anything more inhospitable than that.
I see. So according to you, Jesus blurts out the names of the two towns from Genesis 19 because the disciples, and Matthew’s readers, will instantly know he’s on about consenting men in private.
Even though that’s never mentioned in Gen 19. Not once. Never.
Even though Gen 19 is about violent gang-rape by “all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old”.
Even though Lot offers his two virgin daughters so that all those men can “do what you like with them” in public throughout the night.
Even though the traumatized daughters then get their dad drunk and have incest with him.
But Jesus isn’t on about any of that, according to you, Jesus is fine with all that. He’s on about something never even mentioned. According to you.
No wonder you always forget to say what education you’ve had for reading scripture.
*But it seems that no amount of verses cited will persuade you that sodomy is condemned, not just as an act of inhospitality, but as an unnatural sexual perversion. So we have yet another proof in your posts that some Protestants only cite the Bible to serve their own purposes, and ignore those parts they don’t like … or vilify them when cited as “verse mining.”
Just not your day, is it?

You’re repeating yourself. I seem to remember that I first used “just not your day” when you claimed that you are being faithful to scripture. So I quoted Lev 20, a clear and direct command from God himself:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Do you follow that command? Do you vote for executing consenting adults? You forgot to say.
Pick ‘n’ mix. That’s all you do, criticize others when you do exactly the same, only you never give any justification.
No wonder so many American Catholics are in favor of gay marriage. Discernment, I think it’s called.