Why are there "Gay Pride Parades" ?

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I got this answer from a gay guy I talked to once: “Where else would I be able to show off my pink outfit?” Then I proceeded to ask if that was the only reason he went to the parade. He said Yes. 🤷
To show that they aren’t afraid of who they are and refusing to be shamed for it like they have been there whole lives.
Every persecuted minority has had pride parades.
These parades are cause for concern, because they are trying to promote something that is highly damaging to the fabric of society, though we might not even realize it.

They are a form of propaganda. Propaganda, if it is for something that isn’t healthy, is very dangerous.

It used to be that people felt a need to hide, realized on some level this was wrong. Now, they are trying to legitimize this, and that’s not okay.
How dare these people not consider themselves sub-human!?
Clearly you don’t have a clue what propaganda is if you think that people exercising their
1st Amendment rights is ‘propaganda’.
The main concept here is “coming out” - of the closet, that is. When people learn that they have neighbours, work mates and relatives who are gay it becomes a lot more difficult to be hateful. That’s the general idea of the Pride events, of which the Pride Parade is a part.


Personally I find the parades over-sexualised. There are historical reasons for the mixed carnival/political statment parade but today I wonder if the mix makes much sense. When the parades started out they could be expected to be booed and so the “carnival” thing partly was mental defence against hostily surroundings.

There are plenty of gay people who don’t like the Pride Parades, even among those who share the ideal of coming out. If looking closer though, most people in them are pretty normal, walking in the parade to make a statement about themselves or a relative - “proud parents” is a typically very large section of the parades. But of course photographers prefer to take pics of the most spectacularly dressed (or should I say undressed).
The main concept here is “coming out” - of the closet, that is. When people learn that they have neighbours, work mates and relatives who are gay it becomes a lot more difficult to be hateful. That’s the general idea of the Pride events, of which the Pride Parade is a part.


Personally I find the parades over-sexualised. There are historical reasons for the mixed carnival/political statment parade but today I wonder if the mix makes much sense. When the parades started out they could be expected to be booed and so the “carnival” thing partly was mental defence against hostily surroundings.

There are plenty of gay people who don’t like the Pride Parades, even among those who share the ideal of coming out. If looking closer though, most people in them are pretty normal, walking in the parade to make a statement about themselves or a relative - “proud parents” is a typically very large section of the parades. But of course photographers prefer to take pics of the most spectacularly dressed (or should I say undressed).
It is of course a fact that there is strife in every social movement between those who want to be as in your face as possible and those who think that acting stereotypical is counter-productive.
These parades are cause for concern, because they are trying to promote something that is highly damaging to the fabric of society, though we might not even realize it.

They are a form of propaganda. Propaganda, if it is for something that isn’t healthy, is very dangerous.

It used to be that people felt a need to hide, realized on some level this was wrong. Now, they are trying to legitimize this, and that’s not okay.
*“Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.” - 1 Tim 2

“If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home” - 1 Cor 14*

These prideful women are cause for concern, because they are trying to promote something that is highly damaging to the fabric of society, though we might not even realize it.

They are a form of propaganda. Propaganda, if it is for something that isn’t healthy, is very dangerous.

It used to be that women felt a need to hide, realized on some level this was wrong. Now, they are trying to legitimize this, and that’s not okay.

To show that they aren’t afraid of who they are and refusing to be shamed for it like they have been there whole lives.
Every persecuted minority has had pride parades.
oh they are SO persecuted! ha ha - good one.
The main concept here is “coming out” - of the closet, that is. When people learn that they have neighbours, work mates and relatives who are gay it becomes a lot more difficult to be hateful. That’s the general idea of the Pride events, of which the Pride Parade is a part.


Personally I find the parades over-sexualised. There are historical reasons for the mixed carnival/political statment parade but today I wonder if the mix makes much sense. When the parades started out they could be expected to be booed and so the “carnival” thing partly was mental defence against hostily surroundings.

There are plenty of gay people who don’t like the Pride Parades, even among those who share the ideal of coming out. If looking closer though, most people in them are pretty normal, walking in the parade to make a statement about themselves or a relative - “proud parents” is a typically very large section of the parades. But of course photographers prefer to take pics of the most spectacularly dressed (or should I say undressed).
Declaring they are gay is nothing but about sex. That’s how they define themselves, nothing else seems very important to them in their lives.
Why are there St Patrick’s Day parades, Vetern’s Day parades, Thanksgiving Day parades, Rose parades, Our Lady of Guadalupe parade, bicycle parades, motorcycle parades, livestock parades, white pride parades, circus parades?

People like parades. They like parades that celebrate whatever they associate with. It is pretty simple.

I don’t particularly like parades of any kind. So I’m not big on any of them.
It’s called homophobic bullying or gay bashing, and it causes distress, depression and suicide. In the real world, right on your doorstep.

I don’t think it is common at all. In fact, heterosexuals are bullied by homosexuals into having to accept their aberrant lifestyle no matter what they personally think about it. I have never persecuted a homosexual in my life, in fact I feel that I am always bending over backwards for them, compromising my values, and being extra nice to them, just in case they accuse me of being anti-gay. And I do not think I am alone in this.
Declaring they are gay is nothing but about sex. That’s how they define themselves, nothing else seems very important to them in their lives.
That’s what the Pride Parade looks like, I agree. And that’s exactly how the gays who don’t like the parades explain why they don’t.
Why are there St Patrick’s Day parades, Vetern’s Day parades, Thanksgiving Day parades, Rose parades, Our Lady of Guadalupe parade, bicycle parades, motorcycle parades, livestock parades, white pride parades, circus parades?

People like parades. They like parades that celebrate whatever they associate with. It is pretty simple.

I don’t particularly like parades of any kind. So I’m not big on any of them.
I find parades pretty weird myself. A small % of them seem to showcase the best of the best. The rest often turn out with people who like to make a spectacle of themselves, making a spectacle of themselves.

That is, often they showcase the worst stereotype of what it is they are supposedly celebrating…people with green faces and hair stumbling drunk at St Pat’s parade, dudes in nude body suits with rainbow fright wigs at Gay Pride parades etc.

Parades can do a great deal of good showing respect and informing the community and being fun and opportunities for a nice event, but many of them seem to have morphed into bizzaro land of who can behave the most embarrassingly.
The gay pride parades originated in response to Stonewall, in order to counteract the popular perception of gay people as “child molesters” or “threats to society.” The very fact that the “gay panic defense” existed ever, for example, is a key testament to how society used to (and still does, to a degree) marginalize gay people by spreading all sorts of misinformation about gay people as “harassers” and criminals. They are meant to show visibility, for two purposes. One is so that people cannot re-marginalize gay people and send them back to the days of hate crimes and murders. The other is to help manage the teen suicide rate by letting kids know that it’s normal for someone to be gay, that they don’t need to shame themselves over it, despite what their family, friends, or culture may say.

No offense, but saying “I wish we could go back to the days when gay people were quiet and never showed themselves ever” is no different than saying “I wish we could go back to the days when black people weren’t so uppity and demanding civil rights” or “I wish we could go back to when women just accepted they couldn’t vote and didn’t make such a huge fuss about sexism.” A human right is a human right. A right to life is a right to life. A right to not be bullied or harassed or put down for one’s sexual orientation is a human right.

Unfortunately gay pride parades have been usurped by those who want to act ridiculous and scandalous. But that is not their purpose whatsoever. Gay pride parades are not about sex whatsoever. They are about one’s innate, immutable orientation and refusing to be harmed by others over it anymore.
No offense, but saying “I wish we could go back to the days when gay people were quiet and never showed themselves ever” is no different than saying “I wish we could go back to the days when black people weren’t so uppity and demanding civil rights” or “I wish we could go back to when women just accepted they couldn’t vote and didn’t make such a huge fuss about sexism.” A human right is a human right. A right to life is a right to life. A right to not be bullied or harassed or put down for one’s sexual orientation is a human right.
I’m sorry, but there is a major difference. Being black or being a woman is an inherent, immutable physical characteristic. Having sex with a person of the same gender is a behavior, and therefore a choice.

Harassment and physical assault were already illegal, with no exceptions made for anyone’s sexual thoughts. So this was not about human rights. All adults already had the same civil rights, for instance, to vote, so this is not like women’s suffrage. No person was being made to sit at the back of the bus or drink from separate water fountains as a result of their sexual proclivities.

It was never legal to kill a person over their sexual thoughts in this country, so this is not really about a right to life. (It is of course, legal to kill a person over being in the womb, if we want to talk about the right to life.)

But I wonder if there’s a human right left not to be bullied, harassed, or put down for one’s faith, for one’s beliefs, for one’s studied discernment that some BEHAVIORS, that like smoking, is not particularly healthy physically, in addition to having some faith that maybe if every major world religion for centuries has spoken against this BEHAVIOR, that maybe they actually have some collective wisdom in understanding some BEHAVIORS are not good for the human soul and spirit, either. 😦
Unfortunately gay pride parades have been usurped by those who want to act ridiculous and scandalous. But that is not their purpose whatsoever. Gay pride parades are not about sex whatsoever. They are about one’s innate, immutable orientation and refusing to be harmed by others over it anymore.
Harassment and physical assault were already illegal, with no exceptions made for anyone’s sexual thoughts. So this was not about human rights. All adults already had the same civil rights, for instance, to vote, so this is not like women’s suffrage. No person was being made to sit at the back of the bus or drink from separate water fountains as a result of their sexual proclivities.
…but at the time of Stonewall (1969) when gays were harassed and abused and beaten up the police didn’t care. Actually, it was quite often the cops who did it. That has stopped, the gays in most (all?) Western countries don’t have to be afraid of the cops any more. But, kids commit suicide over being gay to this day. That’s what the “It gets better” campaign was about.
No offense, but saying “I wish we could go back to the days when gay people were quiet and never showed themselves ever” is no different than saying “I wish we could go back to the days when black people weren’t so uppity and demanding civil rights” or “I wish we could go back to when women just accepted they couldn’t vote and didn’t make such a huge fuss about sexism.” A human right is a human right. A right to life is a right to life. A right to not be bullied or harassed or put down for one’s sexual orientation is a human right.
I hate this argument because it is SO false. Black people at one time were not allowed to eat or stay in the same places as white people. Black people can’t hide the color of their skin.

Gay people can keep their sexual preferences hidden from others. Even when people knew someone was gay in the past, they didn’t make a big deal about it. Who cares? What you do in your bedroom is your business and I sure don’t want to know the details.
But I wonder if there’s a human right left not to be bullied, harassed, or put down for one’s faith, for one’s beliefs, for one’s studied discernment that some BEHAVIORS, that like smoking, is not particularly healthy physically, in addition to having some faith that maybe if every major world religion for centuries has spoken against this BEHAVIOR, that maybe they actually have some collective wisdom in understanding some BEHAVIORS are not good for the human soul and spirit, either. 😦
Well. You could just be discreet, you know? Not telling anyone about your thoughts, not talking about them? Not being in-your-face of others? :yup:


Why? It appears to be mostly a celebration of sexual hedonism.
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