Why are there "Gay Pride Parades" ?

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oh they are SO persecuted! ha ha - good one.
Yes actually they are, you can laugh from your seat of privilege all you want but it changes nothing.
When they are denied equal rights and not considered equal before the law then yes by definition they are persecuted.
Declaring they are gay is nothing but about sex. That’s how they define themselves, nothing else seems very important to them in their lives.
They speak for themselves well enough where you don’t need to make up lies about them thank you.
Even when people knew someone was gay in the past, they didn’t make a big deal about it.
Don’t try to kid us that if you’re discreet
You’re perfectly safe as you walk down the street
You don’t have to mince or make bitchy remarks
To get beaten unconscious and left in the dark
I had a friend who was gentle and short
He was lonely one evening, he went for a walk
Queerbashers caught him, kicked in his teeth
He was only hospitalised for a week
(spoken: And he still bears the scars)
Sing if you’re glad to be gay
sing if you’re happy this way
Tom Robinson: (Sing if You’re) Glad to be Gay, 1977.

This kind of thing sparked the Gay Pride movement.

Homophobic violence still is a reality. The difference, though, is that today there’s a point for victims of queerbashing in going to the police.

When the angry young men of the 1970s started to make a fuss, the older gay men got nervous. They didn’t want to provoke. They believed in keeping a low profile. I think we have evidence now that the more visible approach worked for them.
I don’t think it is common at all. In fact, heterosexuals are bullied by homosexuals into having to accept their aberrant lifestyle no matter what they personally think about it. I have never persecuted a homosexual in my life, in fact I feel that I am always bending over backwards for them, compromising my values, and being extra nice to them, just in case they accuse me of being anti-gay. And I do not think I am alone in this.
Yes how DARE you have to treat them like human beings.
Classic Persecution Complex.
I’m sorry, but there is a major difference. Being black or being a woman is an inherent, immutable physical characteristic. Having sex with a person of the same gender is a behavior, and therefore a choice.of their sexual proclivities.
A person’s own sexuality is not a choice no, as any biologist, doctor, or psychologist will tell you.
I hate this argument because it is SO false. Black people at one time were not allowed to eat or stay in the same places as white people. Black people can’t hide the color of their skin.

Gay people can keep their sexual preferences hidden from others. ** Even when people knew someone was gay in the past, they didn’t make a big deal about it. ** Who cares? What you do in your bedroom is your business and I sure don’t want to know the details.
You mean before or after they were hanged?
Or do you mean just 50 years ago when you could lose your job if your boss found out you were gay?
Oh wait my mistake that still happens.
You mean before or after they were hanged?
Or do you mean just 50 years ago when you could lose your job if your boss found out you were gay?
Oh wait my mistake that still happens.
There wasn’t much hanging, that is a huge myth. Talk to blacks if you want to talk about people unfairly hanged and lynched.

As for losing your job, that could happen, but it rarely did. It’s always been wink wink, especially in Hollywood.

You are the one with the persecution complex.:rolleyes:
There wasn’t much hanging, that is a huge myth. Talk to blacks if you want to talk about people unfairly hanged and lynched.

As for losing your job, that could happen, but it rarely did. It’s always been wink wink, especially in Hollywood.

You are the one with the persecution complex.:rolleyes:
I don’t think you even know what that means.
You can ignore reality and stick your head in the ground all you want but the facts are there.
Even today in most states it’s completely legal to fire someone for being gay.
However, it is a choice to flaunt it even though the Word clearly speaks against it.
How did ‘flaunting’ enter the conversation here?
Or are you claiming that all people who are LGBT are ‘flaunting’ themselves?
I don’t think you even know what that means.
You can ignore reality and stick your head in the ground all you want but the facts are there.
Even today in most states it’s completely legal to fire someone for being gay.
You are absolutely off base. It is totally illegal to fire someone for being gay. Where in the world are you getting that from???
Well. You could just be discreet, you know? Not telling anyone about your thoughts, not talking about them? Not being in-your-face of others?
You know, I meet a lady one time that told me of her mother (who lived in China), that when she was certain that she was alone, she would take out her Bible and read it. She kept the book in a secret place. This was not all that long ago…

Hence, it is part of a need to feel liberated from any guilt or shame. We need to feel that we can be open. Sadly, humans have a long history of denigrating others for their beliefs and practices or for just simply being different. Jesus told us to; “love thy neighbor”. I am certain that does not mean to go out and join a march with them in their next parade. But, we have been less than shinning examples of His teachings.

Young people are being taught in school to be more benevolent to others. It looks like one we missed.
It hurts their feelings when we tell them that they sin.

When they have a parade, it makes them feel better.
It hurts their feelings when we tell them that they sin.

When they have a parade, it makes them feel better.
Telling people that they are immoral for how they were born would irritate people.
Who knew?
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