Why are there "Gay Pride Parades" ?

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So they don’t agree it’s a sin. BUT it still bothers them greatly that we tell them that it’s a sin. It bothers them that they don’t have the approval of all of society (even though a majority might agree with them).

When we stand before God in judgement (which of course most won’t admit will ever happen), God will not be impressed that 54.6% of California voters said that gay marriage is OK.

The most loving thing that any Christian, Baptists included, can do for anyone it to tell them the truth about sin, and try to save their souls.

Right. Parades are to make people feel better. Thank you for confirming my point!
‘Most’ people in the US and the world are Christians so I’m not sure where you got that assessment from.
“He that falls into sin is a man; that grieves at it, is a saint; that boasteth of it, is a devil.”
Thomas Fuller
‘Most’ people in the US and the world are Christians so I’m not sure where you got that assessment from.
Well, perhaps one third or so are Christians.

In any case, I’d say that 90% of “Christians” don’t live their lives as though they will be standing before God in judgement.
So they don’t agree it’s a sin. BUT it still bothers them greatly that we tell them that it’s a sin. It bothers them that they don’t have the approval of all of society (even though a majority might agree with them).
I think that if I were gay, I really wouldn’t care much at all if you told me it was a sin. Lots of things that I do you might consider sinful and it doesn’t worry me in the slightest.

However…if you actively tried to prevent me doing what I wanted to do, as long as it was legal, then we might have a problem. Otherwise, I entirely support your right to express your views as you see fit.
In any case, I’d say that 90% of “Christians” don’t live their lives as though they will be standing before God in judgement.
Are you in the other 10%? If not then there’s a quote about beams and motes or something that I’ll have to look up for you.
I think that if I were gay, I really wouldn’t care much at all if you told me it was a sin. Lots of things that I do you might consider sinful and it doesn’t worry me in the slightest.
For you, perhaps not. But I do think many others are bothered by it.
However…if you actively tried to prevent me doing what I wanted to do, as long as it was legal, then we might have a problem. Otherwise, I entirely support your right to express your views as you see fit.
Thank you for your support.

“Legal” defined by man means nothing to God. Killing Jews (and gays) in Germany in WW2 was legal. I’m assuming that you wouldn’t have supported that just because it was.

Sodomy was NOT legal in the US until perhaps the early 1960’s? Along with fornication. Does that mean that you would have supported those bans because they were legal?
Are you in the other 10%? If not then there’s a quote about beams and motes or something that I’ll have to look up for you.
I believe that God will judge us, yes. I try, although imperfectly, to live my life knowing that, while trying to improve. The 90% I was referring to try to put it out of their minds, or “I’ll think about it later.”

The motes in the eye quote is not an injunction against telling others that they shouldn’t sin. It’s a reminder that we also need to look at ourselves.

I make no pretense to being perfect. I admit that I am not perfect, and welcome feedback on my imperfections.

And I said in a previous post that the most loving thing I can do for anybody else in the world is to help them get to Heaven. So I’m speaking the truth and hoping that some will listen.
“Legal” defined by man means nothing to God. Killing Jews (and gays) in Germany in WW2 was legal. I’m assuming that you wouldn’t have supported that just because it was.

Sodomy was NOT legal in the US until perhaps the early 1960’s? Along with fornication. Does that mean that you would have supported those bans because they were legal?
No. Me objecting to someone trying to prevent me from doing something legal is not the same as me supporting something that I feel is wrong, whether it is legal or not. Perhaps I should have added a rider to my comment in that I would object to you trying to prevent me doing something that was legal - and caused no harm. This is obviously a bone of contention because some people think that homosexuality does cause harm.

Then we come down to God’s laws v Man’s. If you think it cause harm under God’s Laws then I would have no objection to that. People who wish to live under God’s Laws must obey God’s Laws. But if you think it causes harm under secular law, then you need to make a secular argument. If the argument doesn’t hold (and I personally think that no argument does), then there is that clash.
And I said in a previous post that the most loving thing I can do for anybody else in the world is to help them get to Heaven. So I’m speaking the truth and hoping that some will listen.
Can’t argue with that…
But if you think it causes harm under secular law, then you need to make a secular argument. If the argument doesn’t hold (and I personally think that no argument does), then there is that clash.
There was a time in this country, when common sense prevailed, when sodomy was a criminal act. That it no longer is is not an argument in its favor, but rather an argument that as a culture our morals have deteriorated to the pointed of looking the other way, not only at sodomy, but at a host of other crimes that used to be vigorously prosecuted.

That sodomy causes physical harm is well recognized in the medical profession.

The gay pride parades originated in response to Stonewall, in order to counteract the popular perception of gay people as “child molesters” or “threats to society.” The very fact that the “gay panic defense” existed ever, for example, is a key testament to how society used to (and still does, to a degree) marginalize gay people by spreading all sorts of misinformation about gay people as “harassers” and criminals. They are meant to show visibility, for two purposes. One is so that people cannot re-marginalize gay people and send them back to the days of hate crimes and murders. The other is to help manage the teen suicide rate by letting kids know that it’s normal for someone to be gay, that they don’t need to shame themselves over it, despite what their family, friends, or culture may say.

No offense, but saying “I wish we could go back to the days when gay people were quiet and never showed themselves ever” is no different than saying “I wish we could go back to the days when black people weren’t so uppity and demanding civil rights” or “I wish we could go back to when women just accepted they couldn’t vote and didn’t make such a huge fuss about sexism.” A human right is a human right. A right to life is a right to life. A right to not be bullied or harassed or put down for one’s sexual orientation is a human right.

Unfortunately gay pride parades have been usurped by those who want to act ridiculous and scandalous. But that is not their purpose whatsoever. Gay pride parades are not about sex whatsoever. They are about one’s innate, immutable orientation and refusing to be harmed by others over it anymore.
A parade stops people who are aberrant from harming homosexual persons? Really? Exactly how does that work? A speech, a law, I get, but not a parade. Homosexual behavior is the issue. Why bother striking down sodomy laws if it’s not about sex?

That sodomy causes physical harm is well recognized in the medical profession.
Your concern for those who indulge in consensual sex in a manner that might lead to physical harm is duly noted. Although I’m not sure that you would get very far in trying to persuade anyone at all that having any type of sex which might lead to harm should be made illegal. Especially as wearing condoms is not an option as far as you are concerned, so you would have to make sex with anyone except your legally married partner a crime.

Let me know how that goes…
There was a time in this country, when common sense prevailed, when sodomy was a criminal act. That it no longer is is not an argument in its favor, but rather an argument that as a culture our morals have deteriorated to the pointed of looking the other way, not only at sodomy, but at a host of other crimes that used to be vigorously prosecuted.
Considering some of the things that used to be labeled as “common sense” in this country that doesn’t come across as a convincing argument to me. “Common sense” often seems to be used as an appeal to popular opinion.
And I said in a previous post that the most loving thing I can do for anybody else in the world is to help them get to Heaven.
This would be a commendable position, though it reminds me of nice joke. Here comes:

The boy scout comes home. His father asks him if he performed any good deeds today. He says proudly: "Yes, father, I and 5 of my friends helped on old guy to cross a busy street!. The father answers: “Very nice… but why did you need your 5 friends?”. The boy scout answers: “Because the old bugger did not want to cross the street!”.

I hope you see the point. Do not interfere with other people’s lives, UNLESS they ask for your help.
This would be a commendable position, though it reminds me of nice joke. Here comes:

The boy scout comes home. His father asks him if he performed any good deeds today. He says proudly: "Yes, father, I and 5 of my friends helped on old guy to cross a busy street!. The father answers: “Very nice… but why did you need your 5 friends?”. The boy scout answers: “Because the old bugger did not want to cross the street!”.

I hope you see the point. Do not interfere with other people’s lives, UNLESS they ask for your help.
So you see a car speeding down the road in the dark and you know that the bridge is out. The driver stops and asks “Is this the way to Sperryville?” You say “yes it is”, but don’t tell him the bridge is out because he didn’t ask that particular question. Isn’t it better to tell him about it?

Many people who need help don’t know that they need help.
So you see a car speeding down the road in the dark and you know that the bridge is out. The driver stops and asks “Is this the way to Sperryville?” You say “yes it is”, but don’t tell him the bridge is out because he didn’t ask that particular question. Isn’t it better to tell him about it?
So by all means tell him that the bridge is out and he won’t get across. He says not to worry, he knows the bridge is out. He never uses it – he likes to 4 wheel drive across the river. He does it every day – he wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t safe but he just wanted to know if he was heading the right way. Are you then going to physically stop him because in your opinion he might come to harm?
There was a time in this country, when common sense prevailed, when sodomy was a criminal act. That it no longer is is not an argument in its favor, but rather an argument that as a culture our morals have deteriorated to the pointed of looking the other way, not only at sodomy, but at a host of other crimes that used to be vigorously prosecuted.

That sodomy causes physical harm is well recognized in the medical profession.

So, if it is common sense that sodomy is bad then why do we need laws to punish them for doing it? Would you support laws outlawing drunkenness even if someone is in the privacy of their own home?
So they don’t agree it’s a sin. BUT it still bothers them greatly that we tell them that it’s a sin. It bothers them that they don’t have the approval of all of society (even though a majority might agree with them).
Do you lie awake nights worrying about all the things you’re doing wrong according to other religions?


Guess what, no one else does either.
*When we stand before God in judgement (which of course most won’t admit will ever happen), God will not be impressed that 54.6% of California voters said that gay marriage is OK. *
I’m impressed that God made you His prophet. You must be very honored.

But I think that as God gave us all a conscience, He probably likes it when Californians use theirs. The whole point of a secret ballot is to vote how we see it, not how someone else tells us.
The most loving thing that any Christian, Baptists included, can do for anyone it to tell them the truth about sin, and try to save their souls.
I think you’ll find it’s Jesus saves, not ricmat saves :). Around a year ago didn’t the Pope warn about focusing on narrow issues like gay marriage at the expense of everything else in the gospel?
Sorry to burst your bubble.

The Catholic Church is not governed by opinion polls.

Do Baptists now approve of sodomy? Is there a poll of Baptists that says they do?

Do you approve of sodomy?

If so, how would you square that with biblical condemnations of sodomy?
Sodomy includes oral sex. It seems a lot of heterosexuals do that. Heterosexuals make up 96% of the population. So there are potentially up to 25 heterosexual sodomites for each homosexual.

Yet we never hear a word against heterosexual sodomy. Not one word. Ever.

How convenient. Ignore all the sodomites amongst 96% of the population and just go after a 4% minority.

1 : a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the people after which he is sent into the wilderness in the biblical ceremony for Yom Kippur
2 a : one that bears the blame for others
2 b : one that is the object of irrational hostility
Do not interfere with other people’s lives, UNLESS they ask for your help.
Does that include folks who profess that God hates homosexuals? Should we leave them alone to profess their hate?
So by all means tell him that the bridge is out and he won’t get across. He says not to worry, he knows the bridge is out. He never uses it – he likes to 4 wheel drive across the river. He does it every day – he wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t safe but he just wanted to know if he was heading the right way
That’s fine then.

As long as he doesn’t get all huffy about our attempts to warn him.

Wouldn’t it be nice if he just said, “Oh! I didn’t realize that. Thanks for letting me know!”
I think you’ll find it’s Jesus saves, not ricmat saves :).
The Catholic view is the magnificent both/and. No need to create a dichotomy where none exists.

Jesus saves AND ricmat can save.

St. Paul says that as well–did you know that St. Paul declares that he (Paul) can save some folks? It’s right there in Scripture. 🙂
So, if it is common sense that sodomy is bad then why do we need laws to punish them for doing it? Would you support laws outlawing drunkenness even if someone is in the privacy of their own home?
If they keep it private, no one cares. I certainly wouldn’t like to see a parade of drunks though.
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