Why are there "Gay Pride Parades" ?

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The Catholic view is the magnificent both/and. No need to create a dichotomy where none exists.

Jesus saves AND ricmat can save.

St. Paul says that as well–did you know that St. Paul declares that he (Paul) can save some folks? It’s right there in Scripture. 🙂
That’s right - we are the hands and feet of Christ.
Well, perhaps one third or so are Christians.

In any case, I’d say that 90% of “Christians” don’t live their lives as though they will be standing before God in judgement.
Yes all those OTHER Christians are wrong about so many things, but nope not you.
Out of 2 and a half billion YOU are the only one special enough to get it right.

You don’t determine who is or isn’t a Christian.
Does that include folks who profess that God hates homosexuals? Should we leave them alone to profess their hate?
As long as they peacefully express this opinion, then yes. The same for white supremacists, and any group which professes unpopular views. It is fine to engage with a civilized exchange of ideas with them, as long as they are also willing. I want to emphasize: expressing their views but not acting on them.

The freedom of the proponents of unpopular ideas also protects you, just in case your ideas become unpopular.
Considering some of the things that used to be labeled as “common sense” in this country that doesn’t come across as a convincing argument to me. “Common sense” often seems to be used as an appeal to popular opinion.
Yes, and popular opinion is very often common sense. 👍
So, if it is common sense that sodomy is bad then why do we need laws to punish them for doing it? Would you support laws outlawing drunkenness even if someone is in the privacy of their own home?
Drunkenness in your own home only harms you, or possibly those in your home you abuse while drunk.

Drunkenness on the road is another matter. It is a crime in most places.

AIDS and rectal tearing are not private matters insofar as you can catch AIDS and rectal tearing through promiscuity and frequent anal sex.

Likewise prostitution is outlawed in many places because it produces a public menace.
Sodomy includes oral sex. It seems a lot of heterosexuals do that. Heterosexuals make up 96% of the population. So there are potentially up to 25 heterosexual sodomites for each homosexual.

Yet we never hear a word against heterosexual sodomy. Not one word. Ever.

How convenient. Ignore all the sodomites amongst 96% of the population and just go after a 4% minority.

1 : a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the people after which he is sent into the wilderness in the biblical ceremony for Yom Kippur
2 a : one that bears the blame for others
2 b : one that is the object of irrational hostility
You are oh so transparent at changing the subject. I’ll ask again.

Are you and Baptists generally O.K. with sodomy? If so, how do you deal with St. Paul’s quotes given earlier in Romans and Corinthians?

Are you O.K. with the sodomites who get AIDS and pass it on to other sodomites? :confused:

Are you O.K. wkith rectal tearing?

Would you agree that it’s against common sense to engage in anal sex, whether homosexual or heterosexual?

If you don’t agree, why? What benefit is obtained from anal sex?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but a non-Catholic won’t care what you say, and opinion polls show a majority of American Catholics approve of gay marriage, so even they don’t agree it’s a sin.

As for parades, Carnival is a mainly Catholic tradition, and it’s often rather hedonistic. People dress up, they dance, they parade, they have a good time. Just like a gay parade. It makes them feel better.
Just because a person believes that Gay Marriage should be legalized doesn’t mean that person thinks that the marriages are valid.

One can support Gay Marriage because of belief in civil liberties and freedom of expression. I voted for gay marriage because of my libertarian leanings. Do I think a homosexual union is on par with a hetero one? Not really.But I do support the fact that our nation allows for varying beliefs.
So by all means tell him that the bridge is out and he won’t get across. He says not to worry, he knows the bridge is out. He never uses it – he likes to 4 wheel drive across the river. He does it every day – he wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t safe but he just wanted to know if he was heading the right way. Are you then going to physically stop him because in your opinion he might come to harm?
I don’t believe I ever made a reference to physically stopping someone because he might come to harm. You might have me confused with someone else.

I would probably beg and plead him not to speed down this dark road because he would get hurt. Maybe even grab him gently and try to hold him back. Because (IMO) sure death awaits him if he just continues on his way.

So you wouldn’t do that?
I’m impressed that God made you His prophet. You must be very honored.
By virtue of our BAPTISMS, we all have roles as priest, prophet, and king. Look it up.
But I think that as God gave us all a conscience, He probably likes it when Californians use theirs. The whole point of a secret ballot is to vote how we see it, not how someone else tells us.
Having an informed conscience, open to the word of God is essential. Some people have disabled their consciences so far that they can no longer hear God, and no longer listen to their consciences.

Do you really think that a majority vote overrides God’s commands?
I think you’ll find it’s Jesus saves, not ricmat saves :). Around a year ago didn’t the Pope warn about focusing on narrow issues like gay marriage at the expense of everything else in the gospel?
Yes, Jesus saves those who follow his word, and not necessarily the whims of their own desires. As part of the body of Christ, we have a responsibility to help those in need, even if they don’t know they need help. BTW - I rant and rave about all kinds of sin, not just gay “marriage.” 😉
Yes all those OTHER Christians are wrong about so many things, but nope not you.
Out of 2 and a half billion YOU are the only one special enough to get it right.

You don’t determine who is or isn’t a Christian.
A Christian is anyone who is properly baptized.

My estimate is that 90% of those who are baptized (Christian) do not live their lives as though there will really be a final judgement. I’m not sure what you are disagreeing with.
My own small answer:

There are “Gay Pride” parades because we like to present our own sin as virtue to give ourselves comfort.

This isn’t unique to people with same-sex attraction - the greedy, the powerful, the corrupt, and the war-mongers do it too.
No but they are advertising their homosexuality.
Many of us advertise our stance on various matters. There are more overt forms of this this as wearing certain icons (brand images, religious items, bumper stickers) to much more subtle signals such as gestures. This helps us find other people that have a compatible stance on some matter. The advertisements and signals differ from one group to another and one culture to another, but the broadcast of certain social signals seems to be very human and very helpful in directly or indirectly communicating with like minded communication. The monologue of such advertisements can lead to a dialogue among those with compatible stances. It’s social. To not give off any signals at all would be isolating.
Gay folks are still particularly victimized by violent crimes and treated with hatred, so I understand why they would want to come together and march for an end to hate.

What I do not understand is why anyone would otherwise want to march on behalf of their sex lives.
Many of us advertise our stance on various matters. There are more overt forms of this this as wearing certain icons (brand images, religious items, bumper stickers) to much more subtle signals such as gestures. This helps us find other people that have a compatible stance on some matter. The advertisements and signals differ from one group to another and one culture to another, but the broadcast of certain social signals seems to be very human and very helpful in directly or indirectly communicating with like minded communication. The monologue of such advertisements can lead to a dialogue among those with compatible stances. It’s social. To not give off any signals at all would be isolating.
Sorry for the off-topic post, but your religion identifier made me chuckle. My current pastor in CA and my former associate pastor in VA were both former software engineers. Is there some deep connection with software engineering and faith that I’m missing? 😃
Many of us advertise our stance on various matters. There are more overt forms of this this as wearing certain icons (brand images, religious items, bumper stickers) to much more subtle signals such as gestures. This helps us find other people that have a compatible stance on some matter. The advertisements and signals differ from one group to another and one culture to another, but the broadcast of certain social signals seems to be very human and very helpful in directly or indirectly communicating with like minded communication. The monologue of such advertisements can lead to a dialogue among those with compatible stances. It’s social. To not give off any signals at all would be isolating.
Wearing an earring to signal your homosexuality or wearing women’s underwear in a Gay Pride Parade to signal your homosexuality different signals. The subtlety is lost on the latter.
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