Why are there so many homosexuals?

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Then Catholicism uses the term quite unlike the way it is used in any other situation by anyone. If I say ‘I’m open to the idea of going to the beach’ then I am saying that it’s an idea I am quite prepared to entertain.
I referred explicitly to the act and distinguished that from the intentions or wishes of the actors. You are talking about the actots.
Then Catholicism uses the term quite unlike the way it is used in any other situation by anyone. If I say ‘I’m open to the idea of going to the beach’ then I am saying that it’s an idea I am quite prepared to entertain.
I referred explicitly to the act and distinguished that from the intentions or wishes of the actors. You are talking about the actots.
It’s the actors we need to talk about. The act can’t be moral or immoral in isolation. It needs an actor. It is dependent on the intention of the actor. And in my case, whatever the mechanics, I am not open to conception.
It’s the actors we need to talk about.
It is not immoral to have sex while desiring not to conceive. In the case of contraception, it is the act, not the intention, that leads to immorality.
So if you physically cannot conceive and you have no intention of conceiving and you have sex purely for pleasure then you’re ok?
we are not what we desire but what we choose to do. Celibacy was chosen by my grandmother when still young and her husband abandoned her and their six children. She never divorced, devoted herself to her family and was deeply devoted to Christ and never dated never searched out a relationship with another man. She lived over 60 yrs doing this and was a wonderful kind loving person and one of the happiest people Ive ever known.
Sodomy. …
What if they avoid sodomy? Many SSA men do not engage in this specific act yet are not celibate either. Have they avoided sin?
And negative references are always made about men. If you only got your information about homosexuality from this forum you wouldn’t know that gay women existed.
And negative references are always made about men. If you only got your information about homosexuality from this forum you wouldn’t know that gay women existed.
True dat! Does this mean gay women are not sinning if no sodomy is involved. I assume the answer is yes, they are still sinning…but how or why?
It’s the actors we need to talk about.
It is not immoral to have sex while desiring not to conceive. In the case of contraception, it is the act, not the intention, that leads to immorality.
@Rau - I would like to say that what you say here is objectively true, but can be subjectively false.

We have to remember, that people can sin by their thoughts & intentions.

For example: if a husband is objecting his wife, that would sinful, even if she’s ok with it. It may or may not send the husband to hell, but it’s still a sin.

@Freddy - In regards to two sterile people having sex who do not want children, I think the best way to answer your question is like this:

If by some miracle, your wife became pregnant & you were the father, what would you do? If you would have & keep the baby, then you are open to life. If you would abort the baby, then you are not open to life. If you would give the baby up for adoption, then it would be totally dependent on your reasons, but that would be between you and God only.

There is an internal aspect to sin. However, we typically don’t discuss it because it is almost impossible for us to truly understand what’s in someone else’s heart. A person might say you are “not open to life” but you might be using a different understanding of the term, etc.

What happens inside a person’s subconscious it between them & God. Not even a good therapist is going to understand everything.

I hope I’m making sense.
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Although there is much to learn about the subject, it is widely known that homosexuality and bisexuality are quite common throughout the animal kingdom. It was once thought to be “anti-evolutionary” but now they seem to play key roles in the evolutionary process.

If by some miracle…
This is the bit that makes it nonsensical to me. For my wife to get pregnant would be a miracle. Because it is physically and physiologically impossible. Just as miraculous as two women having sex and one of them getting pregnant. Unless you want to say that that’s too much of an impossibility for that miracle to happen. And I mean gee, imagine a woman getting pregnant not having known a man…

So if it’s OK for my wife to have sex without wanting children because there could always be a miracle then it’s ok for any woman.
So if you physically cannot conceive and you have no intention of conceiving and you have sex purely for pleasure then you’re ok?
An inability to conceive is not a bar from engaging in sex with one’s spouse. An absence of a desire to conceive at this time is no bar from engaging in sex with one’s spouse.
So if you physically cannot conceive and you have no intention of conceiving and you have sex purely for pleasure then you’re ok?
An inability to conceive is not a bar from engaging in sex with one’s spouse. An absence of a desire to conceive at this time is no bar from engaging in sex with one’s spouse.
One argument at at a time please. The first is that you cannot be sinning even if you cannot conceive and you are doing it just for pleasure. If that’s agreed then we can move on to what constitutes a genuine committment. Such as a long term common law ‘marriage’.
Prisoners engage in environmental homosexuality quite frequently due to a lack of female sexual partners.
In his autobiography, CS Lewis says that for similar reasons, as well as a means of affirming a social hierarchy between pupils, homosexual behaviors were ubiquitous in his Edwardian, English public school, which he entered in 1913.
In his autobiography, CS Lewis says that for similar reasons, as well as a means of affirming a social hierarchy between pupils, homosexual behaviors were ubiquitous in his Edwardian, English public school, which he entered in 1913.
Robert Graves described pretty much the same thing in “Good-bye to All That”. You put a bunch of teens with hormones going crazy in a same-sex environment, especially one where they’re largely cut off from other loving and supportive relationships like with their parents, etc. and they will all have same-sex crushes on each other. A huge part of his memoir is all about guy-crush drama at his boarding school, which he described as being a normal feature of English boarding school in those days (pre-WWI).

When the guys got out of there and had access to the opposite sex, most of them, including Graves, pursued heterosexual relationships with women. I reckon the percentage who continued as gay men was probably the usual 5% or so.
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In his book War by Sebastian Junger, which is about his time spent in the Korengal Valley during the war in Afghanistan with American soldiers he describes very intense relationships between the soldiers, although they never progressed to being sexual in nature.

People will seek out support and intimacy where it can be found, which really is a good thing. Our oversexed society just has a perverse drive to express that sexually.
What if they avoid sodomy? Many SSA men do not engage in this specific act yet are not celibate either. Have they avoided sin?
Anything that any two people do — straight, gay, or whatever — that deliberately brings completed sexual pleasure is mortally sinful outside of marriage. Gay people cannot validly marry one another, therefore there is nothing they can “do”. The only thing they can do, is to bear the cross of lifelong unwanted celibacy. That is a “hard saying” — heterosexual celibacy, which I practice as a divorced male with no annulment, is no picnic lunch either (you get used to it) — but it is better than going to hell for all eternity.

Without getting too graphic, sodomy is one of two things. Lesbians cannot do either one of these things with one another. Nonetheless, Scripture is clear on this too, Romans 1:24-27 (Douay):

24 Wherefore, God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness: to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. 27 And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.
Anything that any two people do — straight, gay, or whatever — that deliberately brings completed sexual pleasure is mortally sinful outside of marriage.
Small girls, sometimes just a couple of years old, deliberately masturbate until orgasm. What is “mortally sinful” about such activity? Moreover, you need to define what kind of “marriage” are you talking about?
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