Why are there so many homosexuals?

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You are incorrect to believe that you are in the position to speak for all the catholics
Well, the Catholic Church does teach the we are to be chaste and sex is only for a married couple of one man and one woman. Just because there is a biological urge does not make it okay. We are intended to discipline ourselves.
The Church should not yield to anything where there is no proof. There has been no proof given that people are born gay. Literally zero proof of any ‘gay gene’ or anything of the sort.
Do you really think that God made some men/women homosexual then make it a sin to act on their sexuality?
No, I don’t. See answer above.
I don’t think anyone would like to be a child of homosexuals, would you?
I’m sorry to intrude, but I have to answer this question.

I would love to have had gay parents for a few reasons:
  1. It would mean that it wouldn’t have been my emotionally manipulative and abusive mother and my workaholic and emotionally distant father.
  2. It would mean I would’ve been less likely to suffer from severe depression and suicidality due to constant mockery, shaming, and senseless punishments because “that’s not what men do in this family” and “you’re a man, start acting like it”.
  3. I would have been more likely to have the words and concepts necessary to come to a clearer understanding of myself and my own sexuality and in an environment that didn’t explicitly or implicitly shame me.
  4. I wouldn’t have had a period of self-deception and self-loathing that turned me into a bitter and hateful shell of myself for years of my life.
  5. I wouldn’t have had to lie to friends and loved ones for years to protect myself out of fear.
  6. I probably wouldn’t have wasted almost three decades in churches that fed me a version of God that hated me and called me disordered.
  7. I wouldn’t have been put on a bunch of drugs and cycled through carefully-selected counselors to “fix” me.
So can I restart life with gay parents? That sounds pretty good to me, to be perfectly honest.
The Church should not yield to anything where there is no proof. There has been no proof given that people are born gay. Literally zero proof of any ‘gay gene’ or anything of the sort.
Of course not. Sexual attraction is much more complicated than to reduce it to one or more genes. But it is undeniable that attraction is mostly innate and partially learned.
To what teaching do you refer here?
Genesis, for example.

Maybe it is worth repeating that many of the teachings are admirable and thus worthy to follow. But not everything. And the church also admits that the bible is NOT a science textbook. So you cannot and should not expect it to be ultimate authority in biological questions.

There is nothing “disrespectful” about pointing out reality. The role of the church would be even strengthened to separate science from theology.
There is no proof of God, miracles, Moses, etc
My point was why on earth should the Church yield to anyone on homosexuality being normal when there is zero proof of this? You may think there is no proof of what the Church believes either. Fine. But why trade that for something else with no proof? The Church’s teaching on this at least seems to make some type of natural sense to me.
Homosexuality is not a disease to be cured.
No, it’s not. A disease is an external entity that infects a host.

Homosexuality is a mental illness that causes an individual to act in a way that is contrary to their biology.

Very different things.

(To be explicitly clear, since most people seem incapable of distinguishing. This is not an attack against the person. A schizophrenic person is not lesser because of their illness, nor is a homosexual, gender dysphoric, or depressed person. It is simply a recognition of the nature of the affliction. I am also fully aware that you will never accept this fact, and that reading this has likely made you angry, or possibly made you pity me depending on where you fall in terms of emotional maturity and how solidified you are in your perception that it is normal behavior. Nonetheless, it is silence about fundamental truths that has allowed falsehoods like the normalcy of homosexual behavior to become so prominent, accepted, and even celebrated in our broken culture, and so silence must be broken when the opportunity presents.)
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My point was why on earth should the Church yield to anyone on homosexuality being normal when there is zero proof of this?
There is no proof required for normalcy. It is normal for the homosexual. Is it normal for you to be heterosexual. Can I convince you to be attracted to the same sex? You’re attracted to what you’re attracted to, no proof required. No sin.
Homosexuality is a mental illness that causes an individual to act in a way that is contrary to their biology.
What medical journal did you get that from?

I don’t agree but for argument sake, if what you’re saying were true then God created them. No? Now God wants to deny them the right to live a life of happiness and love? Why?
God did not create men/women homosexual.
Oh? I guess people just decide to be attracted to the same sex for the fun of it. To be ostracized by family, co-workers, religions, etc…sounds like fun.
If you say it’s an abnormality then God created the abnormality.
There is no proof required for normalcy. It is normal for the homosexual. Is it normal for you to be heterosexual. Can I convince you to be attracted to the same sex? You’re attracted to what you’re attracted to, no proof required. No sin.
No sin to be attracted - correct. Actions are another thing. You seem to be saying it is normal for a blind person to not see, when the question is, is it normal to be blind?
You seem to be saying it is normal for a blind person to not see, when the question is, is it normal to be blind?
It’s normal for the blind person if he/she was born that way.

It’s not a sin to be blind if being blind is not normal is it. My point is the Catholic Church says acting on your homosexuality is a sin because it’s not normal.
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