Why are there so many homosexuals?

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What do you attribute a person being blind from birth is?
I’m not a scientist but I attribute it to DNA.
Homosexuality is a mental illness that causes an individual to act in a way that is contrary to their biology.
This view has been discredited and discarded a long time ago. The phrase “mental illness” is only a politically correct euphemism for “crazy”, to be confined to a lunatic asylum.

Biologically speaking we are all bi-sexual, meaning that we all can get sexual satisfaction and gratification from any partner. This ability is socially suppressed, much to the pity.
Oh? I guess people just decide to be attracted to the same sex for the fun of it. To be ostracized by family, co-workers, religions, etc…sounds like fun.
If you say it’s an abnormality then God created the abnormality.
No, God did not create the abnormality. Adam and Eve (and there was no Steve) had the preternatural gifts of bodily immortality, freedom from sickness and infused knowledge. The fall is responsible for the corruption.
What medical journal did you get that from?
Every medical journal prior to when it was removed due to social pressures.
I don’t agree but for argument sake, if what you’re saying were true then God created them. No? Now God wants to deny them the right to live a life of happiness and love? Why?
God did not create them gay, that is a load of nonsense with absolutely no scientific backing. There is no gay gene, there are no genetic marker for homosexual inclinations. That is a false narrative that has been created to try to justify indulgence in aberrant behaviors. It’s the same shoddy justification pedophiles are trying to use to justify their inclinations, and it has absolutely no basis in fact.

As for denying them happiness, He isn’t. Happiness isn’t found in sexual embrace, it is found in Him. They are trading happiness for a worthless knockoff, just as people do when they engage in pornography, or fornication, or any of the other myriad of sexual sins that they choose over God. Their inclination is a cross they must bear, as are all sinful inclinations.
This view has been discredited and discarded a long time ago.
No, it fell out of social favor and was removed due to social pressures. Nothing about the psychology or the medicine changed.
Biologically speaking we are all bi-sexual, meaning that we all can get sexual satisfaction and gratification from any partner. This ability is socially suppressed, much to the pity.
This is utter tripe. The ability to derive pleasure does not dictate attraction, nor does it dictate the proper use of sexual faculties. I can gain pleasure from my hand, that doesn’t make me a mono-sexual. I could gain pleasure from an animal, that does not justify bestiality, nor does the ability to derive pleasure form a mechanical toy make that a proper use of the sexual faculties.
No, it fell out of social favor and was removed due to social pressures. Nothing about the psychology or the medicine changed.
Hmmmm. just like the geocentric worldview “fell” out of social favor and was “removed” due to social pressure… after all nothing about mathematics or astronomy has changed.

And, of course all those people who have such a mental disorder, should be confined to the proper place - insane asylums - to protect the “healthy” heterosexual population. 😦
The ability to derive pleasure does not dictate attraction.
Really. I suggest to study a little.
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WASHINGTON, D.C., September 22, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A top researcher with the American Psychological Association (APA) and lesbian activist has acknowledged that gays are not “born that way.”

Dr. Lisa Diamond, co-editor-in-chief of the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology and one of the APA’s “most respected members," says sexual orientation is “fluid” and not unchangeable.

As clinical psychologist Dr. Laura A. Haynes summarizes Diamond’s APA Handbook chapters, her book and YouTube lectures, "The battle to disprove 'Born that way and can’t change’ is now over, and (Diamond) is telling LGBT activists to stop promoting the myth."

Contrary to the typical argument that homosexuals are “born gay” as “who they are” and cannot change, the APA officially recognized sexual orientation change in 2011.

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God did not create them gay, that is a load of nonsense with absolutely no scientific backing. There is no gay gene, there are no genetic marker for homosexual inclinations. That is a false narrative that has been created to try to justify indulgence in aberrant behaviors. It’s the same shoddy justification pedophiles are trying to use to justify their inclinations, and it has absolutely no basis in fact.
Well then who created them gay? The fairy
godmother, DNA, the devil?

As I said before there is no scientific evidence of God, miracles Adam an Eve or Moses either yet I assume you believe it.

I see, now you’re equating homosexuality with pedophilia. I was wonder when that would come in, it always does. I’m surprised you didn’t mention bestiality.

How would you feel if the Church changed its stance on homosexuality?
Homosexuality is not a disease to be cured.
No, it’s not. A disease is an external entity that infects a host.

Homosexuality is a mental illness…
Way to go. And this just a few short posts after pearleaf’s post.
It is a fundamental part of the bible. You are welcome to accept it literally or allegorically. So there is no uniform “teaching”.
Thanks for that. The books of the Bible are not a teaching of the Catholic Church.
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Homosexuality is a mental illness that causes an individual to act in a way that is contrary to their biology.
This view has been discredited and discarded a long time ago.
I don’t know the nature or cause of the inclination to same sex sexual relationships, but whether or not something is a mental illness is governed by a definition. It is a fact that homosexuality does not meet the current criteria for a mental illness given these practical considerations:
  • it does not prevent individuals from participating in society;
  • those who experience it are not particularly a danger to themselves or others;
  • most are not suffering;
  • most do not seek treatment (and there is no broadly accepted treatment);
This definition is pragmatic. And it does not at all exclude the possibility of a psychological underpinning for the inclination.
No, it fell out of social favor and was removed due to social pressures. Nothing about the psychology or the medicine changed.
I think you should go with the science. Not simply organisations that cave in to ‘social pressure’. Like…um, China for example. Who simply caved in to gay rights and declared it not to be an illness nearly 20 years ago. But hey, you know what the Chinese are like. They fold like a cheap overcoat as soon as anyone protests.
Homosexuality Not an Illness, Chinese Say - The New York Times

But there must be some countries that you and @buffalo can use to back up your scientific view. Let me see…

Libya, Sudan, Gambia, Nigeria, Uganda, Ethiopia, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar…there are a few others but that should do for your purposes.

All bastions of human rights and freedom for the individual! Do you want to align your views with these countries? Some of whom not just consider it a mental ilness but will put you to death for being gay. You don’t see these guys bowing to social pressure.
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Thanks for that. The books of the Bible are not a teaching of the Catholic Church.
Agreed… The books of the bible (New testament) have been collected, edited and compiled by the catholic church. And the number of arguments which assert: “the bible says so…” is too many to mention.
If by some miracle…
This is the bit that makes it nonsensical to me. For my wife to get pregnant would be a miracle. Because it is physically and physiologically impossible. Just as miraculous as two women having sex and one of them getting pregnant. Unless you want to say that that’s too much of an impossibility for that miracle to happen. And I mean gee, imagine a woman getting pregnant not having known a man…

So if it’s OK for my wife to have sex without wanting children because there could always be a miracle then it’s ok for any woman.
God typically doesn’t individual perform miracles that defy the laws of nature.

Two women having a child without a man would be too much of an impossibility. Where has a sterile man & woman HAVE had children before. While extremely rare, it is has happened.

That’s what I was referring to by “if by some miracle.”
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And the number of arguments which assert: “the bible says so…” is too many to mention.
Many such arguments don’t come from the Catholic Church but by every man and his dog. The church does teach, and references and interprets Scripture and Tradition to support its teaching.
I think you should go with the science. Not simply organisations that cave in to ‘social pressure’. Like…um, China for example. Who simply caved in to gay rights and declared it not to be an illness nearly 20 years ago.
See my earlier post Fredy. It’s not so much that science is telling us what homosexuality is or is not, because in reality, Science does not know. There is no established etiology, no established understanding of what is going on. But as I indicated, there is an absence of the factors that would lead us to categorise homosexuality as a mental illness. Those factors more relate to impact than to nature or cause.

Objectively, we know something is amiss, given the sexual preferences are not aligned with the sexual capacity/workings of the body. This is most evident when considering male homosexuality.
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I think you should go with the science. Not simply organisations that cave in to ‘social pressure’. Like…um, China for example. Who simply caved in to gay rights and declared it not to be an illness nearly 20 years ago.
See my earlier post Fredy. It’s not so much that science is telling us what homosexuality is or is not, because in reality, Science does not know. There is no established etiology, no established understanding of what is going on. But as I indicated, there is an absence of the factors that would lead us to categorise homosexuality as a mental illness. Those factors more relate to impact than to nature or cause.

Objectively, we know something is amiss, given the sexual preferences are not aligned with the sexual capacity/workings of the body. This is most evident when considering male homosexuality.
Since homosexuality is something that typically occurs in a small percentage of the population and doesn’t fit the definition of a mental illness, does it matter from a non-religious standpoint whether it aligns with what certain parts of our bodies were originally evolved to do? It’s fine as an intellectual exercise to speculate about such issues, but as a practical matter, gay people want to have happy lives with a significant other of their own sex and there doesn’t seem to me to be any reason why they shouldn’t if they don’t have any personal religious beliefs that would prevent them.
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If by some miracle…
This is the bit that makes it nonsensical to me. For my wife to get pregnant would be a miracle. Because it is physically and physiologically impossible. Just as miraculous as two women having sex and one of them getting pregnant. Unless you want to say that that’s too much of an impossibility for that miracle to happen. And I mean gee, imagine a woman getting pregnant not having known a man…

So if it’s OK for my wife to have sex without wanting children because there could always be a miracle then it’s ok for any woman.
God typically doesn’t individual perform miracles that defy the laws of nature.

Two women having a child without a man would be too much of an impossibility. Where has a sterile man & woman HAVE had children before. While extremely rare, it is has happened.

That’s what I was referring to by “if by some miracle.”
We’re not talking sterility here. It is physically impossible.

And I love the term ‘too much of an impossibility’. You are literally saying that it would be too much for God to make a woman pregnant without having sex with a man. Hmmmm.
Since homosexuality is something that typically occurs in a small percentage of the population and doesn’t fit the definition of a mental illness, does it matter from a non-religious standpoint whether it aligns with what certain parts of our bodies were originally evolved to do?
The misalignment tells us something about the issue. And for those distressed by their situation, I guess it does matter.
It’s fine as an intellectual exercise to speculate about such issues
I wasn’t suggesting we should speculate. But it would seem a valid scientific question to study: “Why is it that opposite sexes ordinarily attract? Why is it that in a small proportion of cases, this is not the case, and the attraction goes toward the same sex?”
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