Why are there so many homosexuals?

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No I don’t and you very well know that. That’s just an ignorant statement on your part. I never mentioned children.
Good I’m glad you don’t. Why don’t you though? Is it for the same reason that Abrosz gave? If so, can you answer the question I put to Abrosz?
In the end it comes down to what God wants. We are created in the image and likeness of God, and our bodies are designed biologically to be compatible with someone from the opposite sex. Therefore it has been determined by the Church that homosexual acts directly go against what God designed our bodies for on the biological level. It is a sin because it goes against the procreative end of sex, therefore against what God wants us to use our bodies for. i.e not just for pleasure but we have to be open to life giving love which is biologically impossible in the case of homosexual acts.
You do realize that the bi community has been saying sexuality is fluid for years, right? Doesn’t make it a choice. And sexuality being fluid doesn’t help the non-affirming view in the slightest.
Bi people are obviously sexually attracted to both sexes, but do most of them claim that their sexuality changes? I don’t know the answer to this question.

I think when researchers like Diamond talks about sexuality being “fluid,” they mean that people go from being attracted to one sex to then being attracted to the other sex or perhaps both sexes. But Diamond has seen this mostly in women, and she herself makes the point that this change is not something that someone can make happen and it’s usually gradual and not consciously chosen.
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Perhaps fluidity better explains (or more commonly underpins) cases where a person married for 20 years one day “comes out” as gay. It’s not that their true self has emerged, but perhaps they have slowly morphed?
Good I’m glad you don’t. Why don’t you though? Is it for the same reason that Abrosz gave? If so, can you answer the question I put to Abrosz?
Why are you asking such inane questions?

One more time.
Because it’s rape. You are doing harm to a human being, an innocent child that will suffer all of his/her life. If you believe in God then that would be a mortal sin.

A loving same sex couple on the other hand expressing there love is not a sin.
I hope this ends it.
I understand but I wholeheartedly disagree with the Church. Because the Churches stand on this is completely antithetical to an all loving and forgiving God.
I think that the CRUX of the problem w/ Consensual sex outside
of Marriage is USING the bodies of the parties involved in a SINFUL
way. Fornication is a sin frontwards, backwards and in any language!!
The core argument for the pro gay sex acts crowd is that’s it’s okay for homosexual adults to have sex because they can consent. An adult having sex with a child isn’t okay they say, because the child doesn’t understand enough to consent, and is therefore being abused.

My question is very clear. If the child (let’s say 10 or 11 years old) is taught about sex from such an early age (and let’s face it, kids are being taught lots of sex related stuff at an early age these days) and fully understands what sexual intercourse is, and then consents to sex with an adult, is that okay? If it still isn’t, then the consent argument for homosexuality is invalid, and the pro gay folks know that, that’s why they don’t want any of this debate.
If it still isn’t, then the consent argument for homosexuality is invalid, and the pro gay folks know that, that’s why they don’t want any of this debate.
Because your pedophilia argument isn’t valid for heterosexual sex either. Until a child reaches adulthood, sex with an adult is rape.
The Church is just saying what God has revealed through scripture and the very nature of our bodies. It’s not about what the Church wants it’s about God and we can’t argue that it’s not what God wants based on revelation
It’s funny how the pro gay crowd don’t want to debate when they realise that their logic of why homosexual acts are okay is flawed, as it would mean acts of pedaphilia would also be okay if children had enough knowledge about sex to consent.
No, I agree with @Abrosz. Your questions are too odd. You seem to have a fixation on the subject of pedophilia.
I think it’s best to end this conversation.
Because your pedophilia argument isn’t valid for heterosexual sex either. Until a child reaches adulthood, sex with an adult is rape.
Heterosexual sex has never been considered unnatural or wrong. In the right ‘environment’ (marriage) it is completely fine.
Until a child reaches adulthood
Who decides that and how do you define it? Some children mature faster than others.
Your questions are too odd. You seem to have a fixation on the subject of pedophilia.
I don’t have any fixation of pedophilia. Now you are twisting the situation. It’s the first time I brought it up in this long topic. I understand, it frightens you, because it’s a controversial subject. I am not arguing for pedophilia, I am simply saying that you could say it’s okay just as you say homosexual adult sex is okay. Look up NAMBLA. People in it believe they have a natural attraction to young boys they can’t help just like gay adults ‘can’t help’ their attraction to adults of the same sex.
The Church is just saying what God has revealed through scripture and the very nature of our bodies. It’s not about what the Church wants it’s about God and we can’t argue that it’s not what God wants based on revelation
Actually the scriptures were written by men interpreting what they thought God would say. Some of these writers may have had a bias. I only know that an all loving God would not condemn a loving same sex couple.
Until someone in this topic can give me a solid answer to why sex between an adult and a child is wrong if the child understands what the act they are about to perform is and consents to it, other than ‘because it’s obviously wrong’ (that would be my reason) then you can’t attack Christians for saying homosexual sex between two consenting people is wrong because ‘it just obviously is’.
God designed us the way he did because we are compatible with someone from the opposite sex.
Using the sexual faculty for anything other than what it was designed is a sin.

The same conclusion can be drawn without directly quoting scripture
Took the easy way out. Good for you.
You mean the rational way.
It’s funny how the pro gay crowd don’t want to debate when they realise that their logic of why homosexual acts are okay is flawed, as it would mean acts of pedaphilia would also be okay if children had enough knowledge about sex to consent.
If children could meaningfully consent, it would be no pedophilia. You are fixated on the biological and physical age.

Let’s just think it through. The development of children, both bodily and mental is much faster than it used to be. If and when they will become physically and mentally mature enough to consent in a meaningful manner, of course they cease to be “children”, and will be eligible to have sex.

And this development is only partially contingent upon the biological physical age. The mental maturity is much more important.

Let’s also look at the society about 200 years ago. Children were put into the workforce much earlier than today, and they had sex at an earlier age, too. Just look at England at the time of industrial revolution. Children at about the age of 10, or even earlier had to work 8-10-12 hours a day. Read a few books by Dickens and others.
You see how angry you got @nicholasG when I asked you if you thought pedophilia was okay. To you, it’s obvious it isn’t. Not only that but it is illegal.

The same could have been said for homosexuality decades ago. It was obvious it wasn’t okay and it was illegal.

The way you feel about pedophilia, that is how many Christians feel about homosexual acts.

I asked you if the child was able to consent, if a 10-year old child understood how sex works (because it was heavily sexualised through education for example) and consented to sex with an adult male, would it be okay?

You say no. I agree. Of course it isn’t. Having said that, why isn’t that okay? Why would even a consenting child be caused to suffer throughout its life because of this? Who are you to say it will? At what age will it not be psychologically damaged? 11? 12? Again, who are you to judge this?
Irrational questions have no answers.
Took the easy way out. Good for you.

It’s funny how the pro gay crowd don’t want to debate when they realise that their logic of why homosexual acts are okay is flawed, as it would mean acts of pedaphilia would also be okay if children had enough knowledge about sex to consent.
This is simply outrageous. We have already had one forum member detailing the trauma she went through simply because of the fact that she was gay. And now you insist on dragging the conversation into the gutter by making active comparisons between homosexuality and child rape.

You should be ashamed.
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