Why are you persuaded that Catholicism is the true Christian faith?

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Are you saying that this scripture was an instruction not given specifically and directly to his apostles?
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭NABRE‬‬
It is quite clear from the writings of the Church Fathers, some of whom were taught by the Apostles themselves, that basic Catholic beliefs were taught from the beginning. And they have not changed. There is no evidence of the Church “apostatizing” and then being reformed as Protestants like to believe. Moreover, there is simply nothing like the breadth and depth of the Catholic faith. It appeals to the most simple and the most educated. Protestant faiths (and I’ve studied a number of them) are “thin” by comparison and rarely hold together fully.
I believe in the Catholic Faith b/c in the end
times, according to the Bible, the War between
Good and Evil is between satan and “the Woman”
Gen. 3:15 and Rev. 12:17
I think God is scratching his head at one Christian trying to get another Christian to be their kind of Christian.
That might be so for Protestants trying to convince other Protestants that their denomination is the best.

However, I think Christ is saddened by the fact that many of His followers are not taking of His sacraments, submitting to His vicar, and actively resisting loving His mother, whom He gave to us, as much as He does. Christ wants to give us His all, and I’d imagine He’s saddened when we don’t take it. Unfortunately, Protestants are doing just that. It may not be rebellious, as was the case with the early Protestants, but I don’t think that takes the hurt away from Jesus.
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  • After the Protestant reformation occurred, 39000 Christian denominations now exist today. Every Protestant claims to “interpret the Bible through the Holy Spirit”, but that can’t be right. The Holy Spirit leads all into truth; He doesn’t divide. This is the main reason why I was convinced that the Catholic Church was the True Church: she is unified, and dates her doctrines and beliefs all the way back 2 Millenias ago.
  • Catholic Church can trace her history back to the time of the Apostles.
  • The Church has lasted for over 2000 years amidst harsh persecutions (Ancient Rome, Napoleon, Hitler etc). It’s a miracle the Church hasn’t collapsed yet! Napoleon was oh so close to “tearing down the papacy” but he still failed in the end. This echoes Christ’s promise that the gates of hell won’t prevail against His Church.
  • All in all, I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe when He left, He would have sent us guides. Yes, I know He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, but I believe the Holy Spirit guides us also through the Church. Some Protestants claim that “we don’t need a church, the Holy Spirit can guide us; God can guide us!” But they fail to consider one thing: what if God wanted to guide us through the Church? Even so, their claims that “The Holy Spirit guided them” are doubtful because - as mentioned before - there are currently more than 39000 Christian denominations who have varying beliefs. The Holy Spirit can’t be saying to Person A to believe “this” while telling Person B to believe “that”. The Holy Spirit unites, not divides.
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Reading the Bible and the writings of other early Christians of the first, second and third centuries made me open to the claim that the Church established by Christ subsists in the Catholic Church. However, it wasn’t until God gave me the gift of faith in the Catholic Church that I was persuaded.
The answer is simple — there were no other churches for 15 centuries before the Reformation other than the RCC. It is the only one that goes back directly to Jesus, the apostles, the first Pentecost, etc. This is plain, irrefutable historical fact. The question then becomes; does one believe that somehow the RCC “lost” its authority or legitimacy or not. If you believe the RCC became so corrupted that even God the Father, Jesus, and the “Advocate” couldn’t salvage it - then you have over 30,000 Protestant and Non-Denominational churches to choose from. If you believe the Lord and the Advocate is capable of sustaining the church the Lord founded, regardless of man’s faults and failings, then you only have only the RCC to choose from.
Ok I am getting many different responses but I am just going to make some short comments and questions.

One, I hear people say that The Catholic Church is the church Jesus started and there is apostolic succession. But how without being circular do you know for sure that your church is the true church when Eastern Orthodox people say they are the true church?

Also many claim that scripture is not sufficient because there are so many interpretations and you have to interpret the text. However, I believe Catholics have the same problem in the sense that instead of having to only interpret a infallible Bible, they also have to interpret what an “infallible” church or religious authority says. If it’s an argument against evangelicalism to say that you are prone to error when interpreting an infallible book, then how is it not an argument against Catholicism if you are trying to interpret an infallible book, religious authority and other things.

Also the argument about 33,000 Protestant denominations reminds me of an atheist who asked me “Out of all he thousands of religions how can you ever know which one’s the right one.” The answer is simple. You see which religion corresponds to reality which is Christianity. 33,000 denominations are not a problem if our guideline is the Bible. This is because our faith is not based upon consensus, but rather on the Word of God.

Also, I know many people will say that the authority of the Roman Catholic Church is like a Three legged stool. The Bible, Tradition, and Magisterium are the three legs. My question is if one seems to contradict the other wouldn’t that prove that the foundation of Roman Catholicism would be destroyed.

I am interested in your responses.
But how without being circular do you know for sure that your church is the true church when Eastern Orthodox people say they are the true church?
Both have apostolic succession. Both have valid sacraments. The issue is, among other things, papal primacy.
Catholics have the same problem in the sense that instead of having to only interpret a infallible Bible, they also have to interpret what an “infallible” church or religious authority says
I heard an apologist explain it this way, and it made a lot of sense to me. Imagine the magisterium as a fence around a garden. You can play within the garden, but you can’t go beyond the fence. Additionally, if you cannot come to a decision there is an authority who can rule on the disagreement.
My question is if one seems to contradict the other wouldn’t that prove that the foundation of Roman Catholicism would be destroyed.
Do you have an example in mind? I can’t think of anytime this is the case.
Are you saying that this scripture was an instruction not given specifically and directly to his apostles?
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭NABRE‬‬
Not at all. Certainly, as the NT says, He instructed the apostles in the meanings behind what He said to the crowds and charged them with the task of spreading the good news. But His preaching was always done to the crowds, many of who disagreed with Him and even tried to kill Him.
Yah really the only Churches that can make any claim to being the original Church of Christ are the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches. And interestingly we are only separated by schism with those other groups, as in the Catholic Church still does recognize their priests apostolic succession however we are not in full communion with each other. I believe the EO accept the first seven Councils. The OO accept the first four. I wish all of those Churches could reunite again as they truly are the original Church and how much stronger we would be if we were just the Great Church again! Actually the Catholic Church never denied the validity of Our Lady of Zeitoun, however because it happened over St Mary’s Coptic Church, which is the seat of the head of that Church, Pope Paul Vl said it was up to their judgement. And Catholics are allowed to believe in the validity of that apparition because it was confirmed by that Church.
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The answer is simple — there were no other churches for 15 centuries before the Reformation other than the RCC.
There are the Eastern Orthodox, who were already in schism by that point.
But how without being circular do you know for sure that your church is the true church when Eastern Orthodox people say they are the true church?
As already mentioned, the Eastern Orthodox still technically have true churches with Apostolic Succession, sacraments, etc. There’s a schism that exists primarily due to our disagreements over the Papacy, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that they contain most of what we do. (Note: Historically, there’s been a lot more political and theological reasons behind the division, but the Papacy seems to be the main cause now.)
However, I believe Catholics have the same problem in the sense that instead of having to only interpret a infallible Bible, they also have to interpret what an “infallible” church or religious authority says.
The difference between the Bible and the Magisterium is that the Magisterium can address confusion. All Scriptures contained within were written some time before 100 A.D., and any confusion is left up to the interpreter. For the Magisterium, if there’s suitable confusion, it can respond with definitive declarations.

Furthermore, the Magisterium’s teachings tend to be clearer to a modern audience. Much of it is contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which might be dry but is also very accessible for a modern day Catholic to understand the fullness of Catholic teaching. After all, it’s based around the last 2000 years of needing to clarify the teaching, as opposed to just 100 years of doing so, and is written for a modern audience, not a first century audience.
Also the argument about 33,000 Protestant denominations reminds me of an atheist who asked me “Out of all he thousands of religions how can you ever know which one’s the right one.”
It’s less a problem with “which one is true” and more the problem with alleging guidance from Someone who values unity. The Holy Spirit both values unity and was promised to lead us into all truth (John 16:13). Neither are exemplified in Protestantism, which shows a fundamental problem with its foundation.
My question is if one seems to contradict the other wouldn’t that prove that the foundation of Roman Catholicism would be destroyed.
Well, we don’t have a contradiction, and such a contradiction would seem to show Jesus as a fraud. As a result, I’m not sure the question is worth dwelling on at this point.
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I am interested in having friendly dialogue with those who are Roman Catholics and understand why they believe Roman Catholicism to be the true Christian faith.
Why I believe in Apostolic Succession Apologetics
(Sorry for the obnoxious length of this) Authority is central to all other issues. Even when we, as reasonable men with our wills fully desiring to know God’s truth and who have turned our lives over to Jesus’ care, study scripture as well as we are able, we come to mutually exclusive conclusions about what it means. Because of the effects of original sin, our wills are weakened and our intellects are darkened. We are easily deceiv…
I was born to a Catholic mother & a Southern Baptist father. My mother took us to Mass regularly, but we’d go to my grandmother’s Baptist service frequently as well. As a kid I didn’t realize the difference beyond all the standing sitting kneeling at the Mass… but the service was much shorter, which made up for the kneeling.

After the divorce, there wasn’t much church on either side. I suppose I was upset with God because I distinctly remember saying (as a seven year old), “I’m done with this religious stuff. If it’s all that important to God that I know Him, then He’ll make sure I do.”

I had a very low opinion of religious for much of my life. My father drug my brothers & I to many different “churches” that really reinforced my opinion of "religious "

Much later, after my first baby I realized I was completely wrong about what I thought love was. What I felt for my daughter was true, pure, & perfect. What I felt for my wife was very self centered & self seeking. Over the next few months, I did a lot of reflecting on the nature of true love & God revealed himself to me through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wanting to learn more I did a bunch of reading. I didn’t know which tradition I would follow, but I knew Catholicism was the wrong one.

I started watching the mega church services on TV. But I felt the need to actually go to a church. I started asking myself, “Why?” I can watch a mega church just as well from my TV than having to deal with the hubbub of commuting, socializing pretending to be nice to people I don’t know.

Of course the answer is that God wants us to worship Him a particular way. So I delved into the Bible to try to understand what that way is.

Sacrifice is a huge theme, throughout the Bible, from Moses to Revelation it’s pretty much about the sacrifice.

But there’s no sacrifice in any worship service I’d ever seen (so I thought). Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, etc… even Jewish worship, the sacrifice has devolved into a metaphor.

Right now I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but I somehow ended up reading the CCC explaining the Mass as the sacrifice.

One thing led to another, then another, and another, and another… Catholics really believe the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, & divinity of the Word made flesh.

I went back to the Gospels & saw this was a difficult thing for many to understand, even those calling themselves His disciples. Many ate their fill when Jesus fed the 5,000 & the 4,000… but could not accept His teaching about the true manna.

From there I came to understand the Church Jesus built. I’ve humbled myself, asked God for understanding & He’s heard my prayers & answered them.

When Jesus saw His mother there, & the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, behold your son.”

I really don’t know what else to say.
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In short…

Jesus said …I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Jesus founded the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church is the pillar and foundation of Truth.
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