Why are you persuaded that Catholicism is the true Christian faith?

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I’m an historian.

The historic evidence, for me, supports the argument that Catholicism was the original and thus true Christian faith. The establishment of apostolic succession conferred first on Peter and passed down to his successors would strongly support the argument that Christ intended the Catholic Church to be the true faith. While those who broke with the church may have had legitimate reasons for being unhappy, they didn’t have Christ’s blessing to establish a new faith.
To me, praying to and committing oneself
to her motherhood has been a barrier to
me accepting the RCC, being baptized in
the Baptist faith. But after reading the book
“Spiritual Warfare: Attack Against the Woman”
I am more likely to accept the mediations of
Mary, the Queen of heaven!!
Well it’s not because of the unity of faith among Catholics.

But it is because of the unity of faith among Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium.

Yet nothing can keep us away from the fear of suffering for the faith. Very few among us are suffering for the faith
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How exactly does that prove the Catholic faith to be the true Christian faith?
Proof and faith are not very compatible. A proof, in the faith, is a miracle such as the resurrection.

Someone like Paul was given a proof that led to conversion. His faith had to be very orriented towards suffering.
There is no literate population.

The truth is there were many people deciding what was scripture on their own at the time. It wasn’t even set until the 4th and 5th century. It was not altered again until Luther. Then the LDS added other texts.
Also Peter was set as leader of the Church by Christ. Upon this rock I will build my church. Peter means rock. Jesus wanted a church. Again it would have been lovely if Jesus came to England in a more recent decade, then the Bible would be in English without having to go through Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, further filtered through Latin and eventually English and the Mandarin, Spanish, French, etc…
I am convinced that the catholic faith is the true faith, because it was founded by Jesus Christ himself.
It seems like not too many people have been responding lately. Therefore, I think that I will consider this discussion finished. Thank you for your responses. I will take into consideration what you guys have said.
Hope you will take the challenge to read authors such as Scott Hahn!
I am interested in having friendly dialogue with those who are Roman Catholics and understand why they believe Roman Catholicism to be the true Christian faith. I am open to dialogue and debate as long as there is no name-calling, swearing, cheap debate tactics, straw-man arguments, or snarky comments.
Keep in mind I don’t know how much time I will actually have to do these kinds of things considering that I am going to be starting my fall semester of seminary in August. I hope that we can all learn from each other and disagree graciously and respectfully.

To your question,

why do I believe Roman Catholicism to be the true Christian faith”?

For me this is my litmus.

I have to know AND trace, all properly referenced, my affiliation and belief system to Jesus in the first century, AND His one and only Church He established personally, on Peter and those in complete union with Peter… By definition then, ANY division from THAT Church, is NOT THE CHURCH. AND as scripture ALSO warns, division from that Church Jesus established personally, is condemned as is/are the ones who divide and keep division going.

So Again, I’m giving you my litmus, ergo the reason(s) to your question as it pertains to me.

I posted this awhile back. For space my answer had to be put in links

HERE link 1

HERE link 2
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  1. Because the Spirit guided me to Catholicism while I was anti-Catholic. Yup. I prayed and prayed and prayed, begged God for guidance: “Where do I go?” And He very clearly said: “Catholicism.”
  2. After already submitting to God’s Will I started to research the historicity of the Church and realized it was the only Christian Church in existence that can be traced directly to Christ. That was enough for me.
  3. I am not convinced by churches that sprang up some 1500 years after Christ. I am not convinced that God would allow His Church to become corrupted. Either Christ started A Church and He protected it or He started no church at all and left us all to flounder.
  4. I cannot believe Scripture is true if I cannot believe Catholicism is true. For me if Catholicism is not Christ’s Church then Scripture is not accurate since it was compiled and protected and DECLARED to be Scripture by the Catholic Church.
I suppose at the beginning I became a Catholic because of how the Books of the Bible were decided upon. It was the leaders of the Catholic Church working with the Holy Spirit who made the decisions. But, that really isn’t the reason I have remained a Catholic. I love the Catholic Church. It was like walking into an enormous beautiful castle with many thousands of rooms to explore. I couldn’t and still can’t take it all in. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Mary, the history, the writings of the Fathers, the interpretation of the Bible, the lives of the saints, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Eucharist, the ancient music, the art, the icons, the Cathedrals, the incense and the bells . It doesn’t seem to matter how many doors I open, there is always another door, another surprise and new treasures to find… .I love the silence of the monasteries. I love the many cultures I find in the Church. I love the Latin Mass. I love the Novo Ordo Mass. I even love the debates and trails of my Church. I have finally found a home of my own in the Catholic Church as I study to become a Lay Dominican. I love St. Thomas of Aquinas. St. Dominic, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St Francis, St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, all the saints and most of all Mary the Mother of God. All these people and all these things point to my Savior in so many ways that I know that by the grace of God, I will have an eternity to do more than just scratch the surface of and the gifts that this Church of Jesus Christ - the Universal Church of God has given me to study and learn.
That was beautifully written, thank you! You expressed exactly how I feel about coming home to the Church. So rich and so much to explore!

The silence! The history! The prayers! The Saints! Mother Mary! Adoration!

I love your analogy of opening the doors to a castle with thousands of rooms to explore.
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Continuing the discussion from Why are you persuaded that Catholicism is the true Christian faith?:

Please read early Church History and all books you are able to find on The Church Fathers.
Also read Dr. Scott Hahn’s books. Please, he was a Protestant minister and a had PhD in Theology from a Protestant Seminary!!! The more he read, he grew closer to Christ and understood the truth on his own!!! He gave up a great paying position for the truth. Please, go to EWTN Rx.com, purchase everything you can find by Scott Hahn. He now is a PhD in Theology and is part of the Saint Paul Center of Theology. He educates Priests and anyone who is willing to lend an ear. Please, I am in the laity, I was a member of the Episcopal Church. Now after soul searching and God The Holy Spirit I am Roman Catholic. I am willing to give sacrifice my life for Christ and my Catholic Faith. My soul was stirred in such a way that I will never ever allow anyone or anything to persuade me to “change “ me. It is truly my conscience at peace for the first time. I used to be like our non-Catholic brothers and sisters, putting the Catholic Faith down. Once Jesus actually took hold of my soul, I embraced The Holy Catholic Faith and nothing will ever change me.
I now am in Full Communion with The Holy Catholic Church and defend it constantly. I live in the south where we are criticized constantly. I don’t mind. The Holy Catholic Church teaches us to NEVER EVER put down our Christian brothers and sisters who are not Catholic. We pray for them always. We pray that they will come to Jesus in the Fullness of Faith in the Church.
Thank you for your time. God Bless you with his love on your journey to understand what we believe and why we believe. Please also understand that you are always in my heart and my prayers.
Your sister in Christ Jesus
The church teachings are unified. Unfortunately, individual are often
prone to error and sin.
I have been encouraged by many of you to consider the claims of Catholicism and not to dismiss them. I will do my best to remain objective (although I do have my biases). I honestly don’t have any problem believing either side because truth is truth. My next major project is to read “Letters Between a Catholic and an Evangelical: From Debate to Dialogue on the Issues That Separate Us.” The book will include James McCarthy (a former catholic) and John Waiss (a Catholic Priest). If you have any other resources from a Catholic perspective that would be worth reading (other than the one’s mentioned) let me know.
Were the Journey Home episodes on Youtube mentioned? Those are very good. Just google for them.
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