Why be Catholic at all?

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As this discussion has continued now for days, I think the best advisement for OP is to speak to a priest. Priests are still available for counsel, if not at your own parsh at many others. Obviously, this thread, like many on similar topics, has just turned into non-fruitful debate that is just going round and round.
Well, it’s completely up to you to dip from the conversation rather than respond to my points. I suppose then you have no good response and thus are convincing yourself that this conversation is fruitless should it not tend in your favor.

In any case, I don’t think speaking to a priest will be any useful, as the problem lies not with priests, but with how it looks to those outside the church when the church closes its doors to those seeking their initial sacraments.

God bless you
Well, it’s completely up to you to dip from the conversation rather than respond to my points. I suppose then you have no good response and thus are convincing yourself that this conversation is fruitless should it not tend in your favor.

In any case, I don’t think speaking to a priest will be any useful, as the problem lies not with priests, but with how it looks to those outside the church when the church closes its doors to those seeking their initial sacraments.

God bless you
Nobody is obligated to stay in a conversation that they have grown tired of. Nothing new is being offered and nobody is changing their mind. Am I supposed to keep responding when I no longer have interest? I don’t have anything to prove beyond trying to offer some consolation and reason, which is not helping. So yeah, carry on without me.
Nothing new is being offered and nobody is changing their mind
Well, thank God no one gave you the ability to proclaim such a truth. I suppose you find nothing new is being offered, but some have said that it is a good question. Perhaps you are truly bothered by what I am showing to be the case and just don’t want to admit it.
Am I supposed to keep responding when I no longer have interest?
I suppose you can pretend to not be interested when it is easier to not be interested than to actually deal with the substance of what I have been saying. You have been offering ad hominem attacks in place of actually proving me wrong. (I don’t mind being wrong, but you ought to deal with the substance of someone’s point rather than pointing flaws in their character as a way of diversion.)
I don’t have anything to prove beyond trying to offer some consolation and reason, which is not helping.
ad hominem attacks are not analogous to reason, but I find it quite entertaining that you think so.
So yeah, carry on without me.
Nevertheless, be well, I will be sad not to have heard what you really think on the matter, but God bless you!
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