Why cant God make a square circle?

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That is not correct, a circle is a two dimensional object, which means there is no “edge on” viewpoint. Or saying it another way, it’s edge has a height of zero.
The locus of dimensionless points that constitute a circle doesn’t have any thickness, so we can’t see that from the front side either. Nobody has ever seen an actual circle, only imperfect representations of them. So there. 😛
I think I can make a square circle. Why can’t God?

  1. *]Start at the North Pole.
    *]Travel southward all the way to the South Pole
    *]Travel eastward an equal distance (this step could be tricky, but stay with me…)
    *]Travel northward an equal distance, taking care to choose the path opposite your first path
    *]Travel westward an equal distance (another tricky step)
There are things God cannot do. He cannot contradict Himself, for example. He cannot do anything that is not logical possible, like make a rock too big for him to move. Most of these nonsensical challenges though are an error in human language, not an impossible task.
ok. I know I said I was done but I should not have said so.

I completely agree and understand with what you say God cannot make a rock too big for him. Why? because says so. God knows himself. humans don’t know God except he exists, is good, eternal, limitless. all are confrmed in revelation so we know its not human fancy ideas. everything else we know from revelation because only God knows God. not a human thinking long under a tree for 1 million years. God said “I am who I am” “i change not”. so human intuition is confirmed to be true that God is God and can only be God. only God limit God by being God. but this does not mean all human intuition is true if its about Gods nature and God has not confirmed it anywhere himself. in revelation. so I think humans will do well to be cautious about god nature especially if we are saying there are things he cant do.

God cannot make the rock yes. because god cannot be created. and god cannot create god. and that rock would be god. and god is infinite. and to say he cannot lift it is to say god is not infinite. this is false because it denies that god is god and changes not. what God has told us about who and what he is.

but where does this leave god cannot make 1 2 3 things that are not God? this do not say if God made them then God is not God. if they do not amount to denying god is god, then no true contradiction is there and human s are playing God when they claim God cannot do anything. how do they know? please don’t tell me fallen human nature mind-intellect. its true only to a point and without any guarantee outside of Gods guarantees in revelation and the church I cannot place full confidence in it.

maybe its as you say, its only limit in human language explaining incomprehensible things but not true limits to God. only true limit I accept is god can only be god. because to deny that is to say there is no god. but if logic is not god then it is a creature just like me. it does not have to be true like God necessarily by itself. by nture. it can be unmade. so I asked if logic is God?
Laugh out loud. Why would God want to or need to? What would You do with a square circle?
Laugh out loud. Why would God want to or need to? What would You do with a square circle?
ha ha! its funny. yes like angels on a pin.😛 but to me its not uselfulnes that is important. its the assertion that there are creatures or kinds of creatures, paradoxical ones, that god CANNOT make. if some say god cannot make a creature that is God. I understand. because god cannot make himself not god and a creature. but if the two remain distinct. God is God and creature is creature and distinction is made. I have a VERY hard time accepting limitations grounded only in human logic.

I accept that there is a limitation in language as some have explained. so I can accept such statements as limitation of human to describe God. but not limitation human by themselves have decided apply to God withut God confirming it himself.

now I really really done. will get back tomorrow to read. the limitation on language is a helpful concept to me. thank you.
Catholics all say it but I don’t understand how any one has the courage to say what God can and cannot make.
He can. A Square Circle, Two sided Triangle and the other things brought up in these nonsense challenges are nothing. God certainly can make nothing of he wishes.
He has also can and has Created all the things that really do exist.
First, I would like an answer to this: Does Catholicism require I believe God cannot make a square circle or 2+2=93 or a triangle without three angles? Am I in heresy if I believe God CAN do all these things and it is those who say he cant that are mistaken?

Then let me explain my last explanation: 2+2=4 is true. Why does that rule out 2+2=93? Why cant they both be true?
Beyond this, I am done. I will just read henceforth. Thank you. Please someone answer the first question on heresy. Is it defined and am I free to reject it and still be a good catholic?
Technically 2+2 = 93, on a different decimal system. What decimal system that is ?I do not know.
Have you taken any Calculus with analytical geometry or or logic and proofs in mathematics courses? I think you would enjoy it. I am a Mech Eng, with emphases in numerical analysis and programming by education. I eat this stuff up, because I enjoy it.
but logically a circle can not be a square by definition.

Its worth noting, that a circle and a square are both special occurrences amongst rectangles and ellipses. They are like troubled children in the geometry family.
If Circle and Square where people, they would probably be on medications. like the number e
First, I would like an answer to this: Does Catholicism require I believe God cannot make a square circle or 2+2=93 or a triangle without three angles? Am I in heresy if I believe God CAN do all these things and it is those who say he cant that are mistaken?
I don’t know if there is a document that says that it is heresy to believe that God can make contradictions true. But this voluntarist conception of God that you seem to have, that God can make anything true simply by willing it, is quite a dangerous viewpoint to hold. You say you trust revelation? Well since God can make contradictions true, He can make Scripture be completely false just to torment you, and yet still be considered Truth and Goodness itself. He can guarantee that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, and then let them prevail and not be untruthful. He can make it really good for us to torture children just by willing that it is good for us to do so. If you accept that God can make contradictions true, then you need to accept all of the above. And I don’t think you want to accept that.
Is this logic eternal and impossible to change like God? Does that not make it God? Or divine. If it is not, why anyone can think God cannot over-rule it???
I don’t know why you think that the law of non-contradiction is something over and above God to which He is subject. The law of non-contradiction is derived from God’s nature, that there is a distinction between being and non-being. The nature of God as being itself is not also non-being.
There is a difference between whether God can change a square into a circle and a ‘square-circle’.

I think there may be an answer in that there is beauty in Truth, in God. God’s creation was made to be good and He was pleased (sin adds death, decay and imperfection). And so there is an order which points to Him in order that human’s might find Him. In order for there to be an order there have to be rules and within time we are subject to mathematical rules. God is outside of time. So in our time a square is a square and a circle is a circle. And we have named the elements which make up this higher ordering of the Universe. So in order to understand God and His Universe, although people may not understand it is God they are searching for, have named, and we use those ordered named elements, that all point to God (all things came through Christ) to find the beauty in Truth and vice-versa. People could not find God if all there was, was chaos. God is everything good and all things good have meaning and in order for all things to have meaning there has to be an ordering of things that point to love for us to recognise His meaning. As human beings we recognise patterns and therefore structures and all the ways that enable us to build upon a memory of and a mental processing for the stimuli we perceive.

Now maybe there is a square-circle but we have not found it or recognise it but we live in time, we live within the mathematics of our Universe as human beings, so if mathematical shape A equals mathematical shape A and mathematical shape B equals mathematical shape B and they have different mathematical points that cannot go together then we cannot have them combined because to do so would be to undo God’s beautifully ordered Universe set up to see Him in the beauty and so he would have to have created chaos for this shape to exist. We know that chaos is not made by God. Chaos is the without. To create such an imbalance would be to undo the order of things and so in essence this could be considered evil because it would throw the whole of existence into the abyss. But God is the God of love (He is Love) so why would He want to do that?


However, taking the time construction we have been placed in look at the London underground symbol - it is a circle and a rectangle combined. Stick a square instead of a rectangle in there and within time with the names things have been given this is the best we could do.
If you accept the axiom that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26, among others) and you take the “all things” part literally, then I would submit that God can indeed make a square circle. I’m sure He could even make a rock so big that even He couldn’t pick it up.

How is this possible? I don’t have the faintest idea; my limited human intellect does not have an explanation as to how. But, if your faith is strong enough to believe that God can do anything, then it must be true.
By definition, a square circle, or a rock that God Himself cannot lift, is a contradiction, not a ‘thing’, In God all THINGS are possible.

Phrased another way, anything (or any thing) that can be done, God can do. That is the very definition of ‘omnipotent’ All Potentials. All that can be. A contradiction cannot be.

Another example is sin. God cannot sin, it is contrary to the nature of God.
I think I can make a square circle. Why can’t God?

  1. *]Start at the North Pole.
    *]Travel southward all the way to the South Pole
    *]**Travel eastward an equal distance **(this step could be tricky, but stay with me…)
    *]Travel northward an equal distance, taking care to choose the path opposite your first path
    *]Travel westward an equal distance (another tricky step)

  1. If one is at the South Pole, there is no ‘Eastward’ there is only North.

    So step number three cannot be done.
…you are free to make a squircle though if you want to try.

I don’t know if there is a document that says that it is heresy to believe that God can make contradictions true. But this voluntarist conception of God that you seem to have, that God can make anything true simply by willing it, is quite a dangerous viewpoint to hold. You say you trust revelation? Well since God can make contradictions true, He can make Scripture be completely false just to torment you, and yet still be considered Truth and Goodness itself. He can guarantee that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, and then let them prevail and not be untruthful. He can make it really good for us to torture children just by willing that it is good for us to do so. If you accept that God can make contradictions true, then you need to accept all of the above. And I don’t think you want to accept that.
Thank you for the answer to the question on heresy. 🙂 no one had answered. I trust church definitions because it is not based on human logic but on the Holy Spirit who is God. Second, I do not deny that logic has worth or say is completely worthless. but it is limited and can be completely wrong because its also fallen. If not so, God would not be in the church guiding definitions. no need for magisterium. I don’t trust the catholic church because of nice intellectual thinking which I love and was drawn to. ultimately, the church cannot be wrong because its god speaking. I believe god.

I don’t say God can make contradictions true without qualification. I just doubt that what humans conceive as contradiction is always really necessarily a contradiction from God perspective. contradiction from God perspective is to say God is not god. Which fit what you give the examples about scripture being true and false. if scripture said it is false. then said its true. then I would have a hard time. but all those contradictions you point out are nowhere in scripture. and they are denied by the church. importantly God has said what is nature is in the church. I trust the church.

so its not that I am saying God can contradct himself. I say that this is only limitation I accept. it is logic but more so. testimonial. God himself as said this is who I am. I just don’t trust human logical deductions are full proof.

Another thing; I don’t think truth or reality is necessarily same thing as logic. I think logic is a very human way of knowing things. but it is limited and on top we are fallen so we don’t know if it always work the way God made it to work and all our unverified (by God) conclusions are true. So I accept 'God cannot contradict God". I don’t necessarily accept “making a square circle is God contradicting God.”

Why cant we say, “there are creatures or concepts of creatures that are contrary to human logic”. And leave it at that? Why do we need to make a leap and make a conclusion about God himself from this? Maybe a square circle is something only a kind of knowing that is not logic can know. And humans don’t have this other mode of knowing??🤷 Beatific vision or contemplation is not logic and superior. So I think of logic as a very human way of knowing which is limited. On top of it is also broken or cracked in a way. hence something may seem full proof from logic but may not be so from the view of God or even a higher creature like a cherub. Maybe paradoxical creatures do exist or in concept but not knowable through logic. I don’t know. but I don’t think others can know it is not so either.
I don’t know why you think that the law of non-contradiction is something over and above God to which He is subject. The law of non-contradiction is derived from God’s nature, that there is a distinction between being and non-being. The nature of God as being itself is not also non-being.
Yes. say more about this. I can accept this. so the only way is to say is square circle necessarily the same thing as “not square” and “not circle”? Or is that only true to human logic but not necessarily truly false?
…you are free to make a squircle though if you want to try.

There is no need to be rude. its not about what I can make but what I am struggling accepting that God CANT make. human abilities are nothing. I cant make a squircle because that’s my reality. but why does it mean its Gods reality too?
…furthermore, as mentioned, we are made in God’s image, so to do anything contrary to what faith tells us and our reasoning is therefore contrary to God - in other words, when we sin we go against God and His love. When we cause chaos we are sinning and when we sin we attribute to the chaos. For God to make something that is contrary to our growth towards and our understanding of Him he would have to be cruel, and not be God. If such a shape as a square-circle was one of the shapes that do exist but with a different name - that helps to identify and make some sense of the world and His love in the world - then He would have made it and it would already be. Because He already knows all the things that can bring us to Him because He made it and is the End as well as the Beginning and so already knows all that came to be. As St. John says: He is the beginning and the end. If it was to be a shape that would help us then it would have existed but because the Universe is structured and built on love, not chaos, it is not.

Otherwise, your only choice is to go underground, in London.
There is no need to be rude. its not about what I can make but what I am struggling accepting that God CANT make. human abilities are nothing. I cant make a squircle because that’s my reality. but why does it mean its Gods reality too?
I was injecting some humour - it depends how you see things.

The answer has been given.
As has been pointed out, a square circle is a contradiction in terms. It is no thing. It is nothing. And, to put a different emphasis on the phrase, nothing IS impossible to God.

To add yet another somewhat different contradiction in terms: God cannot make himself cease to exist. He could not will Himself out of existence. Why, because His essence is “to exist.” To not exist would be a contradiction in terms, a nothing. And of course, nothing IS impossible to God.

Doesn’t anyone teach scholastic philosophy and theology anymore?
Catholics all say it but I don’t understand how any one has the courage to say what God can and cannot make.
Man has always given Gods different attributes, skills and qualities. There are many Gods - Romans, Greeks, Christians and Vikings Gods for example, all had different personalities and traits. I can’t see why a Catholic God, would be any different from any other God and people can choose what attributes their God has.
I don’t see why God cannot make a square circle. A square circle may not make sense or be logical in this world, this reality, but perhaps if God created a different world, there might be an object in it that has both the attributes of a square and a circle while making perfect sense. But I don’t know if God is confined to a particular mode of logic, the logic in which we say a square circle is contradictory. :D:D:D:D
There is a difference between whether God can change a square into a circle and a ‘square-circle’.

I think there may be an answer in that there is beauty in Truth, in God. God’s creation was made to be good and He was pleased (sin adds death, decay and imperfection). And so there is an order which points to Him in order that human’s might find Him. In order for there to be an order there have to be rules and within time we are subject to mathematical rules. God is outside of time. So in our time a square is a square and a circle is a circle. And we have named the elements which make up this higher ordering of the Universe. So in order to understand God and His Universe, although people may not understand it is God they are searching for, have named, and we use those ordered named elements, that all point to God (all things came through Christ) to find the beauty in Truth and vice-versa. People could not find God if all there was, was chaos. God is everything good and all things good have meaning and in order for all things to have meaning there has to be an ordering of things that point to love for us to recognise His meaning. As human beings we recognise patterns and therefore structures and all the ways that enable us to build upon a memory of and a mental processing for the stimuli we perceive.

Now maybe there is a square-circle but we have not found it or recognise it but we live in time, we live within the mathematics of our Universe as human beings, so if mathematical shape A equals mathematical shape A and mathematical shape B equals mathematical shape B and they have different mathematical points that cannot go together then we cannot have them combined because to do so would be to undo God’s beautifully ordered Universe set up to see Him in the beauty and so he would have to have created chaos for this shape to exist. We know that chaos is not made by God. Chaos is the without. To create such an imbalance would be to undo the order of things and so in essence this could be considered evil because it would throw the whole of existence into the abyss. But God is the God of love (He is Love) so why would He want to do that?


However, taking the time construction we have been placed in look at the London underground symbol - it is a circle and a rectangle combined. Stick a square instead of a rectangle in there and within time with the names things have been given this is the best we could do.
thank you. this makes sense to me. God has made one reality in which a square and circle are completely distinct. my objection is when Christians then say that this comnination is perse impossible for God. but maybe that’s true only from our view.

also what do people mean that nothing IS impossible for God?
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