Why Contraception is wrong?

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24For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Gen (2:24)

We are taught the one flesh is procreation.
 The Trinity is the only other time we see more than one become one. When the Trinity become one we have creation.

 This is important for in heaven we will be participants in creation. We know this because the saints can perform miracles.   Miracles are the creative power of God.
*The Parable of the Talents *
14"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 15To one he gave five talent of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. 17So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. 18But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
19"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’
***21"His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
**22"The man with the two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.’
23"His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
24"Then the man who had received the one talent came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’
26"His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
****28" ‘Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ **

*My friends, procreation is the few things of creation that we have.

**There will be no procreation in hell.

To me contraception is the attempt or intent of one to do something as to lessen the probability to produce children. One can do this with condoms, medication, intrauterine devices, and yes timing.

Timing is a form of contraception. Would Onan’s act been any less sinful if he would have intentionally waited until his seed would have been ineffective to produce children? Timing is a form of contraception because you are intentionally doing something to lessen the probability of producing children. It has been said many times in many different ways on this message board that it is the intent behind the action that carries the sin. So is the woman that takes a pill to lessen the probability of conception any different than the one that only has relations during periods when conception is unlikely? It seems to me that the intent is the same and the same sin exists between the two.
THe problem with ARTIFICAL contraception is that in almost all instances, the mechanism is abortifacient. That is, if it doesn’t stop a pregnancy from occuring (ie, successful fertilization), it creates an environment within the uterus that is hostile to the embryo. Therefore, the conceptus is expelled and dies. If the teaching is that life begins at conception (which it does), and you intentionally create an environment that is lethal to that conceptus, then you are intentionally killing it. It would be the equivalent of leaving a newborn baby out in the middle of a snowstorm to die of exposure.

NFP is natural contraception. It allows the couple to continue to enjoy marital relations, which is another important aspect of sexuality, while reducing the potential for conception, while not eliminating it altogether. Everyone seems to think that sexuality between a husband and wife is for procreation only. It isn’t, it is also a gift that increases the unity and harmony between a couple. The Church teaches that it is perfectly okay for a married couple to plan the births of their children due to financial considerations, etc…, as long as they continue to keep all of their intimate unions open to the possibility of conception. That is what NFP does, it allows a couple to continue in conjugal unity while reducing, but not eliminating, the possibility of conception. It is a subtle, but important difference between NFP and artificial contraception.
lets be honest… you can justify contraception in your mind dozens of ways, and it is still not accepted by the church, which means (if you believe in the the teachings of the magesterium) it’s still not accepted by God… In my view, (and this is my view) it boils down to one or two things… 1. we don’t want to be told what to do (we are a spoiled bunch, and we want sex without obligation),
and 2. It’s what we want Not what God wants… Since Adam and Eve it’s always been the same… we are an obstinate bunch and we want things our way, and when we want it… I could go into a litiny of all the social and psychological ramifications, and then criss cross as to the moral implications, but we would wind up at the place where we started… we just need to remember, it’s all about what God wants… NOT US!.. 👍
Okay, I’m going to use my little analogy again.

If you were getting married and you wanted to invite everyone but knew you couldn’t and you sent everyone an invitation. But on the invitations of some you wrote “I really wanted to invite you, but I can’t right now.” Don’t you think that would be considered very rude.

When we use artificial birth control we invite God and his gift of life into our marriage embrace, yet we say no thank you, we just want to have some fun but no gifts now please. Pretty rude huh!

If, on the other hand we prayerfully discern that it would be better to wait a little while and we actually use the gift of self-control God gave us and abstain, God respects our loving decision.

One of my friends told me that back in the days of Chivalry and Knighthood, the measure of a man was his ability to restrain himself. We don’t seem to teach our sons that anymore. We only want what we want what we want NOW!

We need to leave God in charge of these decisions and not the momentary satisfactions.

God bless, hope this helps!
I am not saying that contraception is not wrong, it is not my place to do such a thing… I am saying that natural family planning is contraception and those that engage in it and say that others are in sin, in my mind, are being hypocritical.

There are forms of contraception that do not kill a fertilized egg and at what point does contraception become unnatural. To me this is still irrelevant because I would guess that the Magisterium made rulings against contraception before people knew about the intricacies of the conception process.

I am just asking people to be consistent.
I am not saying that contraception is not wrong, it is not my place to do such a thing… I am saying that natural family planning is contraception and those that engage in it and say that others are in sin, in my mind, are being hypocritical.

There are forms of contraception that do not kill a fertilized egg and at what point does contraception become unnatural. To me this is still irrelevant because I would guess that the Magisterium made rulings against contraception before people knew about the intricacies of the conception process.

I am just asking people to be consistent.
I am sorry to inform you that the church does say you can use NFP as a contraceptive.
I am Lutheran so my views differ from the Catholic Church. I will tend to point out what I consider discrepancies in the RC.
I believe that we need to follow what the Church teaches us not only because many of its issues have been contemplated and debated on for approx. 2000 years, but because they are always in compliance in what God wants for us.

NFP has been accepted by the Church for family planning, but it is not contraception. What’s the difference, lets say if a man is on a business trip and cannot perform the marital act with his wife? Or perhaps one night she isnt in the mood? Is that a sin? By allowing the man to “plant his seed” in his wife is giving the possibility for pregnancy. God created this Earth and the Heavens so if He wanted a woman to conceive then I’m pretty sure he could make it happen. NFP gives the sperm a fair chance, rather than spilling it on the ground like Oman did, which is an abominable sin. NFP also celebrates the unitive act of marriage. By using artificial birth control the couple is denying each other’s fertility which contradicts the Church’s teaching of married couples giving themselves fully to each other.
The point here is the object of love is that the spouse goes to heaven? Does contraception lead to heaven or hell? Does it lead to more proceation or less?

Does not heaven sound like a blast, just think be involved in the creation of dinasaurs, or angles.
If it is done for contraceptive purposes then it is contraception.
American Heritage Dictionary

NOUN: **Intentional prevention of conception ** or impregnation through the use of various devices, agents, drugs, sexual practices, or surgical procedures.
If it is done for contraceptive purposes then it is contraception.
IMO, Contraception is when 2 people have sex while using a device or a drug to prevent pregnancy. If two people are not having sex to prevent pregnancy then they are practicing restraint and abstinence. If the act is not there, then there is NO chance for conception.
I am not saying that contraception is not wrong, it is not my place to do such a thing… I am saying that natural family planning is contraception and those that engage in it and say that others are in sin, in my mind, are being hypocritical.

There are forms of contraception that do not kill a fertilized egg and at what point does contraception become unnatural. To me this is still irrelevant because I would guess that the Magisterium made rulings against contraception before people knew about the intricacies of the conception process.

I am just asking people to be consistent.
The difference as I understand it is that God built into a woman the ability to have infertile periods where she and her husband may engage in the marital act with a decreased chance of getting pregnant. Yes, it can be used to space children or reduce the chances of pregnancy, but God gave that option. Where it differs from artificial is that in the case of artificial, man uses man’s means to defy God, where God has given us another option.

I hope that makes sense.
Does the Church define it as no use of Artificial Contraception or just contraception? I am curious, I do not know. What about wearing tight underware?
Does the Church define it as no use of Artificial Contraception or just contraception? I am curious, I do not know. What about wearing tight underware?
The Church defines it as no use of artificial contraception. Not wearing tight underware is common sense.
I often have trouble explaining why contraception is wrong to people in the secular world. Here’s how I explain it to them…
  1. First, I tell them to read the “Sin Of Onan” in Genesis.
  2. I tell them there are 2 variables in sex… A. Self Gratification & B. Openess to Life. God’s Natural Law has both variables included in one action. If God wanted one of these variables to exist without the other he would of created a second action. Who are we to question God’s Will?
Last, those who support Contraception must also support other forms of sexual “self gratification” without being “open to life” — such as Homosexuality (man & man), Self Mastery (man & himself) , Beastiality (man & animal) & Pedifilia (man & boy).
  1. I also think it is wrong to tell your spouse he/she has to ALTER their state in order for you to love them. These are just my thoughts.
Does anyone else have other ideas trying to explain why contraception is wrong to secular people??
Timing is a form of contraception. Would Onan’s act been any less sinful if he would have intentionally waited until his seed would have been ineffective to produce children?
Timing refers to the particular time in the period the woman is in. It has nothing to do with the man’s “seed”.
Timing is a form of contraception because you are intentionally doing something to lessen the probability of producing children. It has been said many times in many different ways on this message board that it is the intent behind the action that carries the sin. So is the woman that takes a pill to lessen the probability of conception any different than the one that only has relations during periods when conception is unlikely? It seems to me that the intent is the same and the same sin exists between the two.
Artificial Contraception vs. NFP: The obvious difference between this two is that when using AC the woman/man is bringing a foreign agent (pill, condom, etc) to impair the reproductive aspect of the sexual act. NFP does not, in anyway ‘artificially’ imparir or affect the sexual act.

Others (perhaps my wife if I can drag her to the computer) could explain it better.

I have read Onan and Genesis and other reasons exists as to why he was killed. Do I think that God wants contraception, no… I just have a problem with people saying that NFP is not contraception.

If it is a matter of artificial verses not-artificial, where does one draw the line. There are basic foods that decrease one’s potency and exercise along with other aspects also can have an effect. I think that it all comes down to intent. If you do something intentionally because it will decrease the likeliness of conception then it is contraception.

Sex without the intent to produce children is solely for gratification of you and your partner. Whether it is gratification through sensation or expression of love and commitment it is still gratification done in a way as to not have children.
The difference as I understand it is that God built into a woman the ability to have infertile periods where she and her husband may engage in the marital act with a decreased chance of getting pregnant. Yes, it can be used to space children or reduce the chances of pregnancy, but God gave that option. Where it differs from artificial is that in the case of artificial, man uses man’s means to defy God, where God has given us another option.
While I completely agree that God gave us the option of not always having another child, that option should be used in good faith. I disagree that using NFP to not have a child is always correct. The use of NFP to not have a child should only be used if needed. And by needed that does not mean because you think children are a waste of resources or they would cramp your style. We are called to be open to children, that is part of the marriage vows. So, in a nutshell, using NFP to not have children is not always validated.

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