Why Contraception is wrong?

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We talk about responsibility, and this is responsible behavior.
Amen. God will provide, but sometimes (perhaps even most of the time) God provides through non-supernatural means, e.g., by giving us the knowledge of where babies come from, the means of NFP to translate that knowledge into practice, and the overall ability to responsibly plan for the likely consequences of our actions.

I worry that those couples who have sexual relations without any regard to the potential life that may result, on the theory that God will supernaturally intervene to keep sperm and egg separated should it not be His will that they should concieve at that point, will end up discovering that it is not wise to put God to the test. After all, how many people would argue that parents should not vaccinate their children, on the theory that if it is God’s will that their children not fall ill, then God will supernaturally intervene to keep harmful germs away from them?
NFP is not contraception.
I would agree with your statement, but I would add that NFP can be and often is used with a contraceptive MINDSET. 😦

How many NFP users who are TTA (trying to avoid) actually discern monthly about whether or not they can be open to new life? Many whom I know use NFP to avoid future pregnancies - while adhering to Church teaching WRT not using chemical/barrier contraceptives:tsktsk:
NFP is not contraception. By definition contraception is: “Birth control by the use of devices (diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom) or drugs or surgery”.
I am not sure where you got your definition, but Merriam-Webster says the following:

**Main Entry: con·tra·cep·tion
Pronunciation: **"kän-tr&-'sep-sh&n
**Function: **noun
**Etymology: contra- + conception
**Date: **1886
: deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation
- con·tra·cep·tive /-'sep-tiv/ adjective or noun

The above definition includes Natural Family Planning. Abstaining during phase II is a deliberate act to prevent conception.
We as human beings have a right to plan our family within the natural means.".
We do? I thought we were supposed to receive God’s gifts (children) as HE see’s fit, not as we plan them?
The church has the answer through the tool of charting in NFP and abstaining during the fertile time. God is not kept out of the picture because this is how woman was made. And in His wisdom he knew what he was doing. It is love that is felt here in the couple’s decision to wait and act responsibly.
In my opinion, this statement seems totally contradictory. Charting is not natural, it is a tool that has been derived to help control God’s “gifts”. God is kept out of the picture because you are not really trusting in Him only to decide when you have Children. You are trying to control it yourself through NFP. If we really trust God then why NFP? Doesn’t he know better than ourselves when we can afford, need, or care for children best?

From what I have seen, NFP is just as much contraception as any other form.

Two more definitons

American Heritage Dictionary
(the one the court system defaults to)
con·tra·cep·tion n NOUN: Intentional prevention of conception or impregnation through the use of various devices, agents, drugs, sexual practices, or surgical procedures.

Encarta Dictionary
con·tra·cep·tion kòntrə sépshən ] noun prevention of fertilization: a way of avoiding pregnancy, using either artificial methods such as condoms and birth-control pills or natural methods such as avoiding sex during the woman’s known fertile periods
Christopher West says it much better than I have been able to:
Trusting in Providence
So what constitutes a “serious reason” for avoiding a child? Here’s where the discussion typically gets heated. Correct thinking (ortho-doxy) on the issue of responsible parenthood, like all issues, is a matter of maintaining important distinctions and carefully balancing various truths. Failure to do so leads to errors on both extremes.
An example of one such error is the “hyper-pious” notion that if couples really trusted in providence, they would never seek to avoid a child. This simply is not the teaching of the Church. As Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II’s pre-papal name) observed, in some cases “increase in the size of the family would be incompatible with parental duty.” Therefore, as he also affirmed, avoiding children “in certain circumstances may be permissible or even obligatory.”
We are certainly to trust in God’s providence. But this important truth must be balanced with another important truth if we are to avoid the error of a certain “providentialism.” When the devil tempted Christ to jump from the temple, he was correct to say that God would provide for him. The devil was even quoting Scripture! But Christ responded with another truth from Scripture: “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (see Lk 4:9-12).
A couple struggling to provide for their existing children should likewise not put God to the test. Today, knowledge of the fertility cycle is part of God’s providence. Thus, couples who make responsible use of that knowledge to avoid pregnancy are trusting in God’s providence. They, no less than a couple “who prudently and generously decide to have a large family,” are practicing responsible parenthood.
I really believe the church can not be led into error, so I accept the teaching on contraception. I believe that essentially NFP works. But take this hypothetical. The woman is told by a competent doctor that another pregnancy would kill her. Ok, so lets say we agree with NFP. But one problem. The woman is so irregular that she does not know when she is fertile and when she is not. Now this young couple has two other children who need a mother to be around to help raise them. Lets be honest, how many would have enough faith in NFP regarding the fact of irregularity in monthly cycles. I am a registered Nurse so I understand the physiology behind it all. I know how long sperm can survive, and I also know how long the egg can survive. Its a small miracle that conception takes place as often as it does. You technically have a 48 hour window for conception to take place. But if you are irregular and you do not know when ovulation occurs, and thats what it is all based on by the way, you in most keen sense can not tell when you are fertile. Would you risk your life. Husbands, would you risk the life of the mother of your young children. PLease do not take this as inflammatory, but I know someone in the situation so I am talking from experience. Just throwing this out there. I know this has come up before. I would like to hear some responses.
Modern methods of natural family planning are just as accurate as the pill. Furthermore, if one avoids “phase one” and “phase two” intercourse entirely, the chance of pregnancy is almost nil. All methods of birth control (even vascectomies and tubal ligations) have some failure rate. If one truly needs a 100% reliable method of birth control, I’m afraid the only option is total abstinence.

Bottom line: switching to articifical contraception does nothing to help this difficult situation.
PS: upon re-reading your letter, it appears that perhaps you’ve confused the rhythm method with NFP. Have you taken classes in natural family planning from the Couple to Couple League? Cycle irregularity is not a problem.

My wife and I teach for CCL in the suburbs of Chicago. If you visit ccli.org, you’ll find contact information to find the closest teaching couple in your area.
I have read Onan and Genesis and other reasons exists as to why he was killed. Do I think that God wants contraception, no? I just have a problem with people saying that NFP is not contraception.

If it is a matter of artificial verses not-artificial, where does one draw the line. There are basic foods that decrease one?s potency and exercise along with other aspects also can have an effect. I think that it all comes down to intent. If you do something intentionally because it will decrease the likeliness of conception then it is contraception.

Sex without the intent to produce children is solely for gratification of you and your partner. Whether it is gratification through sensation or expression of love and commitment it is still gratification done in a way as to not have children.
Sex without the intent to produce children?..with NFP it also leaves one open to Gods great gift of life (if God chooses).There is no barrier there to keep God’s gift out of our life.

Proud grandmother of 27…so far.
I have read Onan and Genesis and other reasons exists as to why he was killed.
I’ve yet to hear another reason that holds water. Some have claimed that Onan’s sin was in violating the Levirate law, which required a man to marry the widow of his brother to give him sons. However, it’s clear that two other people (Judah and Shelah) also broke the Levirate law, and they didn’t get the death penalty. What did Onan do different? He spilled his seed on the ground.
Since nowadays couples have the option to use artificial contraception even by getting it free from Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides free access to bc or even abortions worldwide with our tax dollars btw. Contraception is intrinsically evil is the stance of the Catholic Church. A couple not only chooses NFP to “plan” their family but they also plan to keep God in this decision by remaining open to a child. Never is there a use of contraception, rather there is the very natural body of the woman. A woman’s body is not fertile all the time. A male is fertile all the time. There is a continuation of the expression of love between the husband and the wife even during the infertile days of the woman. In this scenario God is still in the picture as He, the Creator, made their physical bodies this way. In this they are also expressing a desire for God to bless them with a love for one another and continued openness to life at all times by not choosing contraception. Abstaining on fertile days does not close the door to a child. There is abstaining in a responsible decision. The topic of it being a responsible decision would be a good thread starter. There is never a desire to not have God present. Because they do not physically place either a hormonal drug or a type of barrier device to prevent this. There, however, can be need to plan responsibly the possibility of a pregnancy. This chance to postpone or hope for a possible pregnancy occurs every month. God was never told to leave them alone.

This also includes tubal ligation and vasectomy in the desire to stop babies from being conceived. There is a rejection of a baby and ultimately a rejection of the woman in her conceiving a baby during this fertile period. In doing this, there is a clear turning away from God and turning our trust to other means in planning our family. The Billings Ovulatin Method in billings-centre.ab.ca/general/index.html

In a situation when a catholic christian couple discerns as to the decision of using NFP in this life-threatening situation, they should be counseled by an NFP ob gyn who can give them the straight facts and guide them to the knowledge and support they seek. omsoul.com/nfponly.phtml?orderid=40f0eb000640d4ecc77da4d4476519e9

I know that I love God. That would be my starting point. And in doing His Holy Will I would take it from there. And then really get support in the next steps. Praying for you friends that they receive God’s guidance and support during this trying time.
Nathan's King:
I’ve yet to hear another reason that holds water. Some have claimed that Onan’s sin was in violating the Levirate law, which required a man to marry the widow of his brother to give him sons. However, it’s clear that two other people (Judah and Shelah) also broke the Levirate law, and they didn’t get the death penalty. What did Onan do different? He spilled his seed on the ground.
First, God is the Creator. This means he created all things. This list of things is not limited, as you would assume in your comments. Let’s return to first statement in this thread.

Second, We can assume from your statement that you do not believe God’ is Creator and that we will not participated in creation when we get to heaven.
Consider this, that in heaven we will particpate in creation.

We will help God do what He does.
This idea is endless in possibilities, I do not think we will be ever bored with what goes on in heaven.
Consider this, that in heaven we will particpate in creation.

We will help God do what He does.
This idea is endless in possibilities, I do not think we will be ever bored with what goes on in heaven.
And a married couple practicing NFP can truly say they experience heaven in the love they have for their wife or husband,… and children or all their future children! 😃 Everybody gets included not just the wife or the husband.

And we do help God do what He does by being open to a possible scientist who will find cures or another Mother Teresa. We just don’t know.

Statistics show that couples who use NFP and go to church and pray as a family are happier and this glow is transferred onto the children, who are seen as blessings always and forever. Whereas contraception makes for not welcoming little ones. It puts a stop to the idea of having babies unless it is soley and absolutely at their timing not the timing of God Almighty. NFP still allows for love during a fertile time or even an infertile time. How can this expression of true love be denied to the two, man and woman. And in a real marriage blessed by God through his Catholic church. NFP is not contraception, NFP is Love for man and woman by God. He provides. Don’t ever forget that!
I am not sure where you got your definition, but Merriam-Webster says the following:

Main Entry: con·tra·cep·tion

**Pronunciation: **"kän-tr&-'sep-sh&n
**Function: **noun
**Etymology: contra- + conception
**Date: **1886
: deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation
- con·tra·cep·tive /-'sep-tiv/ adjective or noun

The above definition includes Natural Family Planning. Abstaining during phase II is a deliberate act to prevent conception.

We do? I thought we were supposed to receive God’s gifts (children) as HE see’s fit, not as we plan them?

In my opinion, this statement seems totally contradictory. Charting is not natural, it is a tool that has been derived to help control God’s “gifts”. God is kept out of the picture because you are not really trusting in Him only to decide when you have Children. You are trying to control it yourself through NFP. If we really trust God then why NFP? Doesn’t he know better than ourselves when we can afford, need, or care for children best?

From what I have seen, NFP is just as much contraception as any other form.


You and Shibboleth suffer from the same fallacy…that since NFP is as effective at POSTPONING pregnancy, it must be “contraceptive”. This broadening of the meaning of contraception requires it to include all forms of “infertile sex” - like post-menopausel women, men who have been unwittingly sterilized, or with low modility for their sperm, - well, you get the picture. By your definition, a couple cannot have sexual relations UNLESS they can produce a child.

The FIRST quality of the union of Adam and Eve was “unitive”. Pope Paul VI’s encyclical, Humanae Vitae, clearly points out the Churchs EQUAL understanding of the Unitive and Procreative meaning of the marital act. Their equality is born from both the fecundity and intimacy with which God has imbued the marital act. We are indeed called to trust in God’s providence, but the Church clearly sees that parents have to balance Generosity in accepting new life with Prudence to provide for the needs of the lives already entrusted to a couple’s care.

Thus the Church as come to understand that NFP, as an information gathering process, can help a couple have accurate information with which to marshall their passions and consider ALL elements of their familial demands as they consider another child.

The key difference between NFP and artificial contraception (whether it be chemical, barrier, or surgery), is that the information gathered from the practive of NFP only results in a NON-Action. The use of contraception requires an ACTION, fully intending to allow an action (sexual relations) without regard to it’s natural consequence (the possible pregnancy).

You cannot call a NON-Action (abstinence) as equal to an illicit Action (contraception). If you do, then the non-action of temptation could be called equal to the action of sin. Temptation requires the exercise of self-control, sin is the very definition of lack of self-control. NFP requires the excercise of self-control, whereby contraception substitutes self-mastery with an illicit action.
I’m not really sure I should bother with this thread, since my opinions are so clearly in a minority…

But since most of the people responding here are men (or so it seems, perhaps I’m unfair, I admit), I’ll give it a shot.

What do doctors call women who use NFP?


(I first heard that joke in 1981).

I’ve done NFP, and the fact is, I’m mostly horny when I’m fertile. Great if you’re TRYING to conceive, a bummer if you’re not. And if only men’s sexual desires matter, I guess it’s a moot point. But think about it. Should I only have sex when I’m really not interested?

I may HAVE a womb, but I am not exclusively a womb, and I have absolutely no interest in emulating my maternal grandmother, with her 10 children.

Modern methods of contraception are a great gift that God has given us (did you know that the Pill was developed by a very devout Catholic?).

I am a woman

Yes, the fertile time is the time a woman seems to be most interested, but other times can also bring some interest in the relationship is she is loved, feels loved, and has a husband who can still show romantic cuddly ways. It’s just a human thing to want to love one another. (An effect of the pill or hormonal contraceptions are possible loss of libido, cranky as you are in a state of “pregnancy” the pill tells the body it is pregnat so the body is going through the pregnant hormone feelings.) But with the contraception mentality, that’s all they want to do is just love one another, forget about the possible baby. Did you know that is what is blamed on many marriages turning sour and ending in divorce. The love between the couple is lost, is killed by this “poison” of contraception. giftfoundation.org/totb_overview_article.htm

I have seen a couple be married for 7 years, have no kids because of “responsible” contraception and now the husband cheats on her and lost all love and respect from their honeymoon days. NFP couples really do show they love the woman in allowing her to be fully a woman and in postponing a pregnancy only when necessary. As you admit, it is during the fertile time that a woman wouldn’t want to abstain, so you see how it is difficult to say no to God, when you love your husband so much. It is very natural and very real to feel this way. It is in accordance with the natural law, this teaching of NFP.
Out of curiosity, who is that very devout catholic? Obviously they aren’t very devout anymore.
I’ve done NFP, and the fact is, I’m mostly horny when I’m fertile. Great if you’re TRYING to conceive, a bummer if you’re not. And if only men’s sexual desires matter, I guess it’s a moot point. But think about it. Should I only have sex when I’m really not interested?
God designed your body such that you would desire to assist him in creating something - the only thing - indestructable…a human soul. It is the most natura of designs that you should desire the marital act when, because of the ebb and flow of your hormones, the act itself would be the most pleasurable. God has designed sex to be best when it is open to life!
I may HAVE a womb, but I am not exclusively a womb, and I have absolutely no interest in emulating my maternal grandmother, with her 10 children.

Modern methods of contraception are a great gift that God has given us (did you know that the Pill was developed by a very devout Catholic?).

John Rock, the supposed inventor of the BCP, was a dissenting catholic all his life. He was on the payroll for Planned Parenthood, via a grant from them, when he developed the BCP while at…I think, Harvard University. He liked to protray himself as a “devout catholic”, but it was part of the Planned Parenthood show. In his later life, he served a number of terms on the board of directors for Planned Parenthood…a position no “devout catholic” would take, to be sure.
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