I am not sure where you got your definition, but Merriam-Webster says the following:
Main Entry: con·tra·cep·tion
**Pronunciation: **"kän-tr&-'sep-sh&n
**Function: **noun
**Etymology: contra- + conception
**Date: **1886
: deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation
- con·tra·cep·tive /-'sep-tiv/ adjective or noun
The above definition includes Natural Family Planning. Abstaining during phase II is a deliberate act to prevent conception.
We do? I thought we were supposed to receive God’s gifts (children) as HE see’s fit, not as we plan them?
In my opinion, this statement seems totally contradictory. Charting is not natural, it is a tool that has been derived to help control God’s “gifts”. God is kept out of the picture because you are not really trusting in Him only to decide when you have Children. You are trying to control it yourself through NFP. If we really trust God then why NFP? Doesn’t he know better than ourselves when we can afford, need, or care for children best?
From what I have seen, NFP is just as much contraception as any other form.
You and Shibboleth suffer from the same fallacy…that since NFP is as effective at POSTPONING pregnancy, it must be “contraceptive”. This broadening of the meaning of contraception requires it to include all forms of “infertile sex” - like post-menopausel women, men who have been unwittingly sterilized, or with low modility for their sperm, - well, you get the picture. By your definition, a couple cannot have sexual relations UNLESS they can produce a child.
The FIRST quality of the union of Adam and Eve was “unitive”. Pope Paul VI’s encyclical, Humanae Vitae, clearly points out the Churchs EQUAL understanding of the Unitive and Procreative meaning of the marital act. Their equality is born from both the fecundity and intimacy with which God has imbued the marital act. We are indeed called to trust in God’s providence, but the Church clearly sees that parents have to balance Generosity in accepting new life with Prudence to provide for the needs of the lives already entrusted to a couple’s care.
Thus the Church as come to understand that NFP, as an information gathering process, can help a couple have accurate information with which to marshall their passions and consider ALL elements of their familial demands as they consider another child.
The key difference between NFP and artificial contraception (whether it be chemical, barrier, or surgery), is that the information gathered from the practive of NFP only results in a NON-Action. The use of contraception requires an ACTION, fully intending to allow an action (sexual relations) without regard to it’s natural consequence (the possible pregnancy).
You cannot call a NON-Action (abstinence) as equal to an illicit Action (contraception). If you do, then the non-action of temptation could be called equal to the action of sin. Temptation requires the exercise of self-control, sin is the very definition of lack of self-control. NFP requires the excercise of self-control, whereby contraception substitutes self-mastery with an illicit action.