Brandon, You and Shibboleth suffer from the same fallacy…that since NFP is as effective at POSTPONING pregnancy, it must be “contraceptive”. .
Actually, I do not believe it is contraception because it is “as effective at postponing pregnancy.” Not at all. I believe it is contraception because it meets the definition of contraception. I am not at all suffering from any fallacy. Sorry!
By your definition, a couple cannot have sexual relations UNLESS they can produce a child…
Hardly! By my definition, I do not see scripturally that there is a sin if one has sex when there is no possibility of Children. I merely pointed out the inconsistency and seemingly hypocritical position of saying that it is sinful to have have sex using ABC because it lowers the chance of impregnation, (which btw you must be if you use ABC since there is a rather high failure rate in actual practice), yet it is not sinful to just not have sex so that you will certainly not have conception. Why is it more sinful to take a chance at a new life using ABC (barrier or other non abortive method), but it seems ok to so many to just shut out the possiblity all together and not have sex. It is clear, that those who continue to have sex while the woman is fertile, knowing the failure rate of ABC are more open to conception, that those who just dont have sex so they can avoid the remote possiblity of conception.
The key difference between NFP and artificial contraception (whether it be chemical, barrier, or surgery), is that the information gathered from the practive of NFP only results in a NON-Action. The use of contraception requires an ACTION, fully intending to allow an action (sexual relations) without regard to it’s natural consequence (the possible pregnancy). …
Who says that if I have relations with my wife using ABC that I am “without regard to it’s natural consequences”? Is that you passing that judgement? I would say that I am fully aware of the possibility of life and the risk and failure rates of ABC. In addition, the act of purposely abstaining(verb) from something is an action not a “Non-action”. Futhermore, if you are truly open to life, why try to “non-action” it to control or postpone it? Why not let God decide when you get pregnant, instead of trying to control it by so called “non-action”? It seems to me that it is those who abstain who are actually no open to the possiblity of Children???
You cannot call a NON-Action (abstinence) as equal to an illicit Action (contraception)…
Abstinence for the purpose of controlling or postponing pregnancy, which is what NFP does, is contraception. Therefore, they are equal, because they are both contraception, just different forms.
If you do, then the non-action of temptation could be called equal to the action of sin.)…
This is a false comparison… One is tempted, one is not abstained. To be tempted is something that happens to you… to abstain is something that you choose to do. Temptation is a noun, a thing, abstinence is an action, a verb.
Temptation requires the exercise of self-control, sin is the very definition of lack of self-control. NFP requires the excercise of self-control, whereby contraception substitutes self-mastery with an illicit action.
Actually, temptation does not require self control, resisting temptation does. Temptation happens with our without self control. Futhermore, you have yet to show why having sex while open to possiblity of Children via the failure rate of ABC is illicit?
I realize that these are blunt questions, but I still do not see the logical or scriptural basis for this doctrine. To my knowledge this has not been declared infallibly… if it has, i would be interested in learning about that… anyone? Thanks all!
Peace to all…