But don’t you think that your analogy treats your spouse as no more than an object… i am talking love not sex… and given the advances of NFP, i find it hard to believe that any ones abstinence for 7 to 8 days (for 99% of the people in this world) is really going to put a cramp in their style, especially if your talking sin… again, i have to fall back to my original statement… it’s what we want, not what God wants… What you do in privacy with you spouse is yours, your spouses, and yes God’s business… choose wisely…Okay, I’m going to use my little analogy again.
If you were getting married and you wanted to invite everyone but knew you couldn’t and you sent everyone an invitation. But on the invitations of some you wrote “I really wanted to invite you, but I can’t right now.” Don’t you think that would be considered very rude.
When we use artificial birth control we invite God and his gift of life into our marriage embrace, yet we say no thank you, we just want to have some fun but no gifts now please. Pretty rude huh!
If, on the other hand we prayerfully discern that it would be better to wait a little while and we actually use the gift of self-control God gave us and abstain, God respects our loving decision.
One of my friends told me that back in the days of Chivalry and Knighthood, the measure of a man was his ability to restrain himself. We don’t seem to teach our sons that anymore. We only want what we want what we want NOW!
We need to leave God in charge of these decisions and not the momentary satisfactions.
God bless, hope this helps!