Why Contraception is wrong?

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Okay, I’m going to use my little analogy again.

If you were getting married and you wanted to invite everyone but knew you couldn’t and you sent everyone an invitation. But on the invitations of some you wrote “I really wanted to invite you, but I can’t right now.” Don’t you think that would be considered very rude.

When we use artificial birth control we invite God and his gift of life into our marriage embrace, yet we say no thank you, we just want to have some fun but no gifts now please. Pretty rude huh!

If, on the other hand we prayerfully discern that it would be better to wait a little while and we actually use the gift of self-control God gave us and abstain, God respects our loving decision.

One of my friends told me that back in the days of Chivalry and Knighthood, the measure of a man was his ability to restrain himself. We don’t seem to teach our sons that anymore. We only want what we want what we want NOW!

We need to leave God in charge of these decisions and not the momentary satisfactions.

God bless, hope this helps!
But don’t you think that your analogy treats your spouse as no more than an object… i am talking love not sex… and given the advances of NFP, i find it hard to believe that any ones abstinence for 7 to 8 days (for 99% of the people in this world) is really going to put a cramp in their style, especially if your talking sin… again, i have to fall back to my original statement… it’s what we want, not what God wants… What you do in privacy with you spouse is yours, your spouses, and yes God’s business… choose wisely… 👍
It’s my understanding that couples who use NFP are still open to life. That means a child can still be conceived and there’s no “spilling of the seed” involved. :confused:
Polls tell us that 80% to 85% of Catholics use artificial contraception. In light of the first posting, what does this say about Catholics?
Polls tell us that 80% to 85% of Catholics use artificial contraception. In light of the first posting, what does this say about Catholics?
What I wish the pollsters would do is break down the demographics of those polled. Who are the ones who attend weekly Mass, who go occasionally, or not at all, that sort of stuff.
While I completely agree that God gave us the option of not always having another child, that option should be used in good faith. I disagree that using NFP to not have a child is always correct. The use of NFP to not have a child should only be used if needed. And by needed that does not mean because you think children are a waste of resources or they would cramp your style. We are called to be open to children, that is part of the marriage vows. So, in a nutshell, using NFP to not have children is not always validated.

I agree with that. I was trying to focus on another aspect.
I agree with ralphinal, here is my take on it;

Genesis 1:26-28 DRB
(26) And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.
(27) And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
(28) And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth.

Luke 1:35 DRB
(35) And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

**If man and woman were created in the Image of God, which is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then it is man, woman and ??? (Child)

The Trinity is perfect love, three persons one GOD, from that love, that perfect union, Christ was born through a Woman, filled with the Holy Ghost. So too when a Man and a Woman unite in Love, the result is Creation.

If a man is to truly to look at what he is desgined for, it is to provide! The muscles, the build it is completely suited for this task.

If a woman is to truly look at what she is desgined for, it is to give life.

If you combine the two, you have “Provider of Life” now, oddly enough, that is what GOD does.

Now artificial contraception (and NFP used wrongly) can effectively separate us from GOD

Polls tell us that 80% to 85% of Catholics use artificial contraception. In light of the first posting, what does this say about Catholics?
It says that the members of the Catholic Church are sinners and in need of the redemptive work of Christ. Is this a surprise? Let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone. If anyone in the Church was perfect, they would be in heaven already. Even the Pope believes he needs weekly confession. If so, how much more do we?
Now look at how hard it must be to convert to catholism. You look at the Garden, and you see more weeds than good grain.
Now look at how hard it must be to convert to catholism. You look at the Garden, and you see more weeds than good grain.
That may be all “you” see but then I would have to question your perspective! I see so much more that what the media show us and it is clear to anyone willing to look that the Catholic Church does tremendous good around the world; and to be blind to this fact is to desire permanent ignorance.
24For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Gen (2:24) We are taught the one flesh is procreation.
We are? You are assuming the one flesh means sexual intercourse? I believe it means something entirely different. A married couple is one flesh whether or not they have children aren’t they? Two people who are not married, not “one flesh” can procreate can’t they? Being “one flesh” does not mean procreation.
When the Trinity become one we have creation.
First of all, the Trinity never “become one”. It has always been. The Trinity wasn’t created.
This is important for in heaven we will be participants in creation.
No, we will not be participants in “procreation” which is the subject isn’t it?
We know this because the saints can perform miracles. Miracles are the creative power of God.
That’s not procreation.
It’s my understanding that couples who use NFP are still open to life. That means a child can still be conceived and there’s no “spilling of the seed” involved. :confused:
Using this logic condoms should be permitted since they also do not prevent 100% of pregnancy, they are only 95% effective. Actually NFP is more contraceptive than condoms. Now not to be thought of as against Catholic teaching, NFP is correct and artificial contraceptives are incorrect because the Church teaches so. The Church is the establishment left with the responsibility to teach and define the truth, not you and I. Jesus told the Apostles, what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, He didn’t teach this to His disciples, or the multitudes. It is certain He left His authority with the Church leaders, not the congregation.
We are? You are assuming the one flesh means sexual intercourse?
I believe it means something entirely different. A married couple is one flesh whether or not they have children aren’t they?
Two people who are not married, not “one flesh” can procreate can’t they?
Being “one flesh” does not mean procreation.
First of all, the Trinity never “become one”. It has always been. The Trinity wasn’t created.
No, we will not be participants in “procreation” which is the subject isn’t it?
That’s not procreation.
Correct it is creation. Procreation is between the created not the Creator.
Tom before continuing this lets read the following articals
I’ve heard Christopher West’s CD. He is wonderful I highly recommend him for all of you who do not understand NFP. When I first went to class for NFP I was told that the reason NFP was first developed was to help childless couples conceive. It was found to be very successful.

We are all sinners and there were many years that I may myself have used the terminology of “bad days” or “good days” to avoid pregnancy and I don’t feel this is right. We are to always be open to life and we should as a couple always prayerfully decide whether we are doing God’s will in our life. Yet I have to agree that it is an impossible argument for someone to say that having no relations is contracepting.

It is not the same as using a condom. Using a condom is inviting God to the procreative act yet slamming the door on his face. Not having the procreative act is not doing anything. Yet we should always try in all of our actions to discern what God’s will for us is in our lives.

The best and most lofty course of action in each relationship, however, would be to never worry about it at all and use nothing. That would be true trust in God. Each child given is a great gift.

My husband is not Catholic and NFP was the best solution to a difficult situation, and always prayerfully used.
May we all strive to live in the will of God.
Next lets all get a copy of Sex and the Sacred City by **Steven Kellmeyer.

**If you still think I am wrong let’s dicuss it?
I think another aspect to why contraception is wrong is not only it’s affect on the number of children we have, or people being “closed to life”. I see its affect on marriages as well. I’m part of a bible study in my neighborhood, and not everyone is Catholic (or if they are, don’t follow the church in this area). And so far, two have sexual/intimacy problems with their husbands because they are so closed to life (those were the only ones willing to talk about it at the moment too). One of the husbands even told his wife (when they were trying to conceive their second --and last–child), “don’t tell me that we’re ‘trying’ tonight! I don’t even want to think about it!” How sad… the woman was obviously sad about this, and felt very ALONE in bringing forth a new life. She’s preggers now, and just seems scared. No support from the husband. I see MANY husbands who just don’t lovingly care for their wives in ALL aspects…especially fertility. Because…that’s “their (the woman’s) problem” and if “they get pregnant” that’s “their fault” because “they didn’t use contraceptives.” Men get the idea from our culture that they really have no part in this once beautiful, procreative act. It’s so sad… these are well-educated women who are doing it alone, when they are married and should be receiving love and support from their husbands!

And despite what someone said above about NFP, this DOES NOT HAPPEN with NFP. Contraceptives mean complete closure to life…at all times. NFP means being CONSTANTLY AWARE of life-giving love… it means HUSBANDS who LOVE their wives and PARTICIPATE with them in procreation. It means BOTH TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for a new life, should God bless them. If we were to believe the poster above, that NFP is contraception, that would mean that ANY act outside of the fertile time of a women is a contraceptive act. This, of course, is false. Especially since sexual intimacy is a huge part of married life, because it’s DUAL purpose is to bring the couple into the state of being physically one… as Dr. Janet Smith says, “Sex is for bonding and creating babies…” (Contraception, why not?).

Just another take on this…sorry so long 😉
God bless,
Polls tell us that 80% to 85% of Catholics use artificial contraception. In light of the first posting, what does this say about Catholics?
:hmmm: Lack of faith?
So is the woman that takes a pill to lessen the probability of conception any different than the one that only has relations during periods when conception is unlikely?

In reply to your question…Yes, she is different. The one who has relations during her infertile time is using the method designed by God in our physical nature to be a time of infertility. The other woman is changing the physical nature of her cycle to do her own bidding.

And that doesn’t even touch on the whole issue of the pill making the uterus hostile to a developing embryo if conception does take place while the woman is on the pill.
I think another aspect to why contraception is wrong is not only it’s affect on the number of children we have, or people being “closed to life”. I see its affect on marriages as well. I’m part of a bible study in my neighborhood, and not everyone is Catholic (or if they are, don’t follow the church in this area). And so far, two have sexual/intimacy problems with their husbands because they are so closed to life (those were the only ones willing to talk about it at the moment too). One of the husbands even told his wife (when they were trying to conceive their second --and last–child), “don’t tell me that we’re ‘trying’ tonight! I don’t even want to think about it!” How sad… the woman was obviously sad about this, and felt very ALONE in bringing forth a new life. She’s preggers now, and just seems scared. No support from the husband. I see MANY husbands who just don’t lovingly care for their wives in ALL aspects…especially fertility. Because…that’s “their (the woman’s) problem” and if “they get pregnant” that’s “their fault” because “they didn’t use contraceptives.” Men get the idea from our culture that they really have no part in this once beautiful, procreative act. It’s so sad… these are well-educated women who are doing it alone, when they are married and should be receiving love and support from their husbands!
Real men protect their seed and will not plant it in unfertile ground. I find I can not accept women because I can not trust them with my seed. This is just the opposite of what you are saying. I think the problem is we do not trust God.
And despite what someone said above about NFP, this DOES NOT HAPPEN with NFP. Contraceptives mean complete closure to life…at all times. NFP means being CONSTANTLY AWARE of life-giving love… it means HUSBANDS who LOVE their wives and PARTICIPATE with them in procreation. It means BOTH TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for a new life, should God bless them. If we were to believe the poster above, that NFP is contraception, that would mean that ANY act outside of the fertile time of a women is a contraceptive act. This, of course, is false. Especially since sexual intimacy is a huge part of married life, because it’s DUAL purpose is to bring the couple into the state of being physically one… as Dr. Janet Smith says, “Sex is for bonding and creating babies…” (Contraception, why not?).
Yes, this sound like a solution but can one trust the womans words. Again I think all thing start with trust in God.
Just another take on this…sorry so long 😉
God bless,
NFP is not contraception. By definition contraception is: “Birth control by the use of devices (diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom) or drugs or surgery” And NFP is Natural Family Planning. We as human beings have a right to plan our family within the natural means. Meaning if a woman isn’t fertile then there is no way she can conceive. It’s not possible. And if a couple would have to purposely abstain or not show love to one another during the infertile time then where is the giving of one another in marriage. Likewise, when the fertile time occurs in a woman, how can it be considered responsible to not think about a real issue like finances when contemplating the “love” within a home. There is a real adult behavior in discerning should we wait and postpone the possibility of “getting pregnant” until we know that we can get through this present difficulty. God, has given man and woman a mind to think and use their intelligence. And God also comes into the conversation through prayer and a receiving of peace in following out His Will. How can someone say to another God loves you, peace be with you and let them starve to death. They need real food you can taste in your mouth. So, likewise in a serious situation where food on the table is scarce or real life threatening situations like a need to go through further examination of a medical conditions can be a real cause to postpone pregnancy. The physical needs still need to be met as a type of corporeal works of mercy. Hey, these people need to eat. They are sick and need medical attention. How responsible is it to say this is not important. The church has the answer through the tool of charting in NFP and abstaining during the fertile time. God is not kept out of the picture because this is how woman was made. And in His wisdom he knew what he was doing. It is love that is felt here in the couple’s decision to wait and act responsibly.

We talk about responsibility, and this is responsible behavior.
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