In philosophy, world is another word for universe. So possible worlds are not parts of this universe but are alternative universes which could logically exist.If all possible worlds did exist, they become part of the Universe (Creation), and universal laws would apply. Cause and effect is a universal law known by right logic and confirmed by objective reality. Right logic does dictate that there must be cause and effect in all possible worlds, creation. there is no possible world without being created-for all possible worlds to be possible means it has the capacity to be, but isn’t yet, has no being or existence. If it could exist without cause, it would be, and not be “possible” All possibilities must have a cause to exist, be. Only God, the Uncaused Cause needs no cause to exist. It’s His Nature.
Put another way, God is omnipotent and so isn’t forced to make our universe as it is, He could have created one without any matter, or without time, or where time runs backwards, etc. He could have created a world (= an alternative universe to ours) in which there are no things and no time and no change, and so no cause and effect. Or He could have decided never to make a world, and so nothing would ever be caused and there would be no cause and effect.
Therefore it would seem we only know of cause and effect because God decided to make it a feature in our world (= this universe), rather than because logic forced it on omnipotent God.
btw what is a “right logic” - are there wrong logics?