You appear to be basing this on logic. it would also appear for that to hold that logic would always give you the correct answer when it comes to science.My answer would be “It couldn’t.”
Do you believe that?
You appear to be basing this on logic. it would also appear for that to hold that logic would always give you the correct answer when it comes to science.My answer would be “It couldn’t.”
Well, certainly, under certain conditions, the variation in the temperature can be correlated to the amount of energy that has been transferred to or from a system in the form of heat. Such amount of energy could be calculated, for example, using this equation:Nope. The temperature is a measure of the heat, and the heat is just a name for the jiggling of the atoms. Removing heat means reduce the jiggling, until at absolute zero it would stop (theoretically). Adding heat means increase the jiggling, until at some point the dance is so energetic that molecular bonds are broken, etc.
And importantly, even before having that explanation of temperature, it was known that whatever it represented is relevant, which is why it’s right there in the law, just as Newton had no backstory for gravity, but could still derive his law from observations.
What happens in a flight simulator? I press some buttons, move some levers, maneuver a wheel…; and this triggers the movement of electrons from a power supply along certain paths in some electrical circuits to produce determined effects on a screen or some other peripherals. A flight simulator is not a mathematical model.Consider a flight simulator. You sit there, increase “engine speed”, pull on the “elevators”, “take off”. Your actions cause (name removed by moderator)uts to a program which then outputs effects. The program uses the math of the physical laws (within such programs, that section is known as “the physics”). Even when simulating the world, the math is the handle on cause and effect. Otherwise, if you were correct and causality was so promiscuous it couldn’t be represented in the language of order, than causality would surely be a myth.
Not really, Inocente, I am not ignoring the causes of stability. That is why I said:Again this seems to be based on your intuition. By only looking for a cause when you expect change, you ignore the causes of stability. A physical law doesn’t just tell us what causes a change, it says what’s involved in preventing or minimizing change.
Yes! We always need to be open to find out the real causes of what we see.Your claim that there can be no change without time may also be your intuition, but for example the state change in quantum entanglement is instantaneous. There are also many differing philosophical views on time, presentism or block universe and so on. While interesting, these opinions would not appear to be a good foundation for knowledge. It would seem better to leave the question open and see where the evidence leads, rather than close our minds to all the alternatives.
Division by zero is not defined in mathematics.Re. your last paragraph: At t=0 the math doesn’t just product big numbers, it produces infinities, as in attempting to divide by zero. The biggest number you know - say a googolplex - isn’t even remotely close to infinity, no number can ever be. That’s why the math breaks down in the singularity. That indicates the theory is wrong at t=0, which indicates it starts to go wrong near t=0, so I’d have thought that must be fixed before anything like reliable predictions can be made. And going back to that Fenyman quote, it’s a bit difficult to make observations.
For any science based on actual facts , to advance would necessarily use the universal principle of cause and effect in its empirical endeavors, and even in its theoretical endeavors, and also has to be consistent in the application of the law of contradiction, logic which finds itself consistent with objective reality. It’s not a matter of belief, but understanding which can predispose one to believe what he doesn’t understand such as the supernatural. There are different kinds of logic, right logic and reasoning, and erroneous logic, and wrong reasoning, one based on objective reality, or one based on subjective realityYou appear to be basing this on logic. it would also appear for that to hold that logic would always give you the correct answer when it comes to science.
Do you believe that?
Well, there are tribes, clans and political parties. Perhaps from that standpoint what I said is just a description of what happens. What I said happens even among scientists; and if you don’t include mathematics within the category of “science”, then this happens among mathematicians too.That might be a neat way to form a tribe or a political party: keep out those who don’t share our intuitions on the grounds that there’s no way to convince them, but do let in those who share our intuitions, and whenever we later find the intuitions don’t match, settle it by gentleman’s agreement or split away and form a new tribe. Surely not a secure foundation for knowledge though.
We are part of nature. And I would like to add this to Feynman’s words: “If your theory agrees with experiment, how beautiful it is, and how smart you are!”.The laws of nature don’t depend on our intuitions or on what we think is reasonable. They don’t depend on us period. They depend on nature. The secure foundation of knowledge in science is summed up by Fenyman: “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”
I agree! Perhaps that is why I don’t tend to use those “possible worlds” in my comments.And we can’t do experiments in other possible worlds.
But you didn’t answer the question.For any science based on actual facts , to advance would necessarily use the universal principle of cause and effect in its empirical endeavors, and even in its theoretical endeavors, and also has to be consistent in the application of the law of contradiction, logic which finds itself consistent with objective reality. It’s not a matter of belief, but understanding which can predispose one to believe what he doesn’t understand such as the supernatural. There are different kinds of logic, right logic and reasoning, and erroneous logic, and wrong reasoning, one based on objective reality, or one based on subjective reality
This is rather ridiculous. Logic is truth, or at least true. We reason to true ideas too, like cause and effect. A bad syllogism isn’t in reality, unless you believe Hegel or Spinoza’s philosophies. But in that case you are basically a relativist. If so, are these discussions just games, or are you trying to learn maybe?But you didn’t answer the question.
You are saying that cause and effect are logical, therefore we can base scientific answers on that proposition. So do you believe that logic always give you the right answer?
If the answer is yes, we can investigate to see if it does. If no, then the claim that the universe must have had a cause (because, well, it’s just logical, isn’t it), does not stand.
Logic is true. But we need to differentiate between what is logical and what appears to be logical.This is rather ridiculous. Logic is truth, or at least true. We reason to true ideas too, like cause and effect. A bad syllogism isn’t in reality, unless you believe Hegel or Spinoza’s philosophies. But in that case you are basically a relativist. If so, are these discussions just games, or are you trying to learn maybe?
If it is only “perhaps” I would be losing my time discussing Hume. I will assume then that your test has nothing to do with him. So, you would need to clarify the meaning of your position, because I don’t know your doctrine:Perhaps, but all I’m concerned with is this question: Does logic dictate that there must be cause and effect in all possible worlds?
To answer yes, your proof must obviously exclude any reference to our world, since the proof can’t depend on contingencies but must be true in all logically possible worlds.
If it can’t be proved then logically our world can come into existence without a cause, since we only know of cause and effect within this world.
There are very many things that appear illogical. I’ve mentioned 4 or 5. I’m sure that as you dig deeper into physics and quantum mechanics you’ll find quite a few more.The only thing you’ve said that implies that physical laws can contradict what humans know to be true is the concept of two things gaining distance between themselves without either moving. Science should have some explanation for this. Just because a scientist says he thinks so-and-so happened under the microscope, it’s not infallible that it happened just so
No…where did you get that from? It’s quite a simple argument.Bi-location is not against reason. Your position is that there is nothing that is impossible. You’re a Pirhonian (sp?)
You are saying that if something appears to be illogical, then by entering some ‘transcendental state’ you can tell if it’s possible or not.I’ve thought as you do now before as well. I have my moments. But the intellect is capable of pushing a little to see empirical experiences like causality to a transcendental state, and then the mind has understanding within it, know that it comes from something that makes sense