I think that we need to put something to bed (and I’m in transit for a few days so any replies I make may be intermittent).
The entire universe operates, as far as we have been able to tell up to this point, in a manner which is decipherable to the scientific method. That is, in a manner which we call ‘natural’.
From the formation of planets and galaxies to that of a snowflake, if you gather enough information and apply the scientific method you can discover the natural way in which the process works.
All reasonable Christians (there are exceptions) accept this without question. They just work on the not unreasonable assumption (for them), that this natural process is the modus operandi that God has used in creating everything. If there is something which we don’t understand, all reasonable atheists (there are exceptions) will say: ‘hey, let’s investigate this, apply scientific principles and see if we can’t work out what’s going on’. From, obviously, a natural viewpoint as science cannot deal with the supernatural. By definition.
The reasonable Christian will say exactly the same thing. With the unspoken rider that discovering what exactly is going on is simply discovering the method by which God has caused it to happen.
At this point, the atheist and Christian are of one mind. They solve the problem, high five each other and congratulate themselves on increasing the sum total of human knowledge. The Christian heads off to church to give thanks for this insight into His methods and the atheist…well, I don’t know…heads to the pub for a celebratory cold beer.
The unreasonable Christian looks at the problem and says: ‘No, there is no natural explanation’. Maybe they think that despite God being omnipotent, solving this particular problem by natural means (a method which He has apparently used for literally everything since Day One) was beyond Him, so He needed to just instigate a little ‘Kazam!’ moment and slip in a little supernatural jiggery pokery.
Classic examples of this would be biblical literalists who insist the planet is 6,000 years old and was made in 6 days (what on earth took Him so long?) and those morons at the Discovery Institute who insist that God couldn’t have set things up to allow us to evolve by natural means but needed to give a wave of the Divine Magic Wand to help things along. I mean, if God is omnipotent, then…why?
These are the guys who are responsible for the God Of The Gaps. These are the guys whom Bonhoeffer castigated for trying to limit God in what He can do. These are
the guys who use the gaps in scientific knowledge into which they have to squeeze their God. Because they insist that what we don’t understand is therefore supernatural and therefore proves God. Whereas all the reasonable people know that EVERYTHING is natural. And with my Christian hat on, is the method by which God operates.
The God Of The Gaps is NOT an argument. It cannot be used as one. It is simply a position into which some Christians force God when they insist that the gaps in scientific knowledge is where God can be found. Squeezed into the spaces left to them by our increasing, yet still limited knowledge of how everything works.
‘Don’t do it!’ Should be the call from reasonable people on both sides of the fence.
From a Christian perspective, the reason not to do it is obvious: If you claim that there is no explanation for something, therefore God, there will be an obvious response when the explanation IS found: Therefore no God.
From an atheist perspective, the reason should be equally obvious. It is a call to stop the investigation. ‘We have the answer!’ say the Christians Of The Gap. ‘There’s no need to search for a natural explanation as there isn’t one’. It’s a call to effectively close down scientific enquiry, because if the answer is supernatural then science cannot access it.
It is the literalists, the fundamentalists and those such as the contemptuous ID brigade (aka Creationists) who are foisting this concept upon us all, Christian and atheist alike. We should all join in telling them, in no uncertain terms, that they should take this concept and put it somewhere out of sight. The best position for that I will leave to you.