Oh, dear. Ohdearohdearohdear.
Indeed, so your idea of us “reasoning together” boils down to you completely ignoring my on-topic relevant points in order to repeat your usual threats?
You don’t even specify what it is that you find objectionable in that, so charitably assuming that you are not being wildly hypocritical I shall take my best guess and point out that
you were the one who asserted that your posts need either a dictionary or a classical education to decipher, even when you are saying something as simple as “I think that is pointless”.
I merely express my opinion that that is not good writing. On the contrary, if anything ‘good’ writing would be expressing subtle and complex ideas in language so clear and simple that even someone just starting to learn english can understand it, not taking a banal and simple expression and turning it into something that even an educated natural english speaker needs a dictionary to understand.
And it’s often the ones who bristle so much about others’ choice of words who are the ones who need it the most.
I said was that your one reply was “otiose and inutile, as you would put it” - you are the one who seems to have taken that badly. You must admit that you
do use those two words a lot. As such, what is wrong with me commenting on it? Unless
you feel some shame at using those words, there should be no problem surely?
Bear in mind too that you could have made the same point in a much more accessible manner for those who are
not natural english speakers, given that this is an international forum. Likewise not all people reading here will be on broadband, so animated GIFs that serve no purpose other than to express simple phrases such as “I don’t understand” are less than considerate. Although having clicked on one I am glad to see that you have scaled them down in size considerably since the old days.
So, back on topic:
Have you ever seen this happen?
Have you ever seen a turnip materialize, from nothing, upon your plate?
Anyone who knows anything about modern quantum mechanics will have heard of virtual particle pair creation, which is just that - something popping into existence like your strawman of a turnip materialising on a plate.
More to the point, anyone familiar with modern cosmology will know that the Universe does
not need to pop into existence out of nothing. Even in the most naive version of the Big Bang Theory, since space and time are part of the cosmos, there is no time ‘before’ there was something, there was always something from the time t=0.
You have your concrete and very well demonstrated example of what you asked for, as well as a brief explanation of how that is
not what most cosmologists claim.
Can you provide equally robust, demonstrable examples of a mind existing without a physical substrate, let alone ‘outside of time and space’, or of such a being conjuring something out of nothing? Otherwise it seems that it is
your explanation for the cosmos that does indeed rely on asserting the existence of things completely outside of our experience.