And well over 500 posts in, no-one has come anywhere close to answering it.
Isn’t the question itself a malformed one? I mean what it implies is that effects can exist with NO explanation, for NO reason, whatsoever. That would mean it would be possible, in principle, for something to occur without explanation; not merely that human beings have no explanation for some event or entity, but that there need not be any explanatorily sufficient reason (cause) for the occurrence of that event or entity at all, in principle – i.e., Why couldn’t the universe exist for no reason whatsoever?
How could we know THAT without knowing the absolute parameters of what can be explained and also know beyond any possibility of being wrong that no explanation does exist nor can possibly exist for some eventualities?
But everything must have a cause! Well, sometime back I gave you two examples of things that appear not to have a cause. Virtual particles and radioactive decay. That was simply ignored.
I wouldn’t say “ignored,” so much as being extremely stunned that anyone would propose “two examples of things that appear not to have a cause” as if simply not knowing that cause entails “therefore, NO cause.”
Again, to contend, as you do, that anything CAN exist without a sufficiently explanatory reason (aka cause) means that you are prepared to abdicate reason completely – i.e., that you are seriously proposing that things can happen which need no explanation. Not that we have none at the moment, but that in principle we don’t require one – which is, essentially, what it means to propose and accept that some events can exist without any explanatory cause, whatsoever.
How can anyone respond to that except by shaking their head in astonishment that you could seriously propose such a thing to be true and at the same time consistently contend that you STILL require “good reasons” to accept theistic claims? Apparently, you think it is entirely consistent to insist that some things (like virtual particles and radioactive decay) can be accepted as being the case for no reason whatsoever, but other things (like God) require bullet-proof reasoning before you can accept them.
I mean, if you are prepared to accept events and entities CAN exist for no explanatory reason whatsoever what is to stop you from believing anything at all for no reason whatsoever, including theistic claims? Perhaps your claims are not being “ignored” so much as triggering silent :ehh:
Ah, but something cannot come from nothing! Because…it’s illogical. And numerous examples have been given where logic cannot be used to determine something. That’s been ignored.
So why are you holding out against the possibility of God when you insist things can happen for no reason whatsoever and are prepared to toss out logic completely? In principle, you have NO legs left to hold any position whatsoever BECAUSE you are prepared to accept that things can occur for no reason whatsoever.
You have just kicked out whatever legs you had to hold fast to any position you might insist upon as being true BECAUSE you insist that things can be “true” for no reason whatsoever.
Well, God created it because He’s omnipotent. It stands to reason. Well, no. You can’t include the answer to your proposal in the proposal itself. That IS illogical.
Well, I would suppose “illogical” is quite meaningless for someone who insists things might be true for no reason at all. So why is logic or having sufficient reason to believe anything important when you are prepared to believe things can happen or exist for no reason whatsoever?
The following video accurately depicts your predicament when you begin permitting that effects need no explanation at the same time as you want to insist – inconsistently – upon NOT including explanations to proposals in the proposal itself.
Essentially, your claim is that eventualities need no explanation, which means that reasons for those eventualities are not at all required. So why insist reasons cannot reside in the proposal itself if you are willing to allow that they need not reside anywhere at all?