Why Did Jesus Never Get Married

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Yes, all three synoptic gospels refer to Peter’s Mother-In-Law as the one whom Jesus healed in Capernaum, who then began to wait on the disciples as Jesus continued preaching and healing.
Jesus is God, the Creator of the Universe and the Savior of mankind, the eternally begotten Son of the Father.

His mission was to redeem us and sanctify us as His Bride. All of us in the Church are intimately united to Him and will celebrate the Marriage Supper one day in Heaven, God willing.

He belongs to all of us completely.

He wasn’t just a man that he should marry…He is the Son of God. Marriage for God is so repugnant and inappropriate that I’m surprised the question was asked at all.

God does not need a female companion…He is complete unto Himself. He humbled Himself to take on the form of one of His creatures. He wouldn’t join Himself in marriage to one of the sinful creatures He came to save.

His entire life is an example for husbands and wives in marriage…He didn’t have to actually get married to be an example.

His mother had to be sinless to conceive Him. Can you even imagine what a human wife would need to be like? It would raise a huge set of complications about who is the Queen of the Universe and the Church having two mothers.

Only the Church is His perfect Bride.
“He had a perfect relationship with His Heavenly Father, why would he need more?”

His human part would normally, unless he was gay, find a woman attractive and desirable. “A perfect relationship with his father” is a very vague statement. How does that nullify his natural leanings towards the female sex?
I disagree with this obsolete concept entirely. How can the natural, God given attraction for a man to a woman be less of a state than the frustrations of remaining celibate?
A perfect relationship with his father
The above I agree is a vague statement, but I said His Heavenly Father. Jesus was not just a man, He had control over his ‘natural’ urges and appetites. There is no comparison between Our Lord and any human being.
Nothing against Jesus as a single man - don’t flag me, please.
But if Jesus got married -
it seems he could of set a tremendous example - with handling a wife.
As a side note - was Peter ever married - ?
I thought I saw a movie where he was -
Christ already gave us the perfect Ideal for a married couple.
Wives Obey your husbands and Husband love your wives. What more needs to be said!
His bride is the Church.
A very vague and meaningless statement. The concept of a “bride” is in a completely different class of idea than the concept of a “Church” There is no logical way to compare them, only with poetic human license can they be compared.
He was God, He would have time for anything He chose to do. He could have founded a church, invented Relativity, discovered America, and raised a family if He chose to do so.
Our Lords Truths are applicable to all human life and detail, we are left to apply it to our details. Marrying and having offspring was not a detail He needed to show us by example and through death of a body He gave us forgiveness of original sin and the example of the sacrifice of mortal life for others.

He conquered death for us! Relativity etc are details we can work out ourselves and in doing so we have labours as vehicles for spiritual development.

I had an architect give me his design for a house. I built it. If I had a question I asked, he explained, he didn’t come and build it for me too.
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You might find the Catechism (and the associated documents noted in the footnotes) helpful


The Church is the Bride of Christ

The unity of Christ and the Church, head and members of one Body, also implies the distinction of the two within a personal relationship. This aspect is often expressed by the image of bridegroom and bride. The theme of Christ as Bridegroom of the Church was prepared for by the prophets and announced by John the Baptist.234 The Lord referred to himself as the "bridegroom."235 The Apostle speaks of the whole Church and of each of the faithful, members of his Body, as a bride “betrothed” to Christ the Lord so as to become but one spirit with him.236 The Church is the spotless bride of the spotless Lamb.237 "Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her."238 He has joined her with himself in an everlasting covenant and never stops caring for her as for his own body:239

This is the whole Christ, head and body, one formed from many . . . whether the head or members speak, it is Christ who speaks. He speaks in his role as the head ( ex persona capitis ) and in his role as body ( ex persona corporis ). What does this mean? "The two will become one flesh. This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the Church."240 And the Lord himself says in the Gospel: "So they are no longer two, but one flesh."241 They are, in fact, two different persons, yet they are one in the conjugal union, . . . as head, he calls himself the bridegroom, as body, he calls himself “bride.” 242
The short reason, because God does not need his own Sacraments. They are for the use of man.
Yet that Jesus was baptized, and he took the eucharist
Mboo, though not needing it Himself, Jesus accepted the baptism of John for our sake. When John protested, Jesus replied it should be so, for now.

About Eucharist, I am not so sure anyone says He partook. In any case, it still would not be because He needed it Himself.
How can the natural, God given attraction for a man to a woman be less of a state than the frustrations of remaining celibate?
Who says that marriage is less frustrating than celibacy?!?!? Clearly, man, you’re not married! 🤣
He was God, He would have time for anything He chose to do. He could have founded a church, invented Relativity, discovered America, and raised a family if He chose to do so.
And brought home the bacon…
And fried it up in a pan…
And never, never, never, never ever let you forget he’s a man?

(sigh… Madison Avenue, you’ve warped me for life! :cry: 🤣)
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Mboo, though not needing it Himself, Jesus accepted the baptism of John for our sake. When John protested, Jesus replied it should be so, for now
Jesus could also get married to give us a good example. Jesus taught that there is no intrinsic benefit to getting married, as Jesus practices what he teaches, so he is unmarried to show us a good example.
Jesus taught that there is no intrinsic benefit to getting married
There is an intrinsic benefit to marriage, or else Jesus would not have raised it to the dignity of a sacrament. It was made a means of grace and mutual sanctification by Jesus himself. And there is a natural benefit to it as well, namely the begetting of children.

Having access to a sacrament is not a sign of excellence for the one who receives it. Just as taking a remedy is not intrinsically advantageous, but relatively advantageous for the sick person, getting married is not intrinsically advantageous, but it is relatively advantageous for one who can not have a holy life in celibacy.
Okay, I’m not sure how that’s a response to what I’ve just said. You said that Jesus taught that there’s no intrinsic benefit to marriage. And I showed that that isn’t consistent with the teaching of Jesus. So what do you mean by what you’ve said here? Are you implying that one can’t live a holy life if he’s married?
If Jesus married and had children then he couldn’t of fulfilled his mission to leave and sit with God in heaven. His family would remain and that darkens and distorts the good news.

Similarly we could for the same response say why did Jesus have to leave?
To institute a sacrament does not mean that it is absolutely advantageous to take it. The sacrament of the sick is advantageous to him who is ill, the sacrament of penance is advantageous to him who is a state of mortal sin, and likewise the sacrament of marriage is advantageous for those who can not live saintly in celibacy
Jesus could also get married to give us a good example.
Jesus, through His Word, gives authoritative instruction on marriage.
Jesus taught that there is no intrinsic benefit to getting married, as Jesus practices what he teaches, so he is unmarried to show us a good example.
Jesus, as bridegroom to the Church, gave the ultimate example of how a husband is to lay down his life for his wife.
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