Yes, all three synoptic gospels refer to Peter’s Mother-In-Law as the one whom Jesus healed in Capernaum, who then began to wait on the disciples as Jesus continued preaching and healing.
The above I agree is a vague statement, but I said His Heavenly Father. Jesus was not just a man, He had control over his ‘natural’ urges and appetites. There is no comparison between Our Lord and any human being.A perfect relationship with his father
Christ already gave us the perfect Ideal for a married couple.Nothing against Jesus as a single man - don’t flag me, please.
But if Jesus got married -
it seems he could of set a tremendous example - with handling a wife.
As a side note - was Peter ever married - ?
I thought I saw a movie where he was -
A very vague and meaningless statement. The concept of a “bride” is in a completely different class of idea than the concept of a “Church” There is no logical way to compare them, only with poetic human license can they be compared.His bride is the Church.
The short reason, because God does not need his own Sacraments. They are for the use of man.
Mboo, though not needing it Himself, Jesus accepted the baptism of John for our sake. When John protested, Jesus replied it should be so, for now.Yet that Jesus was baptized, and he took the eucharist
Who says that marriage is less frustrating than celibacy?!?!? Clearly, man, you’re not married!How can the natural, God given attraction for a man to a woman be less of a state than the frustrations of remaining celibate?
And brought home the bacon…He was God, He would have time for anything He chose to do. He could have founded a church, invented Relativity, discovered America, and raised a family if He chose to do so.
Jesus could also get married to give us a good example. Jesus taught that there is no intrinsic benefit to getting married, as Jesus practices what he teaches, so he is unmarried to show us a good example.Mboo, though not needing it Himself, Jesus accepted the baptism of John for our sake. When John protested, Jesus replied it should be so, for now
There is an intrinsic benefit to marriage, or else Jesus would not have raised it to the dignity of a sacrament. It was made a means of grace and mutual sanctification by Jesus himself. And there is a natural benefit to it as well, namely the begetting of children.Jesus taught that there is no intrinsic benefit to getting married
Jesus, through His Word, gives authoritative instruction on marriage.Jesus could also get married to give us a good example.
Jesus, as bridegroom to the Church, gave the ultimate example of how a husband is to lay down his life for his wife.Jesus taught that there is no intrinsic benefit to getting married, as Jesus practices what he teaches, so he is unmarried to show us a good example.