This is what I observe, yes. I am still waiting for a counterexample
Yes, if I find a yearbook of mortal sins published with an imprimater, I will send you a copy.
Jesus said, "forgive them, for they know not what they do." Understanding others is the path to mature forgiveness, guanophore. A big part of understanding others is in realizing what they did not know when they did evil acts.
It can be, but another big part of understanding humans (ourselves as well as others) is in realizing when they DO evil acts deliberately.
Yes. I have never met anyone who does not acknowledge that human beings are capable of, and commit great evil, willingly and knowingly. It is an extreme form of humanism, and my first exposure to religious humanism.
Every Catholic who points his finger at me and says “You reject Church teachings” as you did, guanophore is being uncharitable. An apology would be an appropriate Christian behavior.
Well, I do apologize if my wording is offensive, because it is not my intention to misrepresent your position. Your position is not consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. This is not an uncharitable statement. In fact, it is uncharitable to withold the truth. You may choose to power forward in your humanistic framework, ,but others who might be reading the thread will hopefully see that this is not Catholic.
Now, before I go on, let us start with this statement:
First of all, people have freedom of their will. Unfortunately, they may have a deeper “will” to which they have little access.
This does not seem like their will is very 'free" in that case. If they are enslaved by a deeper, inaccessible “will” then free will is only an illusion.
Secondly, it is you who is trying to prove that Judas knowingly and willingly rejected God.
I don’t think so, OS. I was responding to the thread topic, and I speculated about Judas’ motives. Besides, I realized that trying to “prove” a religious article to someone who rejects that foundations upon which the article is based is not possible.
Clearly is Judas had willingly and knowingly rejected God, he would have his own billboard annoucing it to the public, would he not?
His name would be included in the list of “specific instances” published quarterly by the Vatican of everyone who commits a moral sin!
I have provided many means of showing that this was not the case, but you have never shown how his thinking could demonstrably support your assertion.
Actually, you have not. You have done the same as I, which is to speculate about his thoughts, motives and actions. What you have “shown” or “demonstrated” is conjectures that cannot be verified.
I have made no assertions to demonstrably support, but if I had, I am quite certain that my fantasies about what Judas may have been thinking and feeling would not constitue a valid support in any case.
So, if you are "stipulating" that your assertion is unsupported in that it has no foundation in actual human thought, we can drop the whole endeavor to prove "Judas knowingly and willingly rejected God". It will simply remain an unsupported accusation.
I am not sure why it is so important for you to manufacture a conflict about this topic. I have made no assertions. You yourself are the one that inserted “human thoughts” into the thread as to the mental process of Judas. Your projection of “human thoughts” is conjecture, along with all the theories proposed in this thread.
If Judas did knowingly and willingly reject God, it is not an “accusation”. But this statement does shed some light on why this subject is so sensitive. If a person who knowingly and willingly rejcects God is worthy of “accusation” it is a very good reason to work so hard to maintain that such a condition does not exist, either in oneself, or others. From a humanistic point of view, “accusations” are not good for the self esteem, are they?
If these do not work for you, provide a line of thought that is consistent with your premise.
You are asking me to fantasize about what Judas was thinking. You seem to want me to do this so you can use my fantasy to “prove” that Judas did not knowingly and willingly reject Jesus.
I am sorry that none of your fantasies about what Judas was thinking ring true for me.
I will grant that what you have said so far begins to demonstrate Judas’ thinking:…
I don’t think so. I think it is just a statement of the general knowlege that all Jews living in Palestine at that time would have.
These statements you made seem to support #5, but if #5 does not look like what he was thinking
No, none of the statements fit how I imagine it happened.
I will agree to disagree with you on these matters, OneSheep. The Catholic Church teaches that there are grave sins that are committed every day, and human beings who knowingly and willingly engage in them (or even support those that do) risk their eternal life.
The Church teaches that sin separates us from God (not just our sense of God within ourselves).
The purpose of being able to distinguish responsibility and culpability is not so that people can be “blamed” (blame does not serve any life giving purpose) but so that the faithful can be freed from slavery to sin, and live free in Christ. Claiming that mortal sin only exists in theory, and that it cannot happen to the faithful is counterproductive.