Why did you choose Christianity over Islam?

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  1. I’ve had more exposure to Christ in general as well as the Catholic church
  2. My first exposure to Islam was 9/11 which forever left a bad taste in my mouth
  3. Relatively normal, non radical, Americanized Muslims are typically either willfully ignorant of or try to justify the stark inequalities women face in Islamic theocracies as well as the violence radical Muslims are responsible for, and even lie about the histories of their Muslim brothers who commit violent acts (such as the guy who shot up Pulse night club in Orlando). Catholics are typically irritated by the controversies in their church.
Holy Spirit is God’s action but not personality of God. God did not become man but create. That seems more logical(actual).
I know very well that we believe in same God but you are not aware of that. For God all creation is equal offcourse just as action and being creature. But as morality humanbeing is high because human can reflect and show attributes of God which a hadith point that humanbeing was created in form of Rahman(God’s name). Prophets are more high than other people for instance Abraham is named as “Halillulah”(friend of God) and Muhammad is named as habibbullah(love of God) and Jesus Kalimatullah(word of God) and Moses as kalimullah(speech of God) …

I do not know what you mean but God love all beings because everything is God’s creature and has miraculous art and beauty. Everything has very great value in that manner. God as essence is eternal and an eternal being is not created. If Holy Spirit is created so it cannot be eternal or God. And Holy Spirit was in time and matter and travel through space. That is not God’s action Himself and some creation. Indeed Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.
Muhammad never taught against Jesus. Muhammad corrected mistakes(misinterpretations) about Jesus.
Muhammad were not taught by any one. If that was in that way Pagans would refute Muhammad very easily. Muhammad could not read or write. He was taught directly by God.

You are anti-Christ because you claim such thing about Jesus himself never preached.
Muhammad were not taught by any one. If that was in that way Pagans would refute Muhammad very easily. Muhammad could not read or write. He was taught directly by God.

You are anti-Christ because you claim such thing about Jesus himself never preached.
You contend that Mohammad was never taught by anyone, and received his knowledge directly from God. That is highly unlikely, given that he parrots common heretical beliefs of his time, such as the non-divinity of Christ, the lack of Crucifixion, and multiple others. His views are so much in line with those heretical groups, and we know those groups to have been active in the Arabian peninsula, so it seems highly unlikely that he wasn’t influenced by them.

Beyond this, he says things that are directly contradicted by both Jewish and Roman historians, apart from the Christian history told in the Bible. There is absolutely no question as to the crucifixion. In order for Mohammad to be correct, everyone involved in the crucifixion would have to be a moron. The Romans were adept at killing people, and it is basically impossible that they would have taken Christ down from the cross without making sure he was dead. (That’s what the stabbing in the side is for. One, to check, and two, to create a wound you cannot recover from, which would have likely pierced both the intestinal tracks, and lungs, leading to either sepsis or suffocation.)

The body double concept is likewise nonsense, because Christ appeared later bearing all of the wounds which, once again, would have been 100% fatal to any human being.

Now, I know many Muslims simply deny this accounts as fabrications, but there is literally no reason to do so other than the word of your so-called prophet.

Given a choice between the men who directly followed Christ and went to their painful deaths singing His praises and forgiving their murderers, or a warlord who spread his faith through violence and conquest a few centuries after the fact, there is no question about who I’m going to believe.
You are anti-Christ because you claim such thing about Jesus himself never preached.
Except He did say them, quite clearly, as recorded in the Gospels. Literately the only basis you have for rejecting those accounts is because Mohammad said they were false. Given that it was in his best interest (worldly interest at least, I doubt it did much for his eternal prospects) to deny Jesus’ divinity, it makes sense that he’d do so through lies and denial. He has no evidence for his assertion other than the nebulous claim that God spoke to him, and given the vast, VAST, number of false prophets throughout history who have claimed the same, there is absolutely no reason to accept him beyond blind faith.

Also, not being able to read and write doesn’t mean a person can’t be taught. That’s just… that’s just a dumb argument, I’m sorry.
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I know very well that we believe in same God but you are not aware of that. For God all creation is equal offcourse just as action and being creature. But as morality humanbeing is high because human can reflect and show attributes of God which a hadith point that humanbeing was created in form of Rahman(God’s name). Prophets are more high than other people for instance Abraham is named as “Halillulah”(friend of God) and Muhammad is named as habibbullah(love of God) and Jesus Kalimatullah(word of God) and Moses as kalimullah(speech of God) …

I do not know what you mean but God love all beings because everything is God’s creature and has miraculous art and beauty. Everything has very great value in that manner. God as essence is eternal and an eternal being is not created. If Holy Spirit is created so it cannot be eternal or God. And Holy Spirit was in time and matter and travel through space. That is not God’s action Himself and some creation. Indeed Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel.
Although we agree on some things about God, such God is the Creator of everything, we disagree on other things about God, such as God is the Holy Trinity. I recognize God is the Holy Trinity, where the Father is God, Jesus, the Son, is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

In consideration of Jesus being the Word of God, you should recognize that the Word of God is not a creation of God, the Word of God is uncreated, and the Word is God.
Muhammad were not taught by any one. If that was in that way Pagans would refute Muhammad very easily. Muhammad could not read or write. He was taught directly by God.

You are anti-Christ because you claim such thing about Jesus himself never preached.
A man was crucified but that was not Jesus. Wounds after crucifixion… There is no evidence or statements about wounds after crucifixion.

20:27 Then he said to Thomas, Put out your finger, and see my hands; and put your hand here into my side: and be no longer in doubt but have belief. John.

Thomas thought that Jesus was crucified but Jesus said that He was there and alive.

Muhammad and warlord! Muhamamd was an alone man without a power and His uncles and tribes did not believe in Him. Muhammad convinced thousands hard Pagans without any support. Later Pagans used power to destroy Islam and they tortured Muslims. God allowed Muslims to fight to protect faith. Muslims established a state and that state did make wars. Every state make war.

Followers and belivers of Jesus were very few in the beginning and they were tortured much. Christianity was very vulnerable but after Rome accepted Christianity the religion invaded very quickly(by warlords with swords!?)
You are anti-Christ because you claim such thing about Jesus himself never preached.
All life of Muhammad is evidence for prophethood. And Qur’an… And thousands miracles. And millions very high morality Muslims who saw the Muhammad at the most high morality.

False prophets… Yes… There were and are false prophets. Who fabricated faith with doctrines?
Interesting. Which one (Quran)?
  1. The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split.
  2. Yet whenever they see a miracle, they turn away, and say, “Continuous magic.” Al-Qamar(54)
  3. Glory to Him who journeyed His servant by night, from the Sacred Mosque, to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We have blessed, in order to show him of Our wonders. He is the Listener, the Beholder. Al-Isra(17)
  4. When you said to the believers, “Is it not enough for you that your Lord has reinforced you with three thousand angels, sent down?”
  5. It is; but if you persevere and remain cautious, and they attack you suddenly, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels, well trained. Al-Imran (3)
  6. If you do not help him, God has already helped him, when those who disbelieved expelled him, and he was the second of two in the cave. He said to his friend, “Do not worry, God is with us.” And God made His tranquility descend upon him, and supported him with forces you did not see, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the Word of God is the Highest. God is Mighty and Wise. At-Tawbah(9)
  7. The Prophet told something in confidence to one of his wives. But when she disclosed it, and God made it known to him; he communicated part of it, and he avoided another part. Then, when he informed her of it, she said, “Who informed you of this?” He said, “The All-Knowing, the All-Informed, informed me.” At-Tahrim(66)
  8. Is it a wonder to the people that We inspired a man from among them: “Warn mankind, and give good news to those who believe that they are on a sound footing with their Lord”? The disbelievers said, “This is a manifest sorcerer.” Yunus (10)
A man was crucified but that was not Jesus. Wounds after crucifixion… There is no evidence or statements about wounds after crucifixion.
No evidence, unless you completely reject the Gospel accounts, as I’ve already said. It is you who have no evidence other than baseless assertions from your “prophet”.
Thomas thought that Jesus was crucified but Jesus said that He was there and alive.
Yeah, that’s the Resurrection… Thomas literally put his fingers in a fatal wound. Unless you believe the men who had followed Jesus for three years couldn’t recognize him, then you must accept that He was there, and you must also accept that the wounds were readily visible.
Every state make war.
Yup, every state makes war, I agree with that. However, not every state forces conversion on those they conquer. Not every state subjugates a people based on their faith. Not every state kills in the name of God.
but after Rome accepted Christianity the religion invaded very quickly(by warlords with swords!?)
No, it really didn’t. By the time Christianity was accepted as a legal religion Rome was already well past it conquering heyday, and well into its declining years. What’s more, It spread through peaceful conversion, not conquest and force like Islam.
All life of Muhammad is evidence for prophethood.
Except for everything he did that directly contradicted the word of God, which was just… so much stuff…
And Qur’an… And thousands miracles. And millions very high morality Muslims who saw the Muhammad at the most high morality.
Moral by Muslim standards, which isn’t too high a bar to get over if you ask me. Mohammad’s life was filled with sexual deviancy and violence. That he became more peaceful after he had finished his conquest doesn’t make him a holy man, it just means he ran out of places to conquer, or got too tired to keep going. There are no miracles in Islam except the supposed beauty of the Quran, which is an entirely subjective notion. I see no beauty in that book.

As for people believing him to be moral, that is not a valid basis for determining his actual status. Millions of people though Buddha was a moral teacher, hundreds of thousands believe now that Joseph Smith was a prophet. If I’m not mistaken, there are even those within Islam itself who hold vastly different views but are believed by millions. You would not say that any of those people are actual prophets and servants of God. If that is your only measure, then it is a poor one.
Who fabricated faith with doctrines?
Mohammad. Mohammad fabricated a faith by bastardizing the OT and then lying about Jesus, or at least spreading false teachings he had been taught by others.
Although we agree on some things about God, such God is the Creator of everything, we disagree on other things about God, such as God is the Holy Trinity. I recognize God is the Holy Trinity, where the Father is God, Jesus, the Son, is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

In consideration of Jesus being the Word of God, you should recognize that the Word of God is not a creation of God, the Word of God is uncreated, and the Word is God.
Trinity… You say Father is God and we do too. You say Son is God but we say Son is from God by a miraculous way. You say Holy Spirit is God but we say Holy Spirit is an angel of God. There are many connections between us. As God said in Qur’an “Come to a word equal between us and you: That God is one!”
Again, your knowledge of Islam is miniscule. Because there are there positions which accept that the crucifixion did take place (for example the Ismaili Shiah position). Besides, people cast doubt on the ancient secular references to Jesus’ crucifixion as well.
His contention was that the crucifixion didn’t happen. By your own admission that statement is not necessarily true, so my rebuttal stands.
Besides, people cast doubt on the ancient secular references to Jesus’ crucifixion as well.
Those are the same people who deny He even existed. They’re are driven by an agenda, not an honest examination of the historical evidence. Even the early enemies of the Church acknowledge the existence and death of Jesus. (The book Hostile Witnesses by Gary Michuta provides a number of these examples)
Not even in the text, which is why Protestants don’t believe that happened.
Protestants are not the Church Christ founded. What’s more, there are very few groups who deny the Resurrection.
Laughable, and you claimed you saw my post on the spread of Islam. Again, non Muslim historians have shown your claim to be bogus.
No, non-Muslim scholars have shown that there were a handful of instances where Muslim conquerors were welcomed. That’s a far cry from disproving the long, bloody history of Muslim conquest through the Holy Land.
A living miracle is better evidence compared to transient miracles merely heard about from word of mouth or read about in ancient writings.
I’ll take the thousands of Miracles from Lourdes alone over your book. These are not mere transient miracles. Since you seem to be unaware of them, I encourage you to do some research. There are miracles every day coming out of the waters at Lourdes. The are tens of thousands of miraculous hearings attributed to that spot alone. This is not word of mouth, this is not ancient history. This is true, living, breathing testimony to the Truth of God’s Church, and the falsehood of those who would denounce her.
Did Moses plagiarise near Eastern stories, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh? Also, perhaps you should work on not lying about Prophet Muhammad (S) before claiming he lied about Jesus.
Plagiarized, no. Re-presented in a framework intended to display the differences between the Jewish and Pagan understandings of the origin of species and purpose of life? Yes.

As for lying about Mohammad, I haven’t. Everything I’ve said about him comes from his own biographies, and the work of historians. It boggles my mind that you continue to deny the historically-verified manner by which Islam spread. He lead an army in violence against various peoples, and following Mohammad’s death, there were almost four-hundred years of violent Islamic conquest. That is just fact.
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Again, your knowledge of Islam is miniscule. Because there are there positions which accept that the crucifixion did take place (for example the Ismaili Shiah position). Besides, people cast doubt on the ancient secular references to Jesus’ crucifixion as well.
Interesting. So because “people have cast doubt” on the independent confirmation of the Gospels, you trust the Quran over the Gospels? The Gospels are spectacularly historically verified for any document of their age. They were probably all written within a century of the life of Christ. Compare that to the Quran, which was written centuries later and I believe it doesn’t reference any document closer to the time of Christ. Correct me if I’m wrong on that, but judging from your posts, that assumption is correct.
It’s interesting that he denies Chirst’s crucifixion, when there’s a strong case to be made for the fact that Mohammad may not even have existed, or at least not as he’s presented in the Quran and his biographies. Robert Spencer wrote a book on the topic that examined all the scholarly evidence.

I’m not saying he didn’t, only that there less evidence for his existence than there is for Christ’s and Christ’s crucifixion.
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Because I believe in Jesus Christ, in his life, death, and resurrection, and all that follows from that. If Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, then Islam is false. So, easy choice. I can’t say that I have ever even considered Islam seriously. Nothing about it rings true to me.
So because “people have cast doubt” on the independent confirmation of the Gospels, you trust the Quran over the Gospels?
I didn’t even say that. I actually believe the crucifixion happened. But I do trust the Qur’an over the Gospels regardless.
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