Why do anti-abortion signs

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I am curious. What is your parenting strategy for teaching about death and dying? Do you have a tv in the home? Is your child going to attend public/private school or be homeschooled? Does your child visit with friends or visit other places? Does he go with you in your car on the highway? Do you have newspapers and magazines unattended in your home?
OK, I admit… my friends make fun of me because I am sort of nutsy about what my children can & can’t see. No cable - VERY limited TV- only PBS for those under 10… my 14 yr. old is finally allowed to see some PG13 movies like Superman. (I was the poster who said I wouldn’t let him watch the Simpsons until recently - different thread) I NEVER allow the news on for the under 10 kids to see and I don’t leave newspapers lying around. I stopped going to a particular grocery store because the trashy magazines were at my kids eye level and now I shop at a market that doesn’t sell magazines.

Yep - I’m a sheltering nut. I just think the world is such a scary place - full of murders, rapes, drug deals, drive by shootings etc. Granted - we get the Chicago news so maybe it’s a bit more grisly then some - I just look at my children’s sweet innocent faces and I want to keep them innocent from the harsh realities of life for as long as possible. It’s hard - because you are right - we live in this world & it’s not always pretty.

I just asked my 14 year old sitting next to me if he thought I sheltered my kids too much and he said LOL - that’s the understatemet of the year.

So there you go. No idea if I’m right or wrong, I just do what I think is best for my kids. Isn’t that what we all do - what we think is best? And I guess that’s the bottom line that bothers me regarding this topic… I don’t like someone else deciding what’s appropriate for my children to see. I expect trashy magazines & sex-themed movie producers to not give a hoot about my children’s innocence - but I would hope that Christians who support LIFE (as I do) would also cherish the innocent life of my 4 year old.
OK, I admit… my friends make fun of me because I am sort of nutsy about what my children can & can’t see. No cable - VERY limited TV- only PBS for those under 10… my 14 yr. old is finally allowed to see some PG13 movies like Superman. (I was the poster who said I wouldn’t let him watch the Simpsons until recently - different thread) I NEVER allow the news on for the under 10 kids to see and I don’t leave newspapers lying around. I stopped going to a particular grocery store because the trashy magazines were at my kids eye level and now I shop at a market that doesn’t sell magazines.

Yep - I’m a sheltering nut. I just think the world is such a scary place - full of murders, rapes, drug deals, drive by shootings etc. Granted - we get the Chicago news so maybe it’s a bit more grisly then some - I just look at my children’s sweet innocent faces and I want to keep them innocent from the harsh realities of life for as long as possible. It’s hard - because you are right - we live in this world & it’s not always pretty.

I just asked my 14 year old sitting next to me if he thought I sheltered my kids too much and he said LOL - that’s the understatemet of the year.

So there you go.
Actually, you sound very much like me. I didn’t even think of taking my kids to Superman or the Simpsons although my eldest has seen the Passion and my eldest 3 have been to the Walk for Life and done some pro-life things. I’ve got to admit, if I had to choose between sex or profanity and violence, I’d pick violence because it’s usually portrayed in a bad light. Thankfully, I don’t usually have to choose. And, of course, I even homeschool.

I want my kids to be very active in activism. I believe strongly it’s what kept me on the straight and narrow. Sorry to digress. Sheltering:thumbsup: nuts unite!
I wonder if everyone’s natural aversion to abortive images and the uncontrollable urge to hide it has to do with some subconscious desire we all have to love and care for tiny, innocent beings.
Yes. I think this is it. It’s just goes against our deepest God given natures - to protect children. Abortion is the MOST evil, most awful, most horrible thing in the world… how anyone could kill a tiny baby… pull him right from his mother’s womb and throw him in the garbage… what sort of society says it’s OK to murder babies?

And I would hate for my child to know that. To know that THIS is the world he lives in. Where mommies kill their babies - pull apart their tiny little arms & legs and throw them in the trash. How could his little heart bear that? He’s only 4. 😦
Anyways, my point is that unless you are a very determined mommy with a very young child who does not go to school or public areas, or have any outer sources such as media, your child has seen plenty of grotesque images, real or fake. For example, on our highway, there are 2 billboards showing half-dead, starving children advertising a charity to save people in Africa. Any general television show or commercial is liable to show a lot of blood and gore and video games can be included too.
Oh, I agree with you. And I am sure that there will be plenty of times that my children will hear or see something that will be hurtful to their innocence and being. It’s an upstream battle that we as parents face. That said, I don’t expect to have
to fight that battle against other Christians doing this to my child.

just hear this argument used a lot against showing the truth of abortion and it always strikes me as a ironic when I question the people arguing me. Like a mother who stopped by where we were protesting and was angry about the images. Into the conversation, it turns out her 6yo son has an xbox 360 and owns the game called saint’s row.
I agree with you that that’s horrible and ironic. However, that really has nothing to do with me…I am not like that parent and yet I am still opposed to those pictures being shown to my child.
I wonder if everyone’s natural aversion to abortive images and the uncontrollable urge to hide it has to do with some subconscious desire we all have to love and care for tiny, innocent beings.
I’m sure it does. Just because people are opposed to people showing disturbing images to young innocence doesn’t mean they are pro-abortion.
Oh, I agree with you. And I am sure that there will be plenty of times that my children will hear or see something that will be hurtful to their innocence and being. It’s an upstream battle that we as parents face. That said, I don’t expect to have
to fight that battle against other Christians doing this to my child.
I’m starting to feel ignored.😉 Let’s try another analogy. Your daughter is in the ER with appendicitus. While you are there a young girl is brought in an put in your child’s room (because it either has the equipment or is the only one left - let’s not get too sidetracked with details) with multiple gunshot wounds from a drive by shooting. She’s screaming, the doctors are yelling and, of course, there’s a whole lot of blood. Their priority is to save that life by whatever mean they can. While I’m sure it’s not preferable to them, your daughter’s feelings are not their concern at the moment. Your not choosing this situation, you didn’t authorize it nor are you happy about it. Of course your child’s in a tizzy. Who wouldn’t be? Are the doctors somehow committing an evil act by exposing your daughter to this? Of course not. They could have elected to stop, clear another room or move your daughter but in this urgent situation to save this girls life when every second counts they did not.

You may not see the urgency and you may not think that taking the most effective means even if it means your child possibly seeing the horrors of abortion is right but some realize that at the point those women are walking into those clinics or hospitals it is a life or death situation for those babies and their mothers. Like the doctors in the hospitals, it’s not the optimum situation but pro-lifers think that the lives of those babies come first.

Like fix has tried to show you before, just because a child is seeing things beyond their preparation and years doesn’t mean that it is evil. Seeing pictures of dead people is not leading a child into temptation. (see post forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=1720953&postcount=249 ) The whole “stealing a child’s innocence” is not found in the context you are speaking of in the teachings of the Church. If one was holding these signs specifically to traumatize a 4 year old, well that that person would be sinning. If one was showing pictures of people having sex then that would be scandalizing and then the millstone would apply. Of course, nobody is advocating this here. I’m guessing that you wouldn’t have a problem with the doctors in the ER trying to save a life while exposing your child to things beyond his/her years. Why would you have a problem with a pro-lifer doing this? They’d both be trying to do the same thing - save a life that’s about to be extinguished.
I’m starting to feel ignored.😉 Let’s try another analogy. Your daughter is in the ER with appendicitus. .
I think your analogy is a very good one & it helps me to see the other side. If it would save even one baby’s life - then it is worth it, no question in my mind. So I suppose that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?

I’ve been thinking about this thread alot and I’ve decided that although I loathe the pictures - graphic, gory, so sad - what I hate even more is that they put the abortion issue in MY face.

I find it easy easy to be pro-life: I vote pro-life, donate money to pregnancy centers & pray for an end to abortion, stick a bumber sticker on my car - and then, I can sit back & think well good, I’ve done my part - that’s that.

But when confronted with these pictures… oh my dear God, that’s a BABY! Someone has killed a baby in the most grusome way - and there it is, right in front of me. It makes me realize that I haven’t done enough… none of us have done enough because this is what happens to 4,000 babies every single day.

Do I hate the signs? Yes - I would prefer that no one held these awful signs. But in my heart I know I hate them not just for my children… I don’t want to see them either! Because they make me realize that a bumper sticker on the back of my van isn’t nearly enough.
[sign] If it would save even one baby’s life - then it is worth it, no question in my mind. So I suppose that’s the bottom line, isn’t it? [/sign]

Yes, Carol Marie. You’ve got it.

Good work Bear06.👍
Heroic pro-lifers have been repeatedly maligned on this thread accused of destroying “the innocence of children” as if abortion images were the equivalent of pornography. I would point readers to this website with an abortion quiz. For example, one question asks:

[sign]Which prominent Chicago abortionist made “kiddie porn” featuring his own 3-year-old daughter, and, when caught, blamed his prosecution on local pro-lifers?[/sign]

Answer: Richard Ragsdale

I think your analogy is a very good one & it helps me to see the other side. If it would save even one baby’s life - then it is worth it, no question in my mind. So I suppose that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?

I’ve been thinking about this thread alot and I’ve decided that although I loathe the pictures - graphic, gory, so sad - what I hate even more is that they put the abortion issue in MY face.

I find it easy easy to be pro-life: I vote pro-life, donate money to pregnancy centers & pray for an end to abortion, stick a bumber sticker on my car - and then, I can sit back & think well good, I’ve done my part - that’s that.

But when confronted with these pictures… oh my dear God, that’s a BABY! Someone has killed a baby in the most grusome way - and there it is, right in front of me. It makes me realize that I haven’t done enough… none of us have done enough because this is what happens to 4,000 babies every single day.

Do I hate the signs? Yes - I would prefer that no one held these awful signs. But in my heart I know I hate them not just for my children… I don’t want to see them either! Because they make me realize that a bumper sticker on the back of my van isn’t nearly enough.
And it doesn’t have to be a sacrifice of your child either. Careful communication and following guidelines can help. For example, it is very logical to assume that if there is an abortion clinic, there will be pro-life protesters with graphic images. Choosing a different route will protect your child. You already do this with tv and other media, right? You assume that if you have cable, there will be dangerous or innapropriate shows.

Although it might be popular in some groups/places or it might gain popularity, I think for the most part that protesters use graphic images in specific instances. And you as a very good mommy, judging by your posts, can think ahead and avoid those instances.

For example, stay away from clinics, stay away from marches, media meets, processions, etc. If it is Roe V. Wade anniversary day, stay away from the courthouse. If it is the prolife march in January, don’t go touring!
I think your analogy is a very good one & it helps me to see the other side. If it would save even one baby’s life - then it is worth it, no question in my mind. So I suppose that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?

I’ve been thinking about this thread alot and I’ve decided that although I loathe the pictures - graphic, gory, so sad - what I hate even more is that they put the abortion issue in MY face.

I find it easy easy to be pro-life: I vote pro-life, donate money to pregnancy centers & pray for an end to abortion, stick a bumber sticker on my car - and then, I can sit back & think well good, I’ve done my part - that’s that.

But when confronted with these pictures… oh my dear God, that’s a BABY! Someone has killed a baby in the most grusome way - and there it is, right in front of me. It makes me realize that I haven’t done enough… none of us have done enough because this is what happens to 4,000 babies every single day.

Do I hate the signs? Yes - I would prefer that no one held these awful signs. But in my heart I know I hate them not just for my children… I don’t want to see them either! Because they make me realize that a bumper sticker on the back of my van isn’t nearly enough.
Very beautiful post, Carol Marie. I’ll admit, as I imagine most pro-lifers would, that we all get distracted and the reality can be put in the back seat sometimes. We definitely haven’t done enough. I suggest finding your niche. It might not be holding graphic signs but the pro-life movement always needs contemplatives too (something that’s not my specialty. I guess we have fodder for a New Year’s resolution!👍
And it doesn’t have to be a sacrifice of your child either. Careful communication and following guidelines can help. For example, it is very logical to assume that if there is an abortion clinic, there will be pro-life protesters with graphic images. Choosing a different route will protect your child. You already do this with tv and other media, right? You assume that if you have cable, there will be dangerous or innapropriate shows.

Although it might be popular in some groups/places or it might gain popularity, I think for the most part that protesters use graphic images in specific instances. And you as a very good mommy, judging by your posts, can think ahead and avoid those instances.

For example, stay away from clinics, stay away from marches, media meets, processions, etc. If it is Roe V. Wade anniversary day, stay away from the courthouse. If it is the prolife march in January, don’t go touring!
One might also contact the local “show the truth” or “survivors” groups and see where they’ll be too.
Boppaid in post 241 declared:
“Well, the “evil of abortion” and the “evil of the pictures” are not really related.”[/sign]

No, they are inextricably related for there would be no photographs of abortions if the evil of abortion had not already been committed in the first place.
Thanks for your response, marc!
Okay. Then your argument that the difference between showing pornography to children and showing other disturbing images to children is different because looking at pornography is automatically sinning doesn’t make sense. It is wrong to show children pornographic images, pure and simple. I would argue that it is evil to do so. Why? Not because the children sin when they view them, but because it takes away their innocence. The same is true (in my opinion) about showing other disturbing images. If you don’t want your child to see these pictures (porn)

Your answer about the sin of porn was born of my question:

So, again, do you feel that a child’s innocence is taken away when forced to view porn? (You never answered that, I don’t think. If you did, I apologize because I missed it.)

Truly, I’m not trying to win an argument. I’m not trying to argue at all. I’m simply trying to explain why I, and so many others, are so upset that other Christians are shoving these horrid images in our young children’s faces. I am trying to explain why I feel as I do. And I’m also trying to explain that I don’t need to the church to clarify something wrong or immoral. People on this board who don’t agree with me seem to feel that since there is no Church teaching that states that upsetting children with these pics and stripping away their innocence is immoral, it must not be. I guess I’ll never understand that thinking. Again, I don’t feel I need to make you feel the same way I do. I know I won’t change your mind. However, I am so appalled by these activities of certain pro-Life groups (and thankfully not all are like this) that I feel I must speak out.
I agree with this post. I agree with this poster.
I am more than appalled. I am sickened. And, I have to wonder,with respect, if those waving these pix around have ever sat down, & prayed for the discernment to know whether or not they may not have been so damaged by the culture of death, that they no longer recognize the gravity of their own actions.
Forgive me, but this is why I got into this to start with!
A child may be traumatized by going to the ER, the dentist or even the doctors. It isn’t evil to see the blood, gore and possibly even nakedness that might be found there. While it’s great to avoid it when possible, it is not always possible and quite surey it may be necessary. That still doesn’t make it immoral for your child to be there or see what they might see.
Children seeing pix of mangled bodies is immoral because it is not necessary. If these are used, there must be great care taken that no children see them.
And with respect, I want to insert this: I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as the result of what I saw & experienced in a motor accident which killed my parents. I do not want to see a single child suffer with this, as I have done, for the past 57 years. I therefore know whereof I speak. Bad enough when it occurs in this way; to inflict it on children via posters, etc, is, I am sorry, but it is sinful. Period.
Pornography is an objective sin. I believe that taking away a child’s innocence is an objective sin also. (Note, I’m not saying the reason this is bad is because a child is disturbed. I’m saying it strips away their innocence.){/quote] Amen!!!
You’re right. BUT, showing these photoes to children (if they strip away at their innocence by being extremely violent and grotesque) is always wrong
Again, we agree. Bless you for your patience in explaining this very imporatnt point!
Well, the war on children doesn’t begin and end with abortion. It is perpretrated by Christians every time they take away another little bit of their innocence. Abortion is not the cause of these children having to deal with this, irresponsible people who accidentally let children view these horrors is.
I agree.
if this is a war zone, these postors are weapons aimed at our children as well
Again, it’s not a few possible nightmeres. It’s the taking away of their innocence.
. Exactly. May God bless you as you raise your little ones.
But when confronted with these pictures… oh my dear God, that’s a BABY! Someone has killed a baby in the most grusome way - and there it is, right in front of me…
Now this is interesting, because you are talking here to someone who has changed sides. I was “pro-choice” for practically forever. I looked at what seems like it must have been a million pix of dead babies, & it never did a thing to make me pro-life. In fact, just the opposite:
For decades, the strongest single force convincing me that abortions were acceptable in some circumstances, was the fact of all you pro-life people & your “dead baby” pictures. It made me believe that you didn’t believe what you were preaching. Because, if you did, you would have had enough respect for the dead, not to slap their pix up on posters & bulletin boards!!

So, what changed me? I saw a sonogram. A single, B&W, still of a living baby in her mother’s womb. Just one. And I joined the prolife camp.
Further: Having been on the other side, I can tell you exactly what your opponents think when you haul out the posters. They think what I thought back then…That you’re all a bunch of hypocrites, who “love babies” so much that you use pictures of dead ones to advance an agenda.
Further: They think (& tell people!) that those “probably aren’t even real pictures anyway”. That “they were faked” to put a guilt trip on people. That “most of them are pix from the vet’s office, of aborted animal fetuses”. Or of “wax dolls”.

This is why I feel so strongly against the pix of aborted babies. Because if I had never seen one, I would have moved over to your side of the moral fence years–decades–sooner than I did.

I don’t for one second believe that:nope: I am alone. I’ve heard too many comments to the contrary.
That’s why I have to repeat: The mangled remains pictures don’t work! In fact, they work against you. The only people I have known to be affected by them as you expect are other pro-life people, & little children.

You know what you need to hold up?? Try these:

Now** there** are some pictures that say, “Look at what you’re doing!! Look at whom you’re killing!!”
And no traumatized children in the process.
And, I have to wonder,with respect, if those waving these pix around have ever sat down, & prayed for the discernment to know whether or not they may not have been so damaged by the culture of death, that they no longer recognize the gravity of their own actions.
Well, I can’t speak for everyone but I certainly have prayed long and hard. You might want to contact Fr. Pavone and ask him. I’m betting he has too. It would seem silly to me to think otherwise though. Not only do we recognize the gravity of our actions, we recognize the gravity of the situation. This is not a situation where we feel we can take the more pleasant road. This is a situation that we feel that it is of utmost importance for us to use the method proven most effective to stop these murders.
Children seeing pix of mangled bodies is immoral because it is not necessary.
And this is a major point of this debate. We feel it is necessary to use the most effective means possible to stop the murder of these children.
If these are used, there must be great care taken that no children see them.
Again, showing these to children are not the goal but if a child is there, saving a life comes first.
And with respect, I want to insert this: I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as the result of what I saw & experienced in a motor accident which killed my parents. I do not want to see a single child suffer with this, as I have done, for the past 57 years. I therefore know whereof I speak. Bad enough when it occurs in this way; to inflict it on children via posters, etc, is, I am sorry, but it is sinful. Period.
And this is a little more than judgmental and you’ve just accused many good and holy priests who have prayed about this tactic of sin. (please don’t bother comparing them with child molesters as some have done) Please see my example of a car accident previously made in this thread. If someone could have saved your parents don’t you think that they should have stopped regardless of whether or not their children would have been traumatized by it? Surely it would be wonderful if they could help and not have children see the horror but sometimes it’s not possible.
Pornography is an objective sin. I believe that taking away a child’s innocence is an objective sin also. (Note, I’m not saying the reason this is bad is because a child is disturbed. I’m saying it strips away their innocence.){/quote] Amen!!!

Thankfully our Faith is not based on what some believe. This is not found in Catholic teaching and I also covered this in a previous post.
I’m not sure if this is the right forum; so if it needs to be moved I understand.

Why do anti-abortion signs have to be so graphic?

My children had no school today, so I took them to see their Grandpa who in the hospital recovering from surgery. (My kids are 4 and 5).

While leaving the hospital there were anti-abortion picketer with signs saying abortion kills. They even had blown up images of post-aborted babies. The images were enough to make me turn away, seeing a child dismembered is awful. My children wanted to know why those babies were “cut up”.

So I had to have the “talk” with my 4 and 5 year-old, a talk that I didn’t really want with them, not at this time. Seeing they are only 4 and 5. They themselves are just children and should have the right to some innocents. (At least that is my opinion).

Well I started to think about it. I understand why they the anti-abortion picketers are there. I understand what abortion does. I understand why it is important to get the message out there. Abortion kills an innocent child.

However, what about the innocents of the children that see these signs? Should they be forced to see such graphic images? Should parents be forced to explain such things to their kids?

Modern technology is wonderful.
There are wonderful 4D ultrasound pictures that show babies ALIVE in the womb.
This link will allow you to see some 4D ultrasound pictures: prolifeamerica.com/4D-Ultrasound-pictures/index.cfm?photo=10#photos

I think that these anti-abortion picketers should do away with their post-abortion images, and use pre-abortion images such as these 4D ultrasound pictures.

I think they should blow up a few of these images and have messages like:

I’m ALIVE in my mother’s womb….
{Image of 4D ultrasound}
….If she aborts me, I will die.
FOR HELP CALL: xxx-xxx-xxxx or ON the web: -------------------

It gets the same message across without destroying the innocent of children.
Abortion does kill and destroy an innocent life. However, why destroy the innocents of other children? Shouldn’t we protecting ALL children?

Now if my kids saw a 4D ultrasound picture, I could just tell them that a picture of baby inside the mommy’s tummy. Those people are holding those signs because some people don’t think that babies are ALIVE when they are in a mommy tummy, but we know they are. It’s good to let people know that babies are ALIVE when they are in the mommy’s tummy. That would have been much nicer to tell my kids.

However do to the graphic image this morning I’m left explaining why those babies were all “cut up.”

:mad: My children innocents were destroyed this morning. :mad:
I couldn’t agree with you more… We, as parents, have the responsibility to shield our innocent children from the horrors of the world until it’s appropriate to discuss with them. I’d be mad, too. Your kids were too young to have to hear that.

As an aside to what other posters have mentioned here, I don’ think this kind of photos accomplish what you are looking for. In fact, I suggest that it does more harm than good. The photos simply inure the viewer to the terrible images, and they will likely dismiss the protestor with a passing thought that they must be mentally ill. I suggest the posstive approach seems much more effective from what I have observed.
And this is a major point of this debate. We feel it is necessary to use the most effective means possible to stop the murder of these children.

Again, showing these to children are not the goal but if a child is there, saving a life comes first.
It seems we can’t get past the idea that a bad result is not always due to a bad action. Good actions may have unintended bad results. Such results do not mean the actions were wrong or should never be carried out.
Now this is interesting, because you are talking here to someone who has changed sides. I was “pro-choice” for practically forever. I looked at what seems like it must have been a million pix of dead babies, & it never did a thing to make me pro-life. In fact, just the opposite:
For decades, the strongest single force convincing me that abortions were acceptable in some circumstances, was the fact of all you pro-life people & your “dead baby” pictures. It made me believe that you didn’t believe what you were preaching. Because, if you did, you would have had enough respect for the dead, not to slap their pix up on posters & bulletin boards!!
And you are one person. Again, because you believe one way doesn’t make it so for the population at large.
So, what changed me? I saw a sonogram. A single, B&W, still of a living baby in her mother’s womb. Just one. And I joined the prolife camp.
Again, this is you. Nobody has a problem with showing the beautiful in utero pictures. I think it’s quite funny that you must have never seen these pictures before the sonogram because they were used long before the graphic ones and along side with the graphic ones. How come they didn’t change your view then?
Further: Having been on the other side, I can tell you exactly what your opponents think when you haul out the posters. They think what I thought back then…That you’re all a bunch of hypocrites, who “love babies” so much that you use pictures of dead ones to advance an agenda.
Actually, I doubt that’s true in most cases. Memos obtained from pro-abortion forces and people who have inflitrated their meetings have heard from the horses mouth that they do not like these pictures because they are effective against their cause. Like I said, the decision to use these pictures was not made on a whim. There are people who have spent far more time studying this issue than either you or I could ever imagine. You are speaking from emotion and they are speaking from fact.
Further: They think (& tell people!) that those “probably aren’t even real pictures anyway”. That “they were faked” to put a guilt trip on people. That “most of them are pix from the vet’s office, of aborted animal fetuses”. Or of “wax dolls”.
Yes, this is what they try and say. That said, however, mothers who are going to the clinics are touched by these pictures.
This is why I feel so strongly against the pix of aborted babies. Because if I had never seen one, I would have moved over to your side of the moral fence years–decades–sooner than I did.
You’re logic here fails me. You didn’t switch sides because people showed disrespect for the dead. This, of course, seems a little odd because you are saying that they were dead. This is why you should have been against it.
I don’t for one second believe that:nope: I am alone. I’ve heard too many comments to the contrary.
How often are you out on the streets in front of places where they kill babies? How many times have you done sidewalk counseling? I’ve asked these questions before of those who are against the graphic signs but haven’t heard an answer yet.
That’s why I have to repeat: The mangled remains pictures don’t work! In fact, they work against you. The only people I have known to be affected by them as you expect are other pro-life people, & little children.
Well, I provided more than one link to people who disagree with you.
You know what you need to hold up?? Try these:

Now** there** are some pictures that say, “Look at what you’re doing!! Look at whom you’re killing!!”
And no traumatized children in the process
I’ve held up both. I actually think it works best when they are used together. I don’t think you’ll find anyone here that thinks the beautiful pictures are bad to use. You will find, if you attend the clinics often, that you will have some moved by one picture and some moved by another. It also seems to matter at what point the people are in their decision making process. If they’ve just found out they’re pregnant, the beautiful ones seem to work. If they are on their way in for their abortion appointment, the graphic ones seem to be more effective. Unfortunately, on any given day, you will have both kinds. Not one. This is why they are both necessary.
Actually, I doubt that’s true in most cases. Memos obtained from pro-abortion forces and people who have inflitrated their meetings have heard from the horses mouth that they do not like these pictures because they are effective against their cause. Like I said, the decision to use these pictures was not made on a whim. There are people who have spent far more time studying this issue than either you or I could ever imagine. You are speaking from emotion and they are speaking from fact.
Would you please provide the source for this. (the highlighted part in red). Because I’ve heard this said before, but have yet to see the proof…it’s always stated as fact, but the only “evidence” I’ve ever seen to back this up before was a pro-lifer who “claimed” they saw it. I’d really like to see some hard unbiased stats or something to back this claim up. Thanks.
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