… Why do anti-abortion signs have to be so graphic? … While leaving the hospital there were anti-abortion picketer with signs saying abortion kills. They even had blown up images of post-aborted babies. The images were enough to make me turn away, seeing a child dismembered is awful. My children wanted to know why those babies were “cut up”. … I had to have the “talk” with my 4 and 5 year-old, … Should they be forced to see such graphic images? Should parents be forced to explain such things to their kids? … Modern technology is wonderful.
There are wonderful 4D ultrasound pictures that show babies ALIVE … I think that these anti-abortion picketers should do away with their post-abortion images, and use pre-abortion images such as these 4D ultrasound pictures. … It gets the same message across without destroying the innocent of children. … if my kids saw a 4D ultrasound picture, I could just tell them that a picture of baby inside the mommy’s tummy. … My children innocents were destroyed this morning. …
I learned the word “abortion” when I was an adolescent, while paging through a dictionary, and quite honestly could have done without the experience altogether; additionally, my fiance at the time that I was eighteen, and she seventeen, chose not only on her own, but with her parents the abortion of our child, which I opposed from the beginning of our relationship to her knowledge.
You sound very confused between the meaning of the words “innocence” and “ignorance”. Neither your childs, nor your innocence were destroyed after viewing these images: I think your situation rather sad that you failed to act promptly toward your children by protecting their vision with your hand, and instructing them to look down at the pavement, not at the signs, but someplace where there vision would remain blocked: my mother always did this with my sister and I in movie theaters, in public, etc., and we were quite obedient at very young ages such as four, and five.
To some extent I think that your viewpoint to stop the display of these images that are very graphic to stop abortion is against forum rules, because you are assuming that you recognize what other people need.
You and your children remain innocent after having viewed these images, because neither you, nor they: giving you the benefit of the doubt, have been supportive of abortion. Opposition to these images promotes ignorance. It is your ignorance, and theirs about abortion that has been destroyed.
Your view about the 4D images is correct: they show a living unborn child. They do nothing to promote the reality, the truth of what is abortion. You very naively think that this will somehow prevent abortions. What you fail to understand and perhaps not through any fault of your own, but I find difficulty accepting this: assuming you are a Catholic, you are obligated to have learned something about your faith, and given the the three-and-a-half decades, which have resulted in abortions that have decreased the population of the US by at least thirteen percent; I would say, you at this point should have learned quite a bit about abortion just from its existence as part of our American culture and the epitome of a woman’s right, of the Equal Rights Amendment. What I mean to say is this, abortion is a reality both bloody, and brutal, euphemistically portrayed as compassionate to the plight of a mother, and of a father.
Abortuses are shown to the benefit of society: they destroy any ignorance about what has happened to a baby as a consequence of abortion. Your support of 4D images does nothing to educate people about abortion, and its effects; it only supports the reason many women, and men, support the choice for abortion–to end a human life, a pregnancy. There are those who support abortion even after a child has been born.
There is no escape from the reality of terrifying elements within our culture. You should support your child being protected, and yourself included, against this terror by recognizing the very clear need that we must be educated about conception, about human life and its developement, and the effects of what means surgically, pharmaceudically, and other means too that destroy human life in the womb.
It is sad: your children were exposed to this horror that our US Supreme Court has legalized as a woman’s choice. It is sadder still people view the education provided by these images as a threat not to ignorance, but to innocence.
P.S. From a standpoint of business, the graphic nature of these pictures demonstrate the end result of a service provided in the same manner any business will often depict either goods, or services provided. In anycase, the images are designated as non-profit educational. Hospitals by means of abortions provide the service, yeilding an abortus. More than an appropriate location, and well within First Amendment rights. Maybe you will be quicker to block your children’s vision in the future.