Why do anti-abortion signs

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Kristopher, Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree abortion has many victims. … May I suggest you contact Silent No More if you haven’t already. …
Thank you, Rosalinda, I will get in touch with them. You are welcome, for having shared my experience. I am always astounded by the reach of abortion in other peoples lives: We would without abortion have a population thirteen percent larger than what it is today, and when we consider the relations to those who have abortions, well over fifty-percent of this nation is related by familial ties, or ties of friendship to someone that has chosen an abortion–this always amazes me.
I have and I in a lot of ways agree with Fr. However, I believe, that the selection of picture used should be better! I can show at least 4 pictures of aborted babies, that are not bloody or show babies all “cut up”. Seeing a baby all “cut up” is what upset my children.

Here are just some examples of aborted babies:


It gets the same message, but in “less-graphic” way. I don’t think we need to use the images of babies all “cut-up” to have the same affect…. especially seeing there are other children that could be seeing these pictures. Their innocents should also be protected.

Now would of the less graphic images made a difference for my children. Yes, I believe so….they would of just been sad that the baby died……not scared to death….my children are just plain scared and there is nothing I can do about it.

It’s nice that your children have not been traumatized. However, it’s not so great for me. It’s heart breaking that my 4 year-old didn’t want to go to sleep to night, over the fear of having bad dreams. It’s upsetting that my 5 year-old felt that he should sleep on his sister bedroom floor tonight to “help her” stay safe. I don’t believe it worth risking trauma to a child. As a Catholic-Christian, it is my understanding that I’m supposes to be protecting the innocents and lives of ALL Children!! Children in the womb and Children out of the womb!
I don’t know if you will see this post or not, Mommy of 2, but one thing you could do is call Dr. Ray Guarendi, or write to him. It could be a long wait to talk to him on his show on either EWTN radio, or Relevant Radio (if it airs in your area). He is a family thereapist and listens Very Very Well, and is funny, to boot. He would treat your problem seriously and offer good advice to help you cope.

One other thing, you could call your local pro-life group and let them know you and your children were disturbed by the photos and how that affected your life. Offer your suggestions, make a donation (if possible) and let them know you are praying for an end to abortion. Let your children know you did this and I think them knowing you did something about trying to help will also help them. They can pray; you can get notices on when babies ARE saved through the pro-life group that does sidewalk counseling and rejoice when that happens. You might buy an outfit to donate for a Baby Jesus shower that some churches have at Christmas time (but the clothing would be welcome any time of year I’m sure).

In your prayers, ask Jesus to lift their anxiety and shield them from the horror of abortion. They will probably forget if you don’t keep perpetuating the horrible part. Like you said, focus on the positive!

God bless,
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