I have and I in a lot of ways agree with Fr. However, I believe, that the selection of picture used should be better! I can show at least 4 pictures of aborted babies, that are not bloody or show babies all “cut up”. Seeing a baby all “cut up” is what upset my children.
Here are just some examples of aborted babies:
It gets the same message, but in “less-graphic” way. I don’t think we need to use the images of babies all “cut-up” to have the same affect…. especially seeing there are other children that could be seeing these pictures. Their innocents should also be protected.
Now would of the less graphic images made a difference for my children. Yes, I believe so….they would of just been sad that the baby died……not scared to death….my children are just plain scared and there is nothing I can do about it.
It’s nice that your children have not been traumatized. However, it’s not so great for me. It’s heart breaking that my 4 year-old didn’t want to go to sleep to night, over the fear of having bad dreams. It’s upsetting that my 5 year-old felt that he should sleep on his sister bedroom floor tonight to “help her” stay safe. I don’t believe it worth risking trauma to a child. As a Catholic-Christian, it is my understanding that I’m supposes to be protecting the innocents and lives of ALL Children!! Children in the womb and Children out of the womb!