Yeah, how’s stuff going over there? Looking forward to chatting more with you once all the drudgery is over, and you’re in my thoughts as well
Very much so. Notwithstanding my mock-serious answer above, though, it often seems that those of other religions or none at all are called to justify themselves when they
respond to just such a proclamation of binding truth or allegations about their beliefs.
Case in point – a Catholic posts that, oh, let’s find a good can of worms, gay marriage should be illegal; a non-Catholic (or even a Catholic who doesn’t care for enforcing Church morality on non-members) replies that the Church can do what it likes about Catholic marriages, but would it kindly keep its nose out of others’ business; cue the respondent getting jumped on. Suddenly everyone wants the respondent to justify his or her position, but usually the original poster is never called out on it unless more people who disagree jump into the fray, by which point the thread’s usually deteriorated into a sorry mess of flames, insults, character assaults, the whole nine yards.
Same thing happens if a Catholic posts a thread on the subject of ‘all atheists are X’, ‘Islam preaches Y’, and so on and on. It’s the people who attempt to respond to whatever allegations or proclamations – usually non-Catholics, but also a number of fine, upstanding members of the Church – who get called out, not the OP. For all the blather about charity that goes on, it’s telling and disappointing that conduct rule #7 is merely ‘Non-Catholics are welcome to participate but must be respectful of the faith of the Catholics participating on the board’, rather than ‘everybody must be respectful of the faith or unbelief of others participating’. It’s a sad double standard that seems to be thoroughly entrenched in the culture here, and one I’ve been pushing to change as best I can.