Why do people say Unity is good

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So there is unity in the agreement the US became tyrannical. But diversity within.
The tyranny of the federal government, when it exists, is built upon many diverse forces competing for power at the highest level. That is why when one party gets into power, it will do everything it can to divide the people, to stress the advantages of diversity, and to promote class warefare between the haves and the have-nots.

The only way to combat this breakdown of unity that threatens the advance of civil strife and even civil war or revolution, is to restore the respect for the rule of law. That is, to restore respect for the Constitution, which is a force for national unity. If either party flaunts the Constitution and acts against it, or acts as if it can be dispensed with at will, then you have the breakdown of law and order, the breakdown of respect for freedoms and rights, and the breakdown of national unity.

We saw enough of that in the Civil War of 1861-65.
I agree. The devil would have us believe secular humanism is the ideal, and it would be all the more ideal if it were universal.

But that would be to divide us from God, and ultimately from each other under the illusion that secular pluralism is better than Christian humanism.
My understanding is that there is no such thing as Christian Humanism -only Christian Humanitarianism… Humanism is the placement of human beings as the primary focus of all that is good. Humanitarianism is charitable works of mercy for whatever reason including the idea that it is Gods will.

IOW, Humanism excludes God while Humanitarianism includes God.
I’m not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate? Thanks. 🙂
First, do you believe that reality has infinite forms?

Second, good bring minds together so they have chance to find the points they have in common.

Third, evil scatters minds so they have the chance to deliberate freely and find the new form.

Fourth, the ideas has the chance to develop through the confrontation of good and evil then.
The tyranny of the federal government, when it exists, is built upon many diverse forces competing for power at the highest level. That is why when one party gets into power, it will do everything it can to divide the people, to stress the advantages of diversity, and to promote class warefare between the haves and the have-nots.

The only way to combat this breakdown of unity that threatens the advance of civil strife and even civil war or revolution, is to restore the respect for the rule of law. That is, to restore respect for the Constitution, which is a force for national unity. If either party flaunts the Constitution and acts against it, or acts as if it can be dispensed with at will, then you have the breakdown of law and order, the breakdown of respect for freedoms and rights, and the breakdown of national unity.

We saw enough of that in the Civil War of 1861-65.
So your saying we have this God given right to combat this breakdown of unity that threatens the advance of civil strife and even civil war or revolution, is to restore the respect for the rule of law. We are all still in agreement, and even if your not sure its tyrannical, but we’re sure? First sentence of the Constitution-Life. At least it should be stopped in it tracks to assess what truly appears to be a failing plan? So say you or I partake, or we on this, what part of the whole is agreeable where tolerance then should be reached all the way around? There can be no diversity of unity on this point but agreement. In other words you cant be like occupy wall-street and have no clue where we would compromise. So if I am to start with the highest standard and we will call it 10. How much should I compromise and why? Thus what are exactly the points. If you didn’t plan on winning we wouldn’t be at this part of the conversation, so don’t sell yourself short. 🙂
First, do you believe that reality has infinite forms?

Second, good bring minds together so they have chance to find the points they have in common.

Third, evil scatters minds so they have the chance to deliberate freely and find the new form.

Fourth, the ideas has the chance to develop through the confrontation of good and evil then.
Here’s what I believe:

I believe in string theory, in that we live in a 3-dimensional universe that is a holographic image of a 4 or 5-D reality. The “strings” are like beams of the true reality which is from God in heaven…

In Heaven, there are other senses aside from hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling that we are currently unaware of in this universe because God hasn’t granted those graces to us yet. Once we die, judged upon our deeds here, He will choose to either send us to the one pure reality that is heaven, or he will dispose of us in the inferno, where the only senses we will be left with are the unpleasant ones such as fear, sorrow, pain, etc.

…so I guess I believe in one reality. And where we are now is a limited form of that one reality. I’m not one who believes that either unity or division are evil or good -just parts or “strings” of the one true reality.
Here’s what I believe:

I believe in string theory, in that we live in a 3-dimensional universe that is a holographic image of a 4 or 5-D reality. The “strings” are like beams of the true reality which is from God in heaven…

In Heaven, there are other senses aside from hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling that we are currently unaware of in this universe because God hasn’t granted those graces to us yet. Once we die, judged upon our deeds here, He will choose to either send us to the one pure reality that is heaven, or he will dispose of us in the inferno, where the only senses we will be left with are the unpleasant ones such as fear, sorrow, pain, etc.

…so I guess I believe in one reality. And where we are now is a limited form of that one reality. I’m not one who believes that either unity or division are evil or good -just parts or “strings” of the one true reality.
String theory as far as I know is completely left with those who invented it since it is a theory that cannot explain our universe.
I just don’t understand how Unity brings us closer to our creator. :confused:
If this is too difficult to understand, just trust the Lord when he says:

“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word, that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou has sent me.” - John 17:20-21

“Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one flock, one shepherd.” (John 10:16).
If this is too difficult to understand, just trust the Lord when he says:

“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word, that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou has sent me.” - John 17:20-21

“Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one flock, one shepherd.” (John 10:16).
In no way does the Holy Church teach, or even suggest that unity be boundless. We need to read all the teachings and form our Catholic conscience from there. Otherwise I could simply cherry pick bible verses myself…

Matthew 10
For I have come to set
a man ‘against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
and one’s enemies will be those of his household."

…this verse suggests that Jesus came to advocate for both individualism and division.
String theory as far as I know is completely left with those who invented it since it is a theory that cannot explain our universe.
From what I’ve been told, some Jewish sects teach that there are other senses in heaven that we don’t possess here. Also, the theory doesn’t conflict with Catholic teachings -so I’m fine with it. 🙂
Great empires come and go, and most thought it would never happen to them. America has turned into a morally corrupt human profiting enterprise which includes mass warehousing and worldwide…Corrupt. They suggest we are overpopulated and the US is growing as the resources are diminishing here and intentionally I would add.
In no way does the Holy Church teach, or even suggest that unity be boundless. We need to read all the teachings and form our Catholic conscience from there. Otherwise I could simply cherry pick bible verses myself…

Matthew 10
For I have come to set
a man ‘against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
and one’s enemies will be those of his household."

…this verse suggests that Jesus came to advocate for both individualism and division.
I’m thinking that in this passage Jesus knows he is starting a radical movement toward redemption that in all families many will accept, and many others will resist. So it’s inevitable that enmity will develop at first, but it surely is not the intent of the Lord that this enmity is to be radical and lasting, since he is after all the Prince of Peace. 👍
Great empires come and go, and most thought it would never happen to them. America has turned into a morally corrupt human profiting enterprise which includes mass warehousing and worldwide…Corrupt. They suggest we are overpopulated and the US is growing as the resources are diminishing here and intentionally I would add.
I don’t disagree that America has been radically corrupted. Masses of Americans and their leaders have been thoroughly corrupted in their morals by the Radical Left. But in few other ancient or modern societies have there been so many Constitutional ways to remedy that corruption as there are in the American system. If we ever believe the corruption is beyond correction, then sit back and wait for the flooding tide to wash over and drown us all, we truly are lost.
Great empires come and go, and most thought it would never happen to them. America has turned into a morally corrupt human profiting enterprise which includes mass warehousing and worldwide…Corrupt. They suggest we are overpopulated and the US is growing as the resources are diminishing here and intentionally I would add.
…so what started out as a confederation (see our first constitution) has evolved into a federal nation which then morphed into a global ideology based on profiteering. Would you agree?

…and this global ideological union is attempting to dominate all that it can, in every corner of the world, treading over anything that stands in it’s way? Could it be?

If so, that’s not the kind of unity we should be rooting for.
…so what started out as a confederation (see our first constitution) has evolved into a federal nation which then morphed into a global ideology based profiteering. Would you agree?

…and this global ideological union is attempting to dominate all that it can, in every corner of the world, treading over anything that stands in it’s way? Could it be?
And depletion is setting in and America can’t sustain, its mass extinction from there, we are not replenishing our own financial system times natural resources. Frankly we are in dept and running further into depth while exploiting whoever we can. Are we done with the credit yet?
…so what started out as a confederation (see our first constitution) has evolved into a federal nation which then morphed into a global ideology based on profiteering. Would you agree?
Our first confederation after the Revolution failed because it left the states too weak to act in a strong way with a national government. John Adams was told this by a British profiteer who delighted in playing the individual states off against each other, and thus being able to purchase American made products at the lowest price. It was not long after this that the Constitutional Convention was convened for the purpose of creating a national government that would protect the states collectively while being subservient to their individually elected representatives in the federal government. It was believed this balance of powers would last forever. To a degree it has.

However, the balance of powers is presently in jeopardy as the federal government controls increasingly more and more of the people’s taxes, and with impunity racks up debts the people cannot pay off. This is federal government run amok, not acting with unity for the people’s interest, but with greed for themselves.

Again, it all comes down to morals … and as respect for religion disintegrates, so does the nation.
We are much to excessive and the cut-backs are for sure coming, we’ll probably wait till we are staring into the bottom of the glass. At that point it easier to recognize and assess the situation correctly. We can correct this here.

The global I think is a disaster plan. We are talking about air and running out of water.
TEPO you may seeing this better because of the water issues in Calif. Could be the natural process of the earth and when we are not in balance the natural extermination to statistically maintain is probably in effect.

Hard to imagine no water and oil.
And depletion is setting in and America can’t sustain, its mass extinction from there, we are not replenishing our own financial system times natural resources. Frankly we are in dept and running further into depth while exploiting whoever we can. Are we done with the credit yet?
Well, when Rome began to collapse Germanic Arian pagan tribes such as the Ostrogoths moved in quickly to seize the empire as fast as they could. It would only make sense that if the US falls, the East will move in quickly… China has already been buyin our debt, so we sort of ‘owe’ them trillions of dollars as it is.

China has a history of stepping on toes. That’s what they’re doing to Taiwan right now with military force.

…maybe Obama and the left are unifying us in paganism to prep us for our new Communist Pagan leadership. 🤷 perhaps Europe is prepping for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover… 🤷

I’m sure the elites have made some sort of arrangements to maintain some sort of shared yet peaceful authoritarian power.
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