Well, between the welfare, food-stamps, unemployment and financial stability it seems clear people by large don’t really see the issue, many believe in this administration. Many people feel we would fair better on a larger scale of world intervention. Many don’t care and the rest are chasing pleasure…me.me.me.me, When you only care about yourself its no secret others can be objectified and people are immune to this. Its the going teaching in the USA objectify and exploit. And its so ingrained the mass is being objectified and exploited and don’t see it, should be no surprise. Why would they object to their own lifestyle?Or reverting back to an earlier stage of our human development … neanderthalism.![]()
We don’t have time,
“The elitist organization, which meets on an annual basis in either Europe, the United States or Canada, is comprised of some of the most powerful heavyweights of industry, banking, politics, royalty, academia and technology. Last year, the likes of Jeff Bezos, Timothy Geithner, Christine Lagarde, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and British Prime Minister David Cameron were all in attendance”.
I believe the individual goal of the country was compromised by personal agenda and while I appreciate their concern they need to be removed from the social political arena of at least US politics.
Occupy wall street wasn’t wrong in pointing out this issue. They were by large puppets without understanding of the dynamics or solutions. But they correctly identified the issue.
Look at our secular public education vs social service-medical. Its a horror show. We continue to say “its all right” look at Africa and such and such. I’m not concerned with comparative nonsense. Results, and none have been forth coming, a fictitious bone is thrown at the public intentional to insure any doubts they might have while picking up their food stamps. We turned the corner and this or that is better. Its all a lie which to listen to will seal your fate.
And the penal system, is all profit orientated. We intentionally introduce these people to institutional abuse and trauma and its about blood money, just as the abortion is.
Listen here’s the problem, which I refuse to listen too, is that people are under the impression this will be a slow decline with time to adjust. We do not know that, and in fact change could occur overnight and could be as drastic as stepping off a cliff. You may go to the bank in the AM and your dollars may be converted to monopoly money.
Most people who participate here to any degree understand, they are informed. This just isn’t so for a good of our population. And the blind is who is being appealed to, racial, poverty, medial, gay rights, are all good agendas incorrectly promoted to serve the larger agenda.
The US will be a very different place in 2-decades and the US will be destroyed as we have known it. This will be a police state and civil war will come, and unfortunately there will be much more suffering to come.
An than there is the other side of ignorance which embrace the plan and thinks Iran should drop a few nuclear makeshift bombs in a US city or two.
For someone in there 20’s or so. I would be gravely concerned over the life you will living here in 2-decades and leaving for the children. You won’t be able to ignore and withdraw and pretend your little world is fine.