I think it is all Satan’s plans. Satan wants Christians to fight, so we can all blame each other. This will bring down God’s love. To me it really doesn’t matter which church, all i know God wants me to be part of his loving church, and to obey his commandment and follow his son The Lord Jesus, and that is what i am suppose to do. Im here to bring all the church together, and to stop SATAN from spreading hatred among as CHRISTIANS. We are all God’s children. Just remember to Walk in love.
God Bless~
I don’t think its right to say someone’s conversion is well Satan’s plans… I’m not sure how that’s spreading the love no offense. I do’nt think its right to say that we are spreading hatred among Christians but converting…
In all honesty, it was my belief iin the fact that Christians needed to stop fighting and loving each other which frankly led me right to the Catholic Church… I studied theology for three years at a Protestant seminary. I know theology (I’m not dumb). What bothers me is Christians not agreeing on what I think should be objective issues, and issues which the Bible places a lot of importance on.
For example, Scripture says there is one faith, and one Baptism…Yet, Protestants don’t recognize each other’s baptisms… Infant baptism or adult baptism… Mode? Is it necessary? You may say that’s a non essential, but Scripture says there’s one baptism. IT’s pretty serious when Christians have to rebaptize…
Then there’s the issue of Communion which is suppose to represent the body of Christ, or unity. Yet Protestants in and of themselves cannot agree on what it means, and they cannot all take communion together. A Lutheran who believes in the Real Presence in all honesty cannot take Communion with those who don’t…These are pretty serious issues, and frankly they should be pretty objective ones too…Especially the whole communion issue.
But since there is no authority in Protestantism, each man ends up choosing for themselves, and you have the variety of differences of opinion… Differences which have a scandal in the Christian name.
Now, do I think that Catholics could be in someways more loving to Protestants, well I could be I know that…And the catechism says that both sides bare responsibilty, I agree. But we cannot and must not ignore the fact that there are three branches of Christianity (I’m leaving out the smaller Oriental orthodox branches) 2 major branches the Roman Catholics/Eastern Orthodox have a common creed and are in a lot of agreement with each other. The Oriental orthodox are in agreement on most issues wtih the Catholics/Orthodox too.
And then there are the Protestants, who only make up 1/3 of Christianity, but in all honesty are the cause of the most division… I mean no offense but followers of Luther can’t agree on how to follow Luther. Wesly’s followers can’t agree on how to follow Wesley, and the Calvinists aren’t agreeing on how to interpert Calvin. And the Pentecostals have their divisions as well. Much less, get these people to agree on the Bible…It seems like the only thing the Protestants really agree on is that Catholicism is wrong…
For me, I want to be part of the historical faith… I felt like if I were to remain Protestant, I would have to create my own religion. Because I found inspite of the vast array of Protestant denominations out there, I couldn’t find a single one where I was in 100% agreement with.