Why do Protestants become Catholic?

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Well in many ways being a Baptist would be easier. You get to ignore the first 1500 years of church history, your pastor gets to decide what Scripture means, and you don’t have to worry about that sin stuff since your’e already saved.
It’s even better than that. You get to decide what Scripture means, and then you go out and find a pastor who agrees with you.
You’ve got that precisely backward. People who leave the Church know nothing about it. People coming in can’t learn enough about it.

My (ex) girlfriend recently decided to take the plunge–this is a girl who was fed scripture with a firehose for 27 years.
I echo this sentiment completely! Everyone I know who has converted to the Catholic Church from the Evangelical church has done huge amounts of study, pouring thru the Church Fathers, reading everything they can get their hands on to try to convince themselves that the Catholic Church is not the true Church founded by Jesus - because it would be so much easier to stay Protestant!

The ironic thing is that I started my study of Catholicism because a friend was considering converting to the Catholic Church. We were both active in our Evangelical church, helping w/ the youth ministry. I was sure I could “find holes” in her arguments - but after years of study, fasting and praying, imploring the Lord to show me the truth, she is Catholic and I am, too!

Protestants who convert to the Catholic Church are seekers of Truth who will follow the Way, the Truth, and the Light, even when they are taken very far out of their comfort zones!
Why? History. Authority. The Eucharist. Seeing how scriptual the Catholic Church really is and how much sense it makes. Not to mention that the Holy Spirit tugged at my heart and led me to cross the Tiber. Just took me a while to listen. :rolleyes: And those are just a “few” reasons. I read alot of books before I decided to take the swim, so it wasn’t on a whim or because I like the “smells and bells”. Knowing that the Catholic Church (and Orthodox) had the Real Presence, how could I not want to be apart.

Can’t wait to finally Cross the Tiber this Easter Vigil! 😃
There is one reason and one reason alone: because Catholicism is TRUE.
I think it is all Satan’s plans. Satan wants Christians to fight
I agree.
We are all God’s children.
Is this Catholic teaching/doctrine/belief? I realize the poster is now a Protestant, just wondering if it is a belief the Catholic Church holds to.

As for a Fundamentalist, we believe not everyone is a child of God, just those who accept God the Father’s Son as their Savior…then you become a child of God. Just curious.
I was wondering if you could tell me some of the major reasons why a Protestant, Evangelical, or Fundamentalist converts to the Roman Catholic Church. Thank you! 🙂
The difficulty of explaining “why I am a Catholic” is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.–G.K. Chesterton chesterton.org/gkc/theologian/whycatholic.htm
Maybe because they do not know any better!

forever baptist
Sorry to hijack your thread, figure. But I just wanted to note that I have heard nothing but one-liners from allischalmers. One-liners with zero substance.

Back to the program… 🙂
I agree.

Is this Catholic teaching/doctrine/belief? I realize the poster is now a Protestant, just wondering if it is a belief the Catholic Church holds to.

As for a Fundamentalist, we believe not everyone is a child of God, just those who accept God the Father’s Son as their Savior…then you become a child of God. Just curious.
Serva? I thought you used to be catholic? Catechism of the Catholic Church par 830-848 is pretty detailed. You ask alot of questions about the Church you once belonged to, but forget that you can find a lot of your answers just by picking up the catechism.

Also, I am asking you and just you, malachi. What is a “fundamentalist”?
Just curious
The good thing about being Protestant is that you have 33,000 different denominations and dogmas from which to choose.

Who said “variety is the spice of life???”

However, if you are looking for the TRUTH:
1 Tim. 3:15 The TRUTH is the Church.

The one started by Jesus Christ.

I was wondering if you could tell me some of the major reasons why a Protestant, Evangelical, or Fundamentalist converts to the Roman Catholic Church. Thank you! 🙂
Most people do it because they are seeking something deeper in their eyes, a deeper relationship with God and Christ. Whatever church they are in isn’t cutting it for them. Mainly people recognize that Christ established a church and start digging into history to find it. When they do they find the catholic church.

This isn’t a slam against other faiths, so don’t take it that way. The question was specific to those who convert and what some of their possible motivations are. And it certainly isn’t easy for them, usually quite the contrary. They have a sincere desire to seek God in intimacy.

It doesn’t get more intimate than meeting Christ in the reception of the Eucharist. And a rich prayer life.

Peace and God Bless
Maybe because they do not know any better!

forever baptist
Or maybe because they humbled themselves and realized that knowledge (gnosis) isn’t the way to God.

Peace and God Bless
Is this Catholic teaching/doctrine/belief? I realize the poster is now a Protestant, just wondering if it is a belief the Catholic Church holds to.
As for a Fundamentalist, we believe not everyone is a child of God, just those who accept God the Father’s Son as their Savior…then you become a child of God. Just curious.
Is it fundamental teaching that we are not all made in the image of God?

Gen 9:6: Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image.

There are those who do evil but all men enamate from God. Christ came to save them because God loves even them. As far as I am aware life does not emanate from Satan, though he can corrupt people.

Mt 5:44: But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45: so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Now children are too young to accept Jesus as their savior. Under fundamentalist view, sinse it is required that they accept Jesus to be children of God (if they are not made in the image of God) are they of sons of their father the devil?

Peace and God Bless
I think it is all Satan’s plans. Satan wants Christians to fight, so we can all blame each other. This will bring down God’s love. To me it really doesn’t matter which church, all i know God wants me to be part of his loving church, and to obey his commandment and follow his son The Lord Jesus, and that is what i am suppose to do. Im here to bring all the church together, and to stop SATAN from spreading hatred among as CHRISTIANS. We are all God’s children. Just remember to Walk in love. 👍

God Bless~
Satans plan started in the 1500s when Protestants turned their backs on the One True Chruch. All we Catholics, as the keepers of the faith, can do is loudly proclaim the TRUTH and pray for the return of our seperated bretheren.
And it certainly isn’t easy for them, usually quite the contrary. They have a sincere desire to seek God in intimacy.

It doesn’t get more intimate than meeting Christ in the reception of the Eucharist. And a rich prayer life.

Peace and God Bless
Just wanted to say, how right you are. It isn’t easy for alot of us who convert from our former Protestant faiths. (I was a Southern Baptist). Alot of my family is Anti-Catholic and very opinionated. When I first told my parents, they acted like I had joined a satanic cult or something. So, no, converting isn’t easy. We face rejection, coolness of affection by family members, ect. And all because we have followed what the Lord has lead us to. Then again, He did warn his followers about rejeciton. We’re in good company.
I agree.

Is this Catholic teaching/doctrine/belief? I realize the poster is now a Protestant, just wondering if it is a belief the Catholic Church holds to.

As for a Fundamentalist, we believe not everyone is a child of God, just those who accept God the Father’s Son as their Savior…then you become a child of God. Just curious.
The Church’s teachings follow the Bible:
John 1:12-13 - But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God.

Those that are baptized through the Grace of God become Children of God!!! Anyone, ANYONE, who is baptized with water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a child of God.

Thanks for asking!

I came to the catholic church because I could no longer accept the contradictions of sola scriptura.

I went to RCIA with my wife. During that time I sought out a protestant message board to help my prove why catholicism was wrong. The first thing I noticed was they misrepresented catholic teaching. I was all for criticizing the church, I just wanted it criticized for the right reasons. That made me a catholic sympathizer.

Then next thing I noticed was that no two protestants believed the same thing. Some believed in predestination, others didn’t . Some believed in the necessity of baptism, others didn’t. Some believed “once saved, always saved” others didn’t. No one would answer my questions about who were the Christians descended from the apostles if it wasn’t the catholic church. They didn’t know, they were only confident that it wasn’t catholics. Vocimike was on that board, he might remember my conversion.

It got to the point that if I was going to believe the bible, I had to believe in the catholic church. Christ said the church would never fail. That only left the catholic church.
Just wanted to say, how right you are. It isn’t easy for alot of us who convert from our former Protestant faiths. … We face rejection, coolness of affection by family members, ect.
I was also afraid this would happen. My family went to church four times a week (between church services and bible studes) when I was growing up. My parents are very dedicated to their church.

Turned out I never need have worried (sadly, this isn’t true for all families). Although they don’t agree with all of catholic doctrine, my parents would rather I go to a catholic church than no church at all. They even went to the Easter vigil last year when I was received into the catholic church with my wife. 🙂
I think it is all Satan’s plans. Satan wants Christians to fight, so we can all blame each other. This will bring down God’s love. To me it really doesn’t matter which church, all i know God wants me to be part of his loving church, and to obey his commandment and follow his son The Lord Jesus, and that is what i am suppose to do. Im here to bring all the church together, and to stop SATAN from spreading hatred among as CHRISTIANS. We are all God’s children. Just remember to Walk in love. 👍

God Bless~
I don’t think its right to say someone’s conversion is well Satan’s plans… I’m not sure how that’s spreading the love no offense. I do’nt think its right to say that we are spreading hatred among Christians but converting…

In all honesty, it was my belief iin the fact that Christians needed to stop fighting and loving each other which frankly led me right to the Catholic Church… I studied theology for three years at a Protestant seminary. I know theology (I’m not dumb). What bothers me is Christians not agreeing on what I think should be objective issues, and issues which the Bible places a lot of importance on.

For example, Scripture says there is one faith, and one Baptism…Yet, Protestants don’t recognize each other’s baptisms… Infant baptism or adult baptism… Mode? Is it necessary? You may say that’s a non essential, but Scripture says there’s one baptism. IT’s pretty serious when Christians have to rebaptize…

Then there’s the issue of Communion which is suppose to represent the body of Christ, or unity. Yet Protestants in and of themselves cannot agree on what it means, and they cannot all take communion together. A Lutheran who believes in the Real Presence in all honesty cannot take Communion with those who don’t…These are pretty serious issues, and frankly they should be pretty objective ones too…Especially the whole communion issue.

But since there is no authority in Protestantism, each man ends up choosing for themselves, and you have the variety of differences of opinion… Differences which have a scandal in the Christian name.

Now, do I think that Catholics could be in someways more loving to Protestants, well I could be I know that…And the catechism says that both sides bare responsibilty, I agree. But we cannot and must not ignore the fact that there are three branches of Christianity (I’m leaving out the smaller Oriental orthodox branches) 2 major branches the Roman Catholics/Eastern Orthodox have a common creed and are in a lot of agreement with each other. The Oriental orthodox are in agreement on most issues wtih the Catholics/Orthodox too.

And then there are the Protestants, who only make up 1/3 of Christianity, but in all honesty are the cause of the most division… I mean no offense but followers of Luther can’t agree on how to follow Luther. Wesly’s followers can’t agree on how to follow Wesley, and the Calvinists aren’t agreeing on how to interpert Calvin. And the Pentecostals have their divisions as well. Much less, get these people to agree on the Bible…It seems like the only thing the Protestants really agree on is that Catholicism is wrong…

For me, I want to be part of the historical faith… I felt like if I were to remain Protestant, I would have to create my own religion. Because I found inspite of the vast array of Protestant denominations out there, I couldn’t find a single one where I was in 100% agreement with.
I have to agree with the other converts who have posted here. There were so many reasons, and they came one at a time at first. Questioning for years why I couldn’t find a home in the Evangelical world, why I always felt something huge was missing in my Christian experience, wondering if there was ever going to be a way to find that one denomination who understood the Christian faith in it’s entire truth, and could prove it biblically and historically, not just back it up with opinion and weak arguments.

So the questions came slowly over time, but the answers, once they started coming, it was like a freight train coming right at you, it was big and there was nothing you could do to stop it. And you knew that this rondevouz with the train, well, your life was going to change forever.

When a Christian (or anyone for that matter) starts asking the Lord for help, because there has to be a way to know the Truth, (you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free) the Lord is going to show up and lead you in the right direction, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. And it will not be in the direction you expect, or want, trust me. But if Truth matters, more than anything else in your life, more than anyone else, then He will not leave you hanging. It’s what He is waiting for from each of us. A committment to Truth no matter the personal cost.

Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will open. Find the *Pearl of Great Price * and never let her go.
Has anyone said, because they want their family to all have the same faith? Whether or not this is the right reason to convert I know some people who have said, “my husband/wife was Catholic and it would be easier to raise our kids if our faith was the same.” I have also known Catholics become protestant for this reason too.

I know at first that this was my fiance’s sole reason for converting from a non-denominational church, she wanted us and our future family to all share the same faith. Now however her attitude is much different, and she told me that if she had known about the Church, she would have never not been Catholic.
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