Why do publishers give so much pride in RSV-CE and NABRE but not the Douay-Rheims

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Why do publishers give so much pride in RSV-CE and NABRE but not the Douay-Rheims? You can personalize a normal RSV-CE and NABRE with full color maps, notes and commentary. The only bibles that I can personalize of the Douay-Rheims are the Communion and Confirmation ones. Why is this?
I don’t think it’s pride as much as whether a translation is a legitimate business case. I surmise that most people want a Bible translated in more comprehensible contemporary English.
How about buying an old Douay-Rheims that has been forgotten and consigned to the resale heap because its owner died?
That would be a nice thing to do, and there are so many nice old Bibles.
You could even pray for the former owner.
How about calling Baronius Press and asking them if you could get one of their beautiful Douay Rheims Bibles personalized? They may be able to either do it, or tell you how you could get it done after you receive the Bible.
D-R isn’t from an era when personalized Bibles were “a thing.”

That’s probably why there isn’t the demand to make personalized versions available. I’m only guessing but that is my guess.

As for getting your name printed on it, we have a local engraver who will engrave onto books for a price. I don’t remember the price, but it was do-able. He would have engraved a name on a dictionary in gold letters if you wanted it.
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Yes, it certainly has historical significance. But it really is not a good translation imo. Never was. I find it hard to read, and not because if the older style English. Always assumed it was just me, among traditionally minded Catholics, I was the exception. Then I read Knox’s commentary on translating a Bible and it started to make sense.

But if you like it, great. But before I get flamed, Just for a test, read a few passages side by side with the King James. While I am not saying the King James is a good translation with regards to accuracy, you will see that one is an easier read than the other.
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Yes, it certainly has historical significance. But it really is not a good translation imo. Never was. I find it hard to read, and not because if the older style English. Always assumed it was just me, among traditionally minded Catholics, I was the exception. Then I read Knox’s commentary on translating a Bible and it started to make sense.

But if you like it, great. But before I get flamed, Just for a test, read a few passages side by side with the King James. While I am not saying the King James is a good translation with regards to accuracy, you will see that one is an easier read than the other.
Some say the DR is the Catholic equivalent of the King James. That idea is laughable.

The DR does not hold a candle to the King James Bible. The King James is beautiful English. The DR is Latin pretending to be English.
Probably because those are the two main occasions when a person will fork out for a hard back DR Bible and add on personalization as a gift.

My daughter received her DR from her godfather upon baptism. I’m not sure she uses it very often, but it’s a lovely keepsake. I think she uses a study bible that is easier to understand
Do you mean having your name stamped on the cover? There are businesses that do this, or, you can even buy leather stamping supplies and do it yourself.
Yes, it certainly has historical significance. But it really is not a good translation imo. Never was. I find it hard to read, and not because if the older style English. Always assumed it was just me, among traditionally minded Catholics, I was the exception. Then I read Knox’s commentary on translating a Bible and it started to make sense.

But if you like it, great. But before I get flamed, Just for a test, read a few passages side by side with the King James. While I am not saying the King James is a good translation with regards to accuracy, you will see that one is an easier read than the other.
I have a Douay-Rheims-Challoner, but in our study groups we use NRSV-CE. Even the KJV has been updated to have more modern English with the NKVJ. The Orthodox Study Bible uses the NKJV also.
I’m not a big fan of modernizing everything.
Fortunately, between my husband’s family and mine, I have enough old KJVs and old Douays that I’m covered.

If they need fixing up, there is a place down in Mississippi that will rebind them for me.

I like the old Douay that my parents got for a wedding gift. It’s not at all fancy as the Church was handing them out to all the newlywed couples all over the state of New York at that time, in hopes that they would read them. But it has a foreword by ol’ Cardinal Spellman and it reminds me to pray for him.
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My Bible collection is extensive with many that have deep sentimental value.

I need to start giving them to the Nieces who would appreciate them, my son is not much for sentimental (especially from relatives he never knew) and my Nephew is the same. Some Nieces are very much into family history.

Not a Bible, but, the copy of “In His Steps” that was presented to my paternal Grandfather at his ordination needs to go to someone who will treasure it.
I have zero family who would appreciate these Bibles, unless perhaps my husband’s nephew might want the Protestant family ones. It’s too soon to tell. I can already see his niece isn’t going to care.

My own will probably end up on eBay if they don’t end up at Goodwill.
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@Francisco_Fernando, you’re asking why a business doesn’t make a certain product available. The obvious people to ask would be the managers of the business. My guess is that they think there isn’t enough demand for it. If there were hundreds of people out there with money to spend on DRs with color maps and study notes, it’s a pretty fair bet the publishers would be aware of that fact and would take action accordingly. Maybe you can persuade them to change their minds.
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