And it is this kind of mentality that will keep abortion legal in the US. Just like the thread you started months ago, you show NO compassion for the women seeking an abortion and with that, you only confirm what the pro-aborts like to throw at the prolifers. You are hell-bent on punishing women with a prison sentence instead of focusing on WHO is providing the abortions. Try showing a fraction of the compassion you have for drug addicts towards the women that seek an abortion and you focus on punishing the providers, not the women who are obviously not in their right minds if they are aborting their own child!! Otherwise, you are only fueling the fire that the prochoice groups have in keeping abortion legal. You are an example of why prolifers shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to topics like this. In your zeal to “avenge the unborn”, you set the prolife movement back to the era that prochoicers love to haul out with their arguments for keeping it legal. Sorry, but that is what you are doing and it does the prolife movement NO GOOD! Please keep your mouth shut and you’ll get more done!The same punishment you would expect for any other child killer.